Why Gun Control Efforts do not Work

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
My title refers to the article in the link below. It contains some very simple truths in a very rudimentary manner so that even the leftist 'tards can understand it (They will get it, but they will not acknowledge it because they are creepy, untruthful people).

I think we need to step back and take a deep breath in the wake of the Nashville school shooting today. It is a unique situation with circumstances not often repeated, to wit: the shooter was a crazy chick; it occurred at a Christian parochial school. Thus, we know immediately that this is an atypical school shooting. But this is a point lost on the left. They are ready to trample all over these poor children and their parents, completely oblivious to their suffering, in order to take advantage of this important time when some people's powers of reason are temporarily overwhelmed by brash emotion.

We need to let cool heads prevail and remember that nothing has changed between yesterday and today. Sure, 3 children have unfortunately lost their lives. But that is NOTHING compared to how many lives the left will ruin by committing abortion and child sexual mutilation in the name of "gender affirming care". Let's face it: Democrats HATE children. They do not give one shit about those kids in Nashville. Keep that in mind while they are telling you how we have to get rid of guns to "protect out babies". If you are sincere in wanting to protect their babies, then stop killing your unborn children and subjecting your children to groomers and sexual mutilation!

Gun control efforts proposed and pimped by the left have no rational relationship to the harm they seek to curtail. This is the bottom line, and the constitutional standard to apply (aside from the Second Amendment).

Below Avg Joe's WH wasted no time in blaming Republicans & trying to shame them

Meet the shooter- a 28 yr old tranny

Why have so many mass shooting been perpetrated by seriously mentally deranged people that deny basic biology?


Why Gun Control Efforts do not Work​

1. Because if a criminal wants a gun, they will GET a gun...legally or illegally.
2. There are already over 3,000 gun "laws" on record, and added to every year, with the SAME EXACT previous "laws", which nobody cares to enforce or regulate.
3. If they don't use a gun, they will find some other weapon.
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Below Avg Joe's WH wasted no time in blaming Republicans & trying to shame them

Meet the shooter- a 28 yr old tranny

Why have so many mass shooting been perpetrated by seriously mentally deranged people that deny basic biology?

Jesus…I just learned the shooter is a tranny. Isn’t THAT just perfect? A tranny goes into a Christian school and murders children … Absolutely horrific.

A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works

It looked at 130 studies from 10 different countries.

I believe the data. You believe NRA propaganda.
From your lefty Vox link….

The authors are careful to note that their findings do not conclusively prove that gun restrictions reduce gun deaths
We don't need more gun control. Want to fix many problems in America including gun? Well these will help.

Treat criminals like criminals. Stop promoting dope head felon thug criminals. Stop painting murals and protesting in their favor. Society as a whole should be fully against criminals of all types.

Start bringing back the pledge and religion to public schools. Teach kids to appreciate their country and what it affords them. Teach them about morals and values, they don't need to be turned into bible thumpers or even go to church but they need to learn about being a decent person.

Stop raising your kids with the internet and social media.

Stop promoting fags and trannies. Kids need a male and a female parent to raise them. Stop trying to convince kids fags and trannies are this amazing path in life.

Stop raising kids to be pussy ass bitches. Kids need to protected and guided yes. But they also need to be kids and not have adult themes shoved down their throat early. They also need to be raised to be strong, smart, ambitious, and independent. They need to constantly pushed as they grow so they can grow and need to be toughened up.

We can't and shouldn't rely on the government to handle everything. If we had a stronger, smarter, more savvy, and so on society then gun control wouldn't be needed because we would be more respectful, considerate and responsible. If you have a society with those qualities everyone could own a tank and we would be fine.
My title refers to the article in the link below. It contains some very simple truths in a very rudimentary manner so that even the leftist 'tards can understand it (They will get it, but they will not acknowledge it because they are creepy, untruthful people).

I think we need to step back and take a deep breath in the wake of the Nashville school shooting today. It is a unique situation with circumstances not often repeated, to wit: the shooter was a crazy chick; it occurred at a Christian parochial school. Thus, we know immediately that this is an atypical school shooting. But this is a point lost on the left. They are ready to trample all over these poor children and their parents, completely oblivious to their suffering, in order to take advantage of this important time when some people's powers of reason are temporarily overwhelmed by brash emotion.

We need to let cool heads prevail and remember that nothing has changed between yesterday and today. Sure, 3 children have unfortunately lost their lives. But that is NOTHING compared to how many lives the left will ruin by committing abortion and child sexual mutilation in the name of "gender affirming care". Let's face it: Democrats HATE children. They do not give one shit about those kids in Nashville. Keep that in mind while they are telling you how we have to get rid of guns to "protect out babies". If you are sincere in wanting to protect their babies, then stop killing your unborn children and subjecting your children to groomers and sexual mutilation!

Gun control efforts proposed and pimped by the left have no rational relationship to the harm they seek to curtail. This is the bottom line, and the constitutional standard to apply (aside from the Second Amendment).

What about gun control pimped by the right?
No thanks. I don't need the fucking government pushing religion on me. If you want to force your kids to follow a religion feel free
Having moral teaching in schools is not government pushing religion... look up the word Nihilism and you will see what an absence of faith is doing to the young people of America....
You can take the guns away but you can't fix people without giving them faith and hope and a desire to live their life....

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