Why has President-elect Trump not proposed a rule of law to extinguish a year's end federal deficit?


Platinum Member
May 24, 2009
Like Rome, our politicians babble on and on, while beating their chests and complaining about our enormous national debt, which is now at a staggering $222 TRILLION _ including unfunded debt liabilities (3rd-rail budget items) but not one Republican, Democrat or Independent, who has participated in bringing us to our suicidal and present financial state of affairs __ has proposed a structural mechanism under our rule of law, which requires a year’s end deficit that has been funded by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by specific tax-raising legislation to extinguish that deficit, which would prevent a deficit being permanently added to our national debt.

Did our Founders intend to allow any year end deficiencies funded by borrowing to accumulate from year to year, and, etc.? Of course not, as a number of our State Ratification documents of our Constitution confirm, e.g, see the Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6, 1788:

”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”

And there you have it, our Founder’s remedy__ currently promoted as The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment ___ a remedy which requires, upon the creation of a federal deficit funded by borrowing, that each state’s Congressional Delegation is to return to their own state with a bill in hand for their State to pay out of its own treasury an apportioned share to extinguish that deficit, at which time a shocking moment of real accountability is created, and particular so when the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, quickly learn, there is no free lunch coming from Washington.

For those interested in the first time this apportioned direct tax was used and each state’s share of the tax including its particulars, see: Chap. LXXV. An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States, July 14, 1798

As Thomas Jefferson cautiously warned, "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

When will one of our members of Congress, or even President-elect Trump, propose a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year?

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Like Rome, our politicians babble on and on, while beating their chests and complaining about our enormous national debt, which is now at a staggering $222 TRILLION _ including unfunded debt liabilities (3rd-rail budget items) but not one Republican, Democrat or Independent, who has participated in bringing us to our suicidal and present financial state of affairs __ has proposed a structural mechanism under our rule of law, which requires a year’s end deficit that has been funded by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by specific tax-raising legislation to extinguish that deficit, which would prevent a deficit being permanently added to our national debt.

Did our Founders intend to allow any year end deficiencies funded by borrowing to accumulate from year to year, and, etc.? Of course not, as a number of our State Ratification documents of our Constitution confirm, e.g, see the Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6, 1788:

”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”

And there you have it, our Founder’s remedy__ currently promoted as The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment ___ a remedy which requires, upon the creation of a federal deficit funded by borrowing, that each state’s Congressional Delegation is to return to their own state with a bill in hand for their State to pay out of its own treasury an apportioned share to extinguish that deficit, at which time a shocking moment of real accountability is created, and particular so when the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, quickly learn, there is no free lunch coming from Washington.

For those interested in the first time this apportioned direct tax was used and each state’s share of the tax including its particulars, see: Chap. LXXV. An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States, July 14, 1798

As Thomas Jefferson cautiously warned, "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

When will one of our members of Congress, or even President-elect Trump, propose a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year?

It was not addressed in the constitution, knowing it would sometimes be the case, just like most people do not pay off all their long term debts by December 31s. The only President to wipe out Federal Debt was Democrat, Andrew Jackson, and debt was put back in quickly. Democrat, Clinton, made headway, but again gains were wiped out quickly. Donald Trump has no intention of backing balanced budget legislation that would take effect during his administration, but possibly on December 31, 2028.
Democrat, Clinton, made headway, but again gains were wiped out quickly. Donald Trump has no intention of backing balanced budget legislation that would take effect during his administration, but possibly on December 31, 2028.
Correction: It was the Republican Congress which produced the balanced budgets of 1998-2001. And the US wasn't facing a debt servicing obligation equaling 25% of budget expenditures. Trump has no option other than to extend the debt ceiling while he tries to grow the economy.
Like Rome, our politicians babble on and on, while beating their chests and complaining about our enormous national debt, which is now at a staggering $222 TRILLION _ including unfunded debt liabilities (3rd-rail budget items) but not one Republican, Democrat or Independent, who has participated in bringing us to our suicidal and present financial state of affairs __ has proposed a structural mechanism under our rule of law, which requires a year’s end deficit that has been funded by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by specific tax-raising legislation to extinguish that deficit, which would prevent a deficit being permanently added to our national debt.

Did our Founders intend to allow any year end deficiencies funded by borrowing to accumulate from year to year, and, etc.? Of course not, as a number of our State Ratification documents of our Constitution confirm, e.g, see the Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6, 1788:

”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”

And there you have it, our Founder’s remedy__ currently promoted as The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment ___ a remedy which requires, upon the creation of a federal deficit funded by borrowing, that each state’s Congressional Delegation is to return to their own state with a bill in hand for their State to pay out of its own treasury an apportioned share to extinguish that deficit, at which time a shocking moment of real accountability is created, and particular so when the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, quickly learn, there is no free lunch coming from Washington.

For those interested in the first time this apportioned direct tax was used and each state’s share of the tax including its particulars, see: Chap. LXXV. An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States, July 14, 1798

As Thomas Jefferson cautiously warned, "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

When will one of our members of Congress, or even President-elect Trump, propose a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year?

You are talking about a Congressional group of Republicans who could not even build a wall Trump's first term, even though they had complete control of Congress the first 2 years.

Electing Republicans is just a speed bump from what Democrats want for the country. There is no real opposition party.
It was not addressed in the constitution, knowing it would sometimes be the case, just like most people do not pay off all their long term debts by December 31s.
I’m not sure if the reason you give is why the stated procedure found in the ratification document of Massachusetts, to extinguish a deficit, is not in the Constitution. I have researched this issue quite intensely and cannot recall seeing the reason you give.

I do know our Founders expected Congress, by the terms of our Constitution “. . . To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts . . . “ And six of our Constitution’s state ratification documents express a direct apportioned tax ought to be used to extinguish a deficit.

I also know, and I think you would agree, our federal government has brought us to a financial debt tipping point, which if not addressed, and promptly, may be the means of our own destruction.

Requiring a current year’s deficit to immediately be extinguished the following year, as proposed under the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment, at a minimum would put on the brakes and stop Congress from recklessly adding to our national debt.

Why is there such resistance to deal with this pressing matter which is a ticking time bomb and our creation, for our children and grandchildren if left unattended to?


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in-between and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.
I’m not sure if the reason you give is why the stated procedure found in the ratification document of Massachusetts, to extinguish a deficit, is not in the Constitution. I have researched this issue quite intensely and cannot recall seeing the reason you give.

I do know our Founders expected Congress, by the terms of our Constitution “. . . To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts . . . “ And six of our Constitution’s state ratification documents express a direct apportioned tax ought to be used to extinguish a deficit.

I also know, and I think you would agree, our federal government has brought us to a financial debt tipping point, which if not addressed, and promptly, may be the means of our own destruction.

Requiring a current year’s deficit to immediately be extinguished the following year, as proposed under the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment, at a minimum would put on the brakes and stop Congress from recklessly adding to our national debt.

Why is there such resistance to deal with this pressing matter which is a ticking time bomb and our creation, for our children and grandchildren if left unattended to?


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in-between and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.
Take a look at Polidiodic [US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic] and tell me it wasn't anticipated, used and often encouraged.
Take a look at Polidiodic [US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic] and tell me it wasn't anticipated, used and often encouraged.

Those figures are not in harmony with actual facts.

By the year 1835, under our Founders tax plan, which included the direct apportioned tax, America was manufacturing everything from steam powered ships to clothing spun and woven by powered machinery and the national debt [which included part of the revolutionary war debt] was completely extinguished and Congress enjoyed a surplus in the federal treasury from tariffs, duties, and customs.

And the absolute amazing thing is, by an Act of Congress in June of 1836 (An Act to Regulate the Deposits of the Public Money June 23,1836) all surplus revenue in excess of $ 5,000,000 was decided to be distributed from the federal treasury to the states and a total of $28,000,000 [almost $1 BILLION in today’s money] was distributed among the states by the rule of apportionment in the nature of interest free loans to be recalled if and when Congress decided to make such a recall. An Act to Regulate the Deposits of the Public Money June 23, 1836
Those figures are not in harmony with actual facts.

By the year 1835, under our Founders tax plan, which included the direct apportioned tax, America was manufacturing everything from steam powered ships to clothing spun and woven by powered machinery and the national debt [which included part of the revolutionary war debt] was completely extinguished and Congress enjoyed a surplus in the federal treasury from tariffs, duties, and customs.

And the absolute amazing thing is, by an Act of Congress in June of 1836 (An Act to Regulate the Deposits of the Public Money June 23,1836) all surplus revenue in excess of $ 5,000,000 was decided to be distributed from the federal treasury to the states and a total of $28,000,000 [almost $1 BILLION in today’s money] was distributed among the states by the rule of apportionment in the nature of interest free loans to be recalled if and when Congress decided to make such a recall. An Act to Regulate the Deposits of the Public Money June 23, 1836
Yep. Andrew Jackson, paid off the Federal debt for the first and last time, in 1835. Then Martin Vanburen could not wait to increase it by 798%, then 881%, then another 215%.
Yep. Andrew Jackson, paid off the Federal debt for the first and last time, in 1835. Then Martin Vanburen could not wait to increase it by 798%, then 881%, then another 215%.

So, getting back to the subject, is it not a fact neither Congress or President-elect Trump, have proposed a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year, a lack of which is the cause of our current and suicidal national debt of $222 TRILLION, including unfunded liabilities?

Rep. Arrington introduced H. J. RES. 113, a phony balanced budget amendment

The tricksters are at it again. During the 1980s and early 90's when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House who is currently a popular guest on Fox News, so-called "conservatives" proposed a number of balance budget amendments, none of which actually prevented Congress from adding to our national debt money borrowed during the course of a previous fiscal year.

Well, here we are again, House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington along with Representatives Yakym, Estes, Burchett, Ellzey, Duncan, and Huizenga, have submitted H. J. RES. 113 "Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States".

"That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:

1.Total expenditures for a year shall not exceed the average annual revenue collected in the three prior years, adjusted in proportion to changes in population and inflation. Total expenditures shall include all expenditures of the United States except those for payment of debt, and revenue shall include all revenue of the United States except that derived from borrowing.

2.Congress may by a roll call vote of two-thirds of each House declare an emergency and provide by law for specific expenditures in excess of the limit in section 1. The declaration shall specify reasons for the emergency designation and may authorize expenditures in excess of the limit in section 1 for up to one year.

3.Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

4.This article shall take effect in the first year beginning at least 90 days following ratification, except that expenditures may exceed the limit in section 1 by the following portion of the prior year’s expenditures exceeding that limit (excepting emergency expenditures provided for by section 2): nine-tenths in the first year, eight-ninths in the second, seven-eighths in the third, six-sevenths in the fourth, five-sixths in the fifth, four-fifths in the sixth, three-fourths in the seventh, two-thirds in the eighth, and one-half in the ninth."

As you can see, unlike the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment which actually prevents Congress from effectively adding to our national debt, the above tricksters propose a cleverly worded amendment which would actually make it constitutional for Congress to not balance the annual budget, nor would it prevent Congress from continuing to add to our national debt.


So, getting back to the subject, is it not a fact neither Congress or President-elect Trump, have proposed a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year, a lack of which is the cause of our current and suicidal national debt of $222 TRILLION, including unfunded liabilities?

Pretty much, but John it ain't happening. These assholes come to office and spreading the cheese on the crackers that put them in office, is just a historical fact. It is more of something more akin to the "Balance Budget" legislation, imposed on the Democrats, by the Republicans during the Clinton Administration. There are no conservatives anymore, in office, fiscal or otherwise. All primaried, to get populists who support party over governance.
Pretty much, but John it ain't happening. These assholes come to office and spreading the cheese on the crackers that put them in office, is just a historical fact. It is more of something more akin to the "Balance Budget" legislation, imposed on the Democrats, by the Republicans during the Clinton Administration. There are no conservatives anymore, in office, fiscal or otherwise. All primaried, to get populists who support party over governance.

Frightening to say the least considering the gross domestic product of the United States is now about $27360.94 Total annual interest on the United States debt is about $1TRILLION

While DOGE is focused on a symptom which is reckless spending, our national debt, including unfunded debt liabilities, is exploding beyond figures ever recorded in any nation's history.

Requiring a current year’s deficit to immediately be extinguished the following year, as proposed under the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment, at a minimum would effectively put on the brakes and stop Congress from recklessly adding to our national debt.
Frightening to say the least considering the gross domestic product of the United States is now about $27360.94 Total annual interest on the United States debt is about $1TRILLION

While DOGE is focused on a symptom which is reckless spending, our national debt, including unfunded debt liabilities, is exploding beyond figures ever recorded in any nation's history.

Requiring a current year’s deficit to immediately be extinguished the following year, as proposed under the Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment, at a minimum would effectively put on the brakes and stop Congress from recklessly adding to our national debt.
I agree, as that is economics, I can understand. but don't look for it, in this political climate, except possibly in 3rd or 4th year of incoming administration, as Trump cannot run for a third term, so all bets off on final year in office. He's never been committed to party, only to Trump.
Like Rome, our politicians babble on and on, while beating their chests and complaining about our enormous national debt, which is now at a staggering $222 TRILLION _ including unfunded debt liabilities (3rd-rail budget items) but not one Republican, Democrat or Independent, who has participated in bringing us to our suicidal and present financial state of affairs __ has proposed a structural mechanism under our rule of law, which requires a year’s end deficit that has been funded by borrowing to be immediately extinguished the following year by specific tax-raising legislation to extinguish that deficit, which would prevent a deficit being permanently added to our national debt.

Did our Founders intend to allow any year end deficiencies funded by borrowing to accumulate from year to year, and, etc.? Of course not, as a number of our State Ratification documents of our Constitution confirm, e.g, see the Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6, 1788:

”Fourthly, That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the Monies arising from the Impost & Excise are insufficient for the publick exigencies nor then until Congress shall have first made a requisition upon the States to assess levy & pay their respective proportions of such Requisition agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution; in such way & manner as the Legislature of the States shall think best, & in such case if any State shall neglect or refuse to pay its proportion pursuant to such requisition then Congress may assess & levy such State’s proportion together with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the time of payment prescribed in such requisition…”

And there you have it, our Founder’s remedy__ currently promoted as The Fair Share Balanced Budget Amendment ___ a remedy which requires, upon the creation of a federal deficit funded by borrowing, that each state’s Congressional Delegation is to return to their own state with a bill in hand for their State to pay out of its own treasury an apportioned share to extinguish that deficit, at which time a shocking moment of real accountability is created, and particular so when the people of each state and their State Legislature and Governor, quickly learn, there is no free lunch coming from Washington.

For those interested in the first time this apportioned direct tax was used and each state’s share of the tax including its particulars, see: Chap. LXXV. An Act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States, July 14, 1798

As Thomas Jefferson cautiously warned, "In matters of power let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ... Thomas Jefferson’s Fair Copy of the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

When will one of our members of Congress, or even President-elect Trump, propose a structural mechanism under rule of law, requiring an annual deficit to be extinguish the following year?

Not likely. Money to Washington is like booze to a lush. There's never enough.

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