Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?

People can't search for jobs that aren't there dumbass. Lay offs mean no jobs for anyone. Seriously this isn't hard to figure out. That extended employment insurance created economic demand. Without it, those people are not spending money. This is economics 101. Do you honestly think people don't need additional support?



You should stop running your mouth.

People don't search for jobs when they aren't given any reason to. Hey, they got their unemployment checks. When on unemployment, people are spending LESS money. Meaning LESS money is injected into the economy. Given that welfare pays only half salary, people are only spending at half of their potential. Get it? You don't grasp one single concept of microeconomics. People don't need government support, they need to support themselves. Government should not be in the business of coddling people by the hand.

Get it?

Oh my god you are so stupid. One more time. People cannot find jobs thAt do not exist. And just because it is extended, it doesn't mean people aren looking for jobs. It is still temporary asswipe
And it is a LIE that jobs do not exist

When people realize they have almost 2 years of 'free money'.. and they are not big career types anyway... they will indeed sit on their asses for the free money
Could it just be human nature that has changed America? We have generations of Americans today who have never wanted, who think only of themselves, the New Deal worked so well that America is too spoiled to do the right thing any longer. Add to that a machine that loves the fact they can steal the chickens away to a Swiss bank or the Cayman's, and who then pay others to preach corporate Evangelism and the stage is set.

But these are merely signs of the confusion within the system. Corruption of the public system follows quite naturally from the maze of private-industry fads which have been sweeping Western governments for the last three decades. Privatization, no-hiring, efficiency devices. In themselves these and others have been sometimes marginally helpful, sometimes marginally harmful. But the general introduction of industry standards into the public domain has had a disastrous effect on an already confused situation.

The imposition of short-term profit methods in an area which is only indirectly and in the long run profit-oriented could not possibly have worked. Expecting business methods and market forces to do the job of government, when business and the market fought desperately against every humane and social accomplishment of government over the last two centuries, makes no sense at all. The public interest and the profit motive may be made to cooperate through wise political leadership, but they are not interchangeable. They are nevertheless being treated as if they were. What this implies is that the public does not believe that the governmental structures work. But then the politicians and the public servants don't believe it either." John Ralston Saul pp 264/265 'Voltaire's Bastards'
People need to wake up, The Democrat/progressive/commie party doesn't have your best interest at heart
they see you as nothing more but a way for control and Power

People can't search for jobs that aren't there dumbass. Lay offs mean no jobs for anyone. Seriously this isn't hard to figure out. That extended employment insurance created economic demand. Without it, those people are not spending money. This is economics 101. Do you honestly think people don't need additional support?



You should stop running your mouth.

People don't search for jobs when they aren't given any reason to. Hey, they got their unemployment checks. When on unemployment, people are spending LESS money. Meaning LESS money is injected into the economy. Given that welfare pays only half salary, people are only spending at half of their potential. Get it? You don't grasp one single concept of microeconomics. People don't need government support, they need to support themselves. Government should not be in the business of coddling people by the hand.

Get it?

Oh my god you are so stupid. One more time. People cannot find jobs thAt do not exist. And just because it is extended, it doesn't mean people aren looking for jobs. It is still temporary asswipe

Flailing in the wind. Does calling me an asswipe make you feel better? Wish I could say the same for your argument.
Could it just be human nature that has changed America? We have generations of Americans today who have never wanted, who think only of themselves, the New Deal worked so well that America is too spoiled to do the right thing any longer. Add to that a machine that loves the fact they can steal the chickens away to a Swiss bank or the Cayman's, and who then pay others to preach corporate Evangelism and the stage is set.

But these are merely signs of the confusion within the system. Corruption of the public system follows quite naturally from the maze of private-industry fads which have been sweeping Western governments for the last three decades. Privatization, no-hiring, efficiency devices. In themselves these and others have been sometimes marginally helpful, sometimes marginally harmful. But the general introduction of industry standards into the public domain has had a disastrous effect on an already confused situation.

The imposition of short-term profit methods in an area which is only indirectly and in the long run profit-oriented could not possibly have worked. Expecting business methods and market forces to do the job of government, when business and the market fought desperately against every humane and social accomplishment of government over the last two centuries, makes no sense at all. The public interest and the profit motive may be made to cooperate through wise political leadership, but they are not interchangeable. They are nevertheless being treated as if they were. What this implies is that the public does not believe that the governmental structures work. But then the politicians and the public servants don't believe it either." John Ralston Saul pp 264/265 'Voltaire's Bastards'

Cue the "rich are evil" argument.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

Why does it matter what democrats did decades ago?

Because they haven't really changed that much.. look at what they've done to the black family for starters.... 75% illegitimatecy rates, 50% literacy rates, generational poverty, etc., etc.


You should stop running your mouth.

People don't search for jobs when they aren't given any reason to. Hey, they got their unemployment checks. When on unemployment, people are spending LESS money. Meaning LESS money is injected into the economy. Given that welfare pays only half salary, people are only spending at half of their potential. Get it? You don't grasp one single concept of microeconomics. People don't need government support, they need to support themselves. Government should not be in the business of coddling people by the hand.

Get it?

Oh my god you are so stupid. One more time. People cannot find jobs thAt do not exist. And just because it is extended, it doesn't mean people aren looking for jobs. It is still temporary asswipe

Flailing in the wind. Does calling me an asswipe make you feel better? Wish I could say the same for your argument.
What Billy meant to tell you is that you won the argument, and has nothing further to add to his travesty of a thread.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

Why does it matter what democrats did decades ago?

Because they haven't really changed that much.. look at what they've done to the black family for starters.... 75% illegitimatecy rates, 50% literacy rates, generational poverty, etc., etc.
And all controlled by Government he loves.
Could it just be human nature that has changed America? We have generations of Americans today who have never wanted, who think only of themselves, the New Deal worked so well that America is too spoiled to do the right thing any longer. Add to that a machine that loves the fact they can steal the chickens away to a Swiss bank or the Cayman's, and who then pay others to preach corporate Evangelism and the stage is set.

But these are merely signs of the confusion within the system. Corruption of the public system follows quite naturally from the maze of private-industry fads which have been sweeping Western governments for the last three decades. Privatization, no-hiring, efficiency devices. In themselves these and others have been sometimes marginally helpful, sometimes marginally harmful. But the general introduction of industry standards into the public domain has had a disastrous effect on an already confused situation.

The imposition of short-term profit methods in an area which is only indirectly and in the long run profit-oriented could not possibly have worked. Expecting business methods and market forces to do the job of government, when business and the market fought desperately against every humane and social accomplishment of government over the last two centuries, makes no sense at all. The public interest and the profit motive may be made to cooperate through wise political leadership, but they are not interchangeable. They are nevertheless being treated as if they were. What this implies is that the public does not believe that the governmental structures work. But then the politicians and the public servants don't believe it either." John Ralston Saul pp 264/265 'Voltaire's Bastards'

Cue the "rich are evil" argument.
Expected from Obama and Big Government fluffers that can't think for themselves and have nothing but propaganda from the very same.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

Why does it matter what democrats did decades ago?[/QUOTE]

Because they haven't really changed that much.. look at what they've done to the black family for starters.... 75% illegitimatecy rates, 50% literacy rates, generational poverty, etc., etc.

The poor Op shows they are a brainwashed sheep with the thread...
That's how someone like Obama got elected
Lol that still doesn't explain why it is the dems fault.

Don't be stupid about this. When people lose their jobs against their will, they need support.

No.. they don't... they need to take care of personal responsibilities themselves.. or to ASK for help from charities where people VOLUNTARILY give to help a cause...

Gee what happens when there is not enough private charity to go around?
That would only happen if leftists got ahold of all the charitable foundation money that has been given for the good of America and routed it to greedy politicians and others up to no good. Oh, wait. That's the very reason why there isn't enough private charity to go around, isn't it. :rolleyes:
Could it just be human nature that has changed America? We have generations of Americans today who have never wanted, who think only of themselves, the New Deal worked so well that America is too spoiled to do the right thing any longer. Add to that a machine that loves the fact they can steal the chickens away to a Swiss bank or the Cayman's, and who then pay others to preach corporate Evangelism and the stage is set.

But these are merely signs of the confusion within the system. Corruption of the public system follows quite naturally from the maze of private-industry fads which have been sweeping Western governments for the last three decades. Privatization, no-hiring, efficiency devices. In themselves these and others have been sometimes marginally helpful, sometimes marginally harmful. But the general introduction of industry standards into the public domain has had a disastrous effect on an already confused situation.

The imposition of short-term profit methods in an area which is only indirectly and in the long run profit-oriented could not possibly have worked. Expecting business methods and market forces to do the job of government, when business and the market fought desperately against every humane and social accomplishment of government over the last two centuries, makes no sense at all. The public interest and the profit motive may be made to cooperate through wise political leadership, but they are not interchangeable. They are nevertheless being treated as if they were. What this implies is that the public does not believe that the governmental structures work. But then the politicians and the public servants don't believe it either." John Ralston Saul pp 264/265 'Voltaire's Bastards'

Cue the "rich are evil" argument.

Unless they're Democrats and they are voting for them...Then the rich are saints
We U.S. Progressives need 'some' party, Repubs in this case, to appear to be a formidable opposition party to give our electoral victories legitimacy. The way they have been sabotaging themselves is making it harder & harder for us to keep that charade going though. rw zany candidates, shutting down the gov't, treating women as 2nd-class citizens (same goes for gays), confusing "obstructing" with "governing", etc...
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We U.S. Progressives need 'some' party, Repubs in this case, to appear to be a formidable opposition party to give our electoral victories legitimacy. The way they have been sabotaging themselves is making it harder & harder for us to keep that charade going though. rw zany candidates, shutting down the gov't, treating women as 2nd-class citizens (same goes for gays), confusing "obstructing" with "governing", etc...

The only true thing you said is that you need to make it appear that your victories are legitimate.
I get so completely tired of threads like this, but I will take a shot at it. Why do we need Republicans?

Well, lets see. The 'Obama' recovery. A large percentage of the jobs created during the so-called 'Obama' recovery has been in several states. Texas, Oklahoma, and others. Oh my goodness! That's right they are REPUBLICAN led states, several of which have REPUBLICAN super majorities and governors. These same states have the LOWEST debt and taxes as well. California, where the legislature and governor are DEMOCRAT? 150+ BILLION in debt and climbing. In the Forbes list of best states to live and do business? California is DEAD LAST. New York was hemorrhaging jobs. At least until they passed a bill, introduced by a REPUBLICAN that gave a 10-year hiatus on taxes for startups. That bleeding has not stopped, but it has slowed. Someone in Albany actually had the guts to say that they might want to take a look at Governor Scott Walkers moves. Michigan has taken a right turn and has become PRO BUSINESS in an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging there. Is it working? Too early to tell.

The 'Obama' economy? There is a company called Chicago Bridge and Iron. Two years ago their stock sat at around $30.00 a share. Another one, stock symbol LNG, sat at $20.00 a share. Several old oil fields were opened that sat on private land. Despite severe objections and threats from the Feds, fracking was used to get at new deposits of oil and gas. Texas and Oklahoma got together and began to build a pipeline directly from those oilfields to the ports in Louisiana, through Cushing in Oklahoma. Chicago Bridge and Iron has recently got two contracts to build gas and oil terminals on the gulf and their stock sits at $81.00 a share. LNG has a contract with a Brazilian company to turn natural gas into liquefied natural gas and ship it to South America. A ship building company in Alabama is building the LNG ships. LNG sits at $41.00 a share today. State governments in the south and west fought the Feds, who tried to stop it and opened up these PRIVATE LANDS and also gave the permits for these new terminals.

The Republicans in Congress? Right now it is estimated that there are TWO REGIMENTS of US Army troops that are ready to be deployed to combat. Only two. It is estimated that at least 30% of active military enlisted families are on FOOD STAMPS or other federal assistance, with a private in the Army making slightly over $18,000 per year (far below poverty). The Democrats in Congress scream about wanting to raise the minimum wage for workers in McDonalds. Three bills, passed by the House, sit languishing on Harry Rieds desk. He has said he won't bring it up at all. Now there's something to be proud of if you're a Democrat.

Additionally, 45% of the ACTIVE DUTY Air Wings of the USAF sit grounded at any one time because their are NO SPARE PARTS for the aircraft. Yet, 500 Million dollars of cargo planes being delivered to the military are going directly to the Davis-Mothan boneyard and will NEVER be flown. They are from a manufacturer overseas, Italian I think, and the planes have been described as CRAP and US pilots don't want to fly them. The military said that they could have used C-130's which were a much better aircraft and are manufactured in the US. Hagel's DoD won't stop the deliveries. So who's getting their pockets lined on this one? Then there are the Russian helicopters that were supposed to be delivered to the Afghan Army. We bought Russian helicopters because Sikorsky and Bell helicopter, the absolute leaders in helicopter technologies, were not up to it? Again, Hagel's DoD is silent. Republicans want another Congressional hearing. Democrats are stonewalling.

So what good are Republicans? One day, we might actually KNOW what happened and why Obama and Clinton LET 4 Americans die in Benghazi. Or why the IRS targeted conservative groups and persons. Or why the Ft Hood shootings are classified as 'work place violence.' Or why Obamacare exempts big business, large unions and political hacks. The only people who will ask those questions are Republicans. That's why we need them and that's why they will continue to be the majority in the House for the foreseeable future.
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It's amazing to me that the OP or anyone else could even ask this question.

If there were not a party to counter the Dimocrats of today, this country would more resemble Cuba than it would the classic capitalistic country we've always known.

Even Canada would be a capitalism refuge compared to here if these people had no opposition.

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