Why is a reality star our president?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
How did a one-term junior senator from Illinois with nothing to his credit but a well-delivered speech a few years earlier become our 4x president?
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
How did a one-term junior senator from Illinois with nothing to his credit but a well-delivered speech a few years earlier become our 4x president?

:desk: because he was black.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
Because career politicians much like professors can't make it in the real world… It's about time we tried something else
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
How did a one-term junior senator from Illinois with nothing to his credit but a well-delivered speech a few years earlier become our 4x president?
. Because of the idiot that came before him. It's the same result everytime when we get a do nothing politician for our president. The people try different strategies to get better results, but it doesn't always work out. We ended up with a softcore racist for president named Obama, and that was regrettable as we see now. Now we are trying with Trump, but not sure where this is going anymore either.
And you have a do nothing, know nothing Orange clown in there now. It has not changed a damn.

Orange clown who spends his days verbally bitch-slapping the filthy Left or a soft spoken scrawny negro with oversized ears and an un-American name who champions our bottom feeders and spends $10 trillion to fuck my kids over......hmmmm
I'll take the orange clown everyday....all day.
And you have a do nothing, know nothing Orange clown in there now. It has not changed a damn.

Orange clown who spends his days verbally bitch-slapping the filthy Left or a soft spoken scrawny negro with oversized ears and an un-American name who champions our bottom feeders and spends $10 trillion to fuck my kids over......hmmmm
I'll take the orange clown everyday....all day.

You got him belly up and take a uuuuuge bite.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
Blah blah blah, the reason we have Trump is simple, Hillary. When are you folks going to accept that?
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.

Actually a businessman is our president. He wasn't elected because of his stint on the Apprentice.

Other than that, good post.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.

There are many answers.

Arrogance. The arrogance that it doesn't matter who runs the country, the country will be okay whatever, and will still be number one forever without the need for such guidance.

I remember Real Madrid (soccer) thinking the same thing, and it cost them dearly.

The system. The system is so messed up, had the US implemented PR, Trump wouldn't have got in. It effects the way people vote, and effects who gets in, as Trump didn't even get a majority.

The modern world. People see TV shows where they get to participate in voting, and they see elections where they participate and they think they're similar.

Lying. Trump said whatever, and lied all the time, and no one cared. Maybe this comes under arrogance.

Despair. Ties in with lying. Obama did it too. Offer hope, say whatever the hell you want as long as it offers these miserable bastards some form of hope of getting out of the drudgery of daily life, give them a vision of how fucking amazing the world will be when you get in, and they'll lap it up. People aren't going to be as well off as their parents, the US is on the way down. All hope has been lost, and people look for hope everywhere, especially in their president.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
Blah blah blah, the reason we have Trump is simple, Hillary. When are you folks going to accept that?

When we can find evidence that Hillary had something to do with Trump beating out 13 (if I remember correctly) other Republican contenders for the nomination.

It was more than just Hillary.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.

Through the Obama years, Republicans have made a lot of promises that were never kept.

They told us they could really make changes if we returned leadership of Congress to them. So we did, and not much happened

Then they told us if we only gave them leadership of the Senate, heads would roll. So we did, and nothing happened

Then they told us Obama was stopping the works, and if we only gave them the White House, things will happen, and we didn't trust them any longer. We voted for Donald Trump who is not really a Republican, but he was hated by many which was a very good sign.

In other words, we are sick of cheap talk and no action. We are sick of electing people who's only concern is reelection even if it means screwing their voters. We decided to try something different this time, and I'm glad we did.
Ah, let's see how our brilliant, deal-making, savvy, international businessman POTUS (who just had 6 CEOs leave his swamp) handle the debt ceiling problem next month. Let's sit back and watch his laser-like negotiation skills and stunning strategic capabilities unfold before us. I mean, after all, he did such a great job with Repeal and Place. Oh, that was all Mitch's fault. My bad.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
Blah blah blah, the reason we have Trump is simple, Hillary. When are you folks going to accept that?

When we can find evidence that Hillary had something to do with Trump beating out 13 (if I remember correctly) other Republican contenders for the nomination.

It was more than just Hillary.
OK, to be more specific, It was an anti-establishment vote. Which all the Republican candidates were establishment and most of all Hillary.
There are many questions we could ask about our society and our way of life but perhaps the most important is: how could a millionaire reality star be handed the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The answer is simple but the roots of that answer are as complex as the structure of the DNA molecule.

The answer is that the election of our current president is a last-ditch effort to save our democracy. The people watched in horror as a wooden example of ideological ventriloquism with a Cracker-Jack-box affirmative-action education was presented to the people as a color-coded representation of political correctness and an enlightened intellectual.

The fact that so many of the people bought the scam was especially distressing. It became clear that the political establishment of the United States was willing to sell out the people and solidify its privileged position by harvesting a confused, delusional population with no sense of history, essentially defenseless against the coming wave of globalization that eats democracies like a hungry shark.

We were all warned in school about ideologies founded on the evil principles of the end justifying the means where central planning is king, oppression is constant, personal liberty is non-existent and diversity of thought is a threat punished by exile, imprisonment and mass graves.

But the people are exposed to a ubiquitous flood of Walter-Durante-type fiction journalism masquerading as real news but functioning as government propaganda. Journalism in America has quietly and subversively shifted from the dissemination of actual information to a kind of “infotainment” mechanism that dulls the senses of the reader or viewer.

With vanishing skepticism and inquisitiveness it reduces the people to a cartoon audience stuffing their faces with cheese popcorn while the rug of their democracy is pulled out from under them. What Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin failed to do with an iron fist the political establishment in the US is accomplishing by simply making the people so uninformed, misinformed and mal-informed that they won’t know what’s happening until it’s all over.

The people are running through the streets hitting each other with sticks, running each down with automobiles and tearing down statues. Putin is smiling as crazed mobs try to erase our history. Globalization is central planning on a planetary scale and the American political establishment gave in to it decades ago.

Our current president is our last chance to fight it.
Blah blah blah, the reason we have Trump is simple, Hillary. When are you folks going to accept that?

When we can find evidence that Hillary had something to do with Trump beating out 13 (if I remember correctly) other Republican contenders for the nomination.

It was more than just Hillary.
OK, to be more specific, It was an anti-establishment vote. Which all the Republican candidates were establishment and most of all Hillary.

Not really because we had a few outsiders that didn't make it as well like Carson and Fiorina, but Trump talked a better fight than the others. He had a much stronger immigration stance and didn't talk in circles using phrases like "immigration reform" that the others used.

I think what Republican voters did was send a message to the RNC and I hope they heard us this time; they didn't seem to hear us in the past outside of telling us they were going to do what we wanted them to do in order to get our vote.

In the general Hillary did play a big part, especially after she used the "deplorable" message. People who might have been on the fence between her and Trump really took offense to that remark I believe.
Why was a worthless affirmation action Left Wing dickhead nobody that attend a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews President for eight year?

Why was that pussy grabber Slick Willy ever elected President?

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