Why Does This Doping Study make Me Nervous? Is it Me or is it the Goal of Pacifying us All?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Serious shit here, WTF? Who is sponsoring these types of studies and how does it get through a democratic review?

Study: Doping Western Cultures With Oxytocin Will Cure Hatred Of Refugees | Zero Hedge

A group of researchers from Germany and the United States have published a study which concludes that doping ‘xenophobic’ populations with massive quantities of the estrogen-linked hormone Oxytocin will cure nationalism – making native citizens more accepting and generous towards migrants who simply want free handouts from Western taxpayers while Islamic extremists peacefully rape and murder infidels.

Accommodating the large influx of migrants not only challenges the humanitarian capacities of European countries but also requires their native populations to adjust to rapid growths in ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, and cultural differentiation. However, the impetus to adapt to changing social ecosystems is susceptible to considerable interindividual heterogeneity. Resistance to this transition often goes along with xenophobic sentiment, and as a consequence, recent elections in Europe have favored populist candidates who have openly expressed xenophobic attitudes toward refugees.

As co-author René Hurlemann said in a related study;Given the right circumstances, oxytocin may help promote the acceptance and integration of migrants into Western cultures.

Widely referred to as the ‘love hormone,’ ‘hug hormone,’ and ‘cuddle chemical,’ Oxytocin is secreted from the pituitary gland during sex, childbirth, and lactation – influencing social behavior and emotion. It has been shown to increase romantic attachment and empathy – invoking feelings of relaxation, trust, and psychological stability.

For just €3.11 / day you can destroy your culture!

The study concludes that a combination of oxytocin nasal spray and social pressure from other doped up participants resulted in ‘xenophobic’ test subjects increasing donations to migrants by 74% – jumping from average of €1.79 to €3.11.

[O]ur results imply that an OXT-enforced social norm adherence could be instrumental in motivating a more generalized acceptance toward ethnic diversity, religious plurality, and cultural differentiation resulting from migration by proposing that interventions to increase altruism are most effective when charitable social cues instill the notion that one’s ingroup shows strong affection for an outgroup. Furthermore, UNESCO has emphasized the importance of developing neurobiologically informed strategies for reducing xenophobic, hostile, and discriminatory attitudes (47). Thus, considering OXT-enforced normative incentives in developing future interventions and policy programs intended to reduce outgroup rejection may be an important step toward making the principle of social inclusion a daily reality in our societies.

Perhaps the researchers can also explore how to chemically control refugees so they’re less violent, rapey, and are willing to integrate into other cultures without destroying them? Maybe if they tainted the water supply in Saudi Arabia with Oxytocin they’d start accepting refugees instead of forcing Europe to shoulder the burden?

Meanwhile, the BBC is reporting that Lithium added to tap water may cut dementia by up to 17 percent.​
It will KILL people also, I am not nervous, I am angered. I do not trust "Zero Hedge" but some pharma peddler probably did have the idea. They sell Viagra don't they?
This article describes a study where they tested the natural occurrence in the males of a certain remote tribe. Perhaps they should study different groups in other studies before jumping off the deep end. What happens to a republican verses a demoncrat and all the other variables out there like the hood and the gay lobby, etc....Is it possible to go to sleep one thing and wake up another? Hell try it out on the vaxxers first. For them if its the synthetic version that comes in a needle its gotta be good for you because science says it is. Go to bed a demoncrat and wake-up a republican. How testosterone and oxytocin hormones interact in male work and parenting effort
It will KILL people also, I am not nervous, I am angered. I do not trust "Zero Hedge" but some pharma peddler probably did have the idea. They sell Viagra don't they?

Zero Hedge gets a little hyped at times, but this study is the kind of thing that they highlight to get clicks and it serves a purpose.
Some p[eople wont need to be pacified by any drug; they are already passive by nature.

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