Why does the Left blame Trump and not China?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".
Is the Left now committed to sealing borders or OK with continued illegal immigration abroad moving them from large sanctuary city to another?

Is our national security at stake along with our very lives?

Yes or no?

When Trump initially made the travel ban on China, Biden said this.

"A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it."

The medical community now praises the decision by Trump to ban travel which saved countless lives.

With Biden in there, more would have died.

China also tried to hide the SARS pandemic in 2003 from world view.

This is what totalitarian regimes do, and yes, Mike Bloomberg, China is a totatlitarian regime.

I say this because democrats like Bloomberg or even Sanders prasing Fidel Castro, don't seem to understand this.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.
How's that Democratic Socialism working out in China?

Oh, Bernie, got any words of wisdom besides we'll cut your tongue out if you expose us?
Because they are assholes.

More than half the Corona cases in the US comes from New York City.

After this is all said and done, if democrats were smart they will look at their little Progressive utopia of New York and realize that highly populated cities like New York is nothing but a tender box for the next Chinese pandemic to sweep through, because as Dementia Joe once said, you can't build walls around a virus cuz limiting immigration in any way violates our natural rights.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.

Bullshit, you lunatics called him a racist for shutting down travel.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.

Bullshit, you lunatics called him a racist for shutting down travel.

Hmmm...nope...didn't happen. Just like a lot of shit that comes out of the mouths of right wingers.
PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China

It looks as though Chinese scientist immigrants have tried to sneak SARS and MERS into the US in the past.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Detroit Metro Airport stopped a Chinese scientist carrying vials believed to contain the MERS and SARS viruses in November 2018 — just over a year before the first reported Wuhan coronavirus case, according to an FBI tactical intelligence report obtained by Yahoo News.
“Inspection of the writing on the vials and the stated recipient led inspection personnel to believe the materials contained within the vials may be viable Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) materials,” the report reads. The vials were labeled “Antibodies”, and the unnamed scientist said he was asked to deliver them to a researcher at a U.S. institute.
The report also lays out a pattern of Chinese interference, detailing two other cases from May 2018 and September 2019, in which different Chinese nationals tried to enter the U.S. with undeclared flu strains and suspected E. coli, respectively.
“The Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate assesses foreign scientific researchers who transport undeclared and undocumented biological materials into the United States in their personal carry-on and/or checked luggage almost certainly present a US biosecurity risk,” the report states. “The WMDD makes this assessment with high confidence based on liaison reporting with direct access.”
The FBI has stepped up its efforts to combat Chinese espionage operations in recent months after admitting failures in preventing the recruitment of U.S. researchers by Beijing’s “Thousand Talents Plan.”
“With our present-day knowledge of the threat from Chinese plans, we wish we had taken more rapid and comprehensive action in the past,” John Brown, assistant director of the counterintelligence division at the FBI, told a Senate subcommittee in November. “The time to make up for that is now.”
In January, the head of Harvard University’s chemistry department was federally charged with failing to disclose funding from the Chinese government, after he hid his involvement in the talents program, which encourages the stealing of U.S. intellectual property.
China has come under fire for its handling of the coronavirus, despite pushing propaganda, which has been parroted by Western media, in an attempt to shift criticism to the U.S. A study released earlier this month detailed how the Chinese Communist Party could have prevented 95 percent of total infections if it had acted sooner to limit the spread and warn others.
More from National Review
Chinese Intel Officers Indicted for Stealing Personal Data of 145 Million Americans in Equifax Hack
China Closes Its Borders to Foreign Nationals over Coronavirus Fears
Chinese Authorities Gagged Laboratories in December over Coronavirus-SARS Connection
We are at war folks.

Biological warfare, the scariest of all of them.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".
Because the left is a bunch of ignorant ass wipes that have no concept of reality,
They are blinded by their hate for Trump. The world would be a better place without them.
We are at war folks.

Biological warfare, the scariest of all of them.

Yeah, I think that theory has already been debunked.
No, COVID-19 Coronavirus Was Not Bioengineered. Here’s The Research That Debunks That Idea

Did I say it was bioengineered?


But making sure a deadly virus is kept under wraps so it can spread world wide can also be a form of warefare.

I mean, if our economy is going to tank then so is yours.

Add to that Chinese trying to sneak in known viruses of old that perhaps they have no obtained a vaccine for that they don't share with their biggest economic and military adversary, which is the US.
"Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the coronavirus two weeks before he acknowledged it publicly, according to an internal speech published by state media, an admission that could fuel more criticism as China’s Communist Party faces intense international and domestic backlash for its handling of the deadly virus.

In remarks to top government officials earlier this month, Xi said he “issued demands about the efforts to prevent and control” the disease on January 7—two weeks before he made his first public comments about the virus on January 20.

The speech was published by state media in an apparent effort to show that Xi took charge of the country’s response from the beginning, but it may result in more criticism that the Chinese government didn’t sound the alarm early enough.

The Chinese officials have been facing unprecedented anger from citizens who say the government suppressed information about the severity of the outbreak early on."

Here's the worst part of the story:

"The Chinese public has focused their anger around the case of Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for attempting to warn the public about the dangers of the virus in December. Local authorities asked him to sign a letter acknowledging he made "false comments" after he wrote about the disease in his medical school alumni group on messaging service WeChat. Li later contracted coronavirus and eventually died on February 7, resulting in an outpouring of fury and grief over how he was treated."

Needless to say, many lives might have been saved had Xi Jinping and his cronies acted in the public interest instead of self-interest.

The image conscious Chinese government is under serious international scrutiny and appears to be bungling the opportunity to show "superpower competence".

Well, our economy and supply chain are intertwined with China but last I looked Xi Jinping isn't President of the United States. Donald John Trump is. And while China was essentially locked down by February 23rd, Trump largely did nothing from January 31st to March 13th...and that was only because of his disaster of an address two nights before and then the stock market tanking the next day. And voila, Pence and the experts out front on Friday.

I am sure there will be many questions for the Chinese government when this is all settled down. Maybe even repercussions but I wouldn't hold my breath. But the fact remains that the United States of America to my knowledge never waits for another country to do something before we act. Trump is President. He had his opportunity to do something. Starting on January 22nd in Davos. But, in the end, he just doesn't have anything beyond campaigner in chief in him. It was more important to shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job. Something that could have effectively guaranteed his re-election...all before any votes were cast in the primaries.

Bullshit, you lunatics called him a racist for shutting down travel.

Hmmm...nope...didn't happen. Just like a lot of shit that comes out of the mouths of right wingers.
PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China

You liars crack me up. It's all hidden away in your code. "immigration" Ongoing war against immigration is code for Trump is a racist. Just like the wall is racists. The best part is your feigned outrage is what's going to get Trump reelected. Enjoy!

"In response to the travel ban, Schumer tweeted on Feb. 5, “The premature travel ban to and from China by the current administration is just an excuse to further his ongoing was against immigrants. There must be a check and Balance (sic) on these restrictions.”

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