An enormous asteroid "the size of Carrauntoohil" is due to pass the Earth tonight.

1994 PC1 asteroid is due to pass close to Earth at around 9:50pm tonight.

It's a massive asteroid - around 1.1km in size, or taller than the world's tallest building the Burj Khalifi.

There's no need to panic though, as the asteroid will pass safely by Earth at a distance of 1.2 million miles.

Huge 1km-wide asteroid will pass by Earth today

Phew.......that was close........I almost felt the breeze from that sapsucker.
Merci Dalia,

A radioastronomer now in the Canary Islands, once told me that his first choice would be to work in Australia because of the unique views of the sky there.
At the Canary Islands installation, they search for exoplanets, planets that can potentially support life.
James Webb Telescope is 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope, enabling it to peer back to almost the beginning of time.
100 fois plus puissant que le telescope spatial Hubble, ce qui lui permet de remonter presque jusqu'au debut des temps.

By serendipity they visited the radioastronomer and badger2. Our Costa Rican female house-mate invited them.

We have lost track of them.
Nous avons perdu trace.

It was Albuquerque, New Mexico, around 1993, when an Aboriginal musical group who were performing in town came to the house after the show.
C'etait Albuquerque, au Nouveau-Mexique, vers 1993, lorsqu'un groupe musical autochtone qui joutait en ville est venu a la maison apres le spectacle.
C'est mon plaisir badger2 , l'univers est un sujet fascinant

We can’t imagine the end of the world but an asteroid could well hit the earth in the near future just as the end of the world announced in December 21, 2012 was not such a conspiracy in the end.
The July 2012 Solar Super Storm is a major solar storm that occurred on July 23, 2012, a week before Earth crossed the region into which the storm spread. If Earth had been hit, the material damage would have been extremely serious, especially with regard to all electronic equipment.

Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012 | Science Mission Directorate
Oui, le radioastronome m'a dit qu'ils tireraient une fusee pour briser l'asteroide entrant.
Yes, the radioastronomer told me that they would fire a rocket to break up the incoming asteroid.

Une fusee ne parviendrait pas a arreter cette tempete solaire.
A rocket would fail to stop this solar storm.

Dimorphos / NASA DART
To report on these planets. Someday Homo sapiens may inhabit one of them:

Hans Deeg Publications
'....2018: Nous presentons 44 planetes validees issues de la campagne d'observation 10$^\mathrm{th}$ de la mission $K2$ de la NASA, ainsi que des observations de suivi en spectroscopie haute resolution et imagerie de speckle.
We present 44 validated planets from the 10$^\mathrm{th}$ observing campaign of the NASA $K2$ mission, as well as high resolution spectroscopy and speckle imaging follow-up observations.

Ces 44 planetes provienennt d'un ensemble initial de 72 candidats selectionnes, que nous avvons soumis a un processus de validation incorporant des analyses au niveau de pixels, des analyses de courbes de lumiere....
These 44 planets come from an initial set of 72 vetted candidates, which we subjected to a validation process incorporating pixel-level analyses, light curve analyses....'

Au Revoir
Le telescope ete lance' le 25 decembre 2021 depuis Centre Spatial Guyanais. Jean-Luc Voyer: "Allez Webb!"
The telescope was launched on 25 December 2021 from the French Guiana Space Center. Jean-Luc Nancy declared, "Go Webb!"
Bonjour Dalia, Il y a un vieux panneau publicitaire a poster. Quel forum est votre fil pour cela?
Citizen scientists can assist professional astronomers to record asteroid data:
'....A similar telescope network has demonstrated success in supporting observations of asteroid occulation events as well as photometric light curves of asteroids, the shape and size of large main-belt asteroids, as well as the first ring around an asteroid.'

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