Why Exactly Do Liberals Hate Trump?

His heart is in the right place, but he still doesn't understand why he feels the way he does about the election.

For one thing -- They're NOT liberals, they're dimocrap scum.

And dimocrap scum hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY that disagrees with them

dimocraps are hate-filled pusbags. dimocraps are Totalitarian scum

Liberals are kind, considerate, if often misguided, caring human beings.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth who need to be obliterated from the surface of the Planet

Nope, I just hate Trumpkin racists such as you.

You supported the racist for President. Now you have to deal with the consequences that come with that, including being called a racist by liberals such as myself.

If you don't like it, too bad, Repug pussy.
It is not constructive to label every person that disagrees with you politically as "indecent". People have diverse opinions about this country and there are intelligent decent people on both sides.

Not anymore. If you vote for a bigot like Trump, you are supporting intolerance and hatred. It's that simple, there's no equivocating or rationalizing of this simple fact.
What does it say about a person who votes for a political party that supports racist/anarchists like Blacklivesmatter? Or supports racist/misogynistic intolerant Islamic countries?

Oh......they're the good ones.

Black Lives Matter is not a racist organization. It's wrong for cops to shoot black people for no reason, and don't tell me that doesn't happen.

You're using BLM as some weak-ass attempt to justify voting for a racist and misogynist. You'll have to explain that to your Maker, not me.
If you say to them that all lives matter.....see what their reaction is.

They're as racist as any skinhead group out there.

Keep telling yourself that, bigot. Maybe it will help you sleep better at night, voting for a racist and misogynist who is completely unqualified to be President.
My wife is African-American/ Seminole Indian. My half brothers and sisters are Souix Indian.

His heart is in the right place, but he still doesn't understand why he feels the way he does about the election.

There are many reasons, largely because he is a racist and a misogynist. He's also a bully and a corrupt businessman and simply a horrible role model for millions of children in this country.

Not that you honestly care what I think. You will continue to be an evil bigot and I will continue to fight against people like you. So we'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, and he's a big fat poopy-pants fibber too.....

Yep, and you still voted for him because you're fucking stupid.

But you really have no choice in the matter, I understand. You're a Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to protect your Repug feudal masters like Trump. After all, these Repug feudal masters are your intellectual and moral superiors and they know what's best for your pathetic peasant ass.

I'm sure you're so blinded by your partisan hate that you haven't realized that the real Republicans that you call "Republican Masters" were the "Never Trumpers".

Just as the real Progressives where the "Never Hillary" people.

There's basically no difference between Trump supporters and the "Never Trumpers". The so-called "Never Trumpers" in the House and Senate are a bunch of obstructionists who completely blocked everything Obama and Democrats wanted to do for the past 8 years. There have been more filibusters by the Repug Senate in the past 8 years than in the previous 200+ years combined. The fact that the Repug Senate has never even voted for Obama's Supreme Court nominee also shows how extremist the "Never Trumpers" are. This is a record of extremism and obstruction in Congress that is unparalleled in this country's history.

So if you think there is a significant differ between the Trump supporters and the "Never Trumpers", you are just kidding yourself.

You're a moron. I shall waste no more time reading you.
His heart is in the right place, but he still doesn't understand why he feels the way he does about the election.A]

I don't hate Trump- but I do despise him- and have ever since he went Birther.

That said he is our President elect and I hope he turns out to be a great President, and proves all my apprehensions and concerns wrong.
I'm sure he will, but the media and his loyal opposition will try to prevent that.

Well the loyal opposition spent 8 years attempting to prevent President Obama from accomplishing anything, there is no reason you should expect otherwise when it comes to President Trump.

That said- again i hope that President Trump proves all of my apprehensions and concerns wrong- I really, really want to be wrong when it comes to his presidency.
His heart is in the right place, but he still doesn't understand why he feels the way he does about the election.A]

I don't hate Trump- but I do despise him- and have ever since he went Birther.

That said he is our President elect and I hope he turns out to be a great President, and proves all my apprehensions and concerns wrong.
I'm sure he will, but the media and his loyal opposition will try to prevent that.

Well the loyal opposition spent 8 years attempting to prevent President Obama from accomplishing anything, there is no reason you should expect otherwise when it comes to President Trump.

That said- again i hope that President Trump proves all of my apprehensions and concerns wrong- I really, really want to be wrong when it comes to his presidency.
He will, because all of it was unmedigated hyperbolic BS.
That POS trump is a fascist. And he has managed to accomplish one thing that will stand for all time. He has outed all the pretend 'Christians' and evangelicas in the country for what they are, phony, fake and without faith. trump is one of the most immoral people alive but to the fake kristians the only thing that matters is power. If the devil told them he'd not have a baker bake a cake they'd wash his feet and kiss him on the lips and then vote for him.

Trump accomplished this and for that one thing I thank him.
Why Exactly Do Liberals Hate Trump? Because he grabbed them by their pussies.
His heart is in the right place, but he still doesn't understand why he feels the way he does about the election.A]

I don't hate Trump- but I do despise him- and have ever since he went Birther.

That said he is our President elect and I hope he turns out to be a great President, and proves all my apprehensions and concerns wrong.
I'm sure he will, but the media and his loyal opposition will try to prevent that.

Well the loyal opposition spent 8 years attempting to prevent President Obama from accomplishing anything, there is no reason you should expect otherwise when it comes to President Trump.

That said- again i hope that President Trump proves all of my apprehensions and concerns wrong- I really, really want to be wrong when it comes to his presidency.
The GOP didn't agree with obie's agenda, should be clear to everyone by now. But yes, we know they can only demonstrate unity by joining the left, anything else is divisive.

But the GOP owns congress too so .....
Keep telling yourself that, bigot. Maybe it will help you sleep better at night, voting for a racist and misogynist who is completely unqualified to be President.
My wife is African-American/ Seminole Indian. My half brothers and sisters are Souix Indian.

If you like them, you wouldn't call them Sioux.
1, He is NOT poor.
2, He is NOT black.
3, He is NOT ignorant.
4, He is NOT muslim.
5, He is NOT a woman.

That is why so many worship Trump here, all the above. Nasty loves nasty.
Explain why ANY part of the comments you call NASTY, are nasty...

He is a nasty man, and nasty people like other nasty people. Birds of a feather flock together.
It's probably just a yeast infection, Pen.
Honestly I think they hate him just because they wanted Hillary Clinton for president.
I don't think they have ideological or philosophical reasons!
Maybe 90% of all those people have no ideological or philosophical beliefs at all :)
Liberals, as they are showing, don't just hate Trump, they hate America and are hate-spewing anarchist / racists.

They are burning the American Flag
They are calling for the overthrow of the govt
They are calling for the murder of whites
They are calling for the assassination of the new President

Every action on display is proving the DNC is now NOT a legitimate Political Party but rather a seditious, treasonous, terrorist, racist hate group advocating the overthrow of the govt and racist murders of US citizens.
1, He is NOT poor.
2, He is NOT black.
3, He is NOT ignorant.
4, He is NOT muslim.
5, He is NOT a woman.

That is why so many worship Trump here, all the above. Nasty loves nasty.
Explain why ANY part of the comments you call NASTY, are nasty...

He is a nasty man, and nasty people like other nasty people. Birds of a feather flock together.
Thank you for your moronic, pathetic, sophomoric, utter bull shit capitulation.
It is not constructive to label every person that disagrees with you politically as "indecent". People have diverse opinions about this country and there are intelligent decent people on both sides.

Not anymore. If you vote for a bigot like Trump, you are supporting intolerance and hatred. It's that simple, there's no equivocating or rationalizing of this simple fact.
What does it say about a person who votes for a political party that supports racist/anarchists like Blacklivesmatter? Or supports racist/misogynistic intolerant Islamic countries?

Oh......they're the good ones.

Black Lives Matter is not a racist organization. It's wrong for cops to shoot black people for no reason, and don't tell me that doesn't happen.

You're using BLM as some weak-ass attempt to justify voting for a racist and misogynist. You'll have to explain that to your Maker, not me.
If you say to them that all lives matter.....see what their reaction is.

They're as racist as any skinhead group out there.

Keep telling yourself that, bigot. Maybe it will help you sleep better at night, voting for a racist and misogynist who is completely unqualified to be President.
Hmmm...unqualified, huh? You might have a point there. Trump's never been a community agitator, sat in a state senate and set a record for voting present, or occupied a US senate seat for a very short time during which he was responsible for zero meaningful legislation. Oh, wait. Those would be pluses. Nevermind.

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