Why do you support liberalism?

I think i met just about everything except for what is coming....

Is that trepidation? Relax, n00b. It's a message board. What am I going to do, insult you to death? :rolleyes:

Props for laughing at yourself, at least. Now let's talk about that whole "liberals lack higher cognitive function" thing. :eusa_whistle:
Because today's conservatives are so idiotic that I don't want be at all associated with them... they are like kids dying for attention from adults, positing nonsense ideas simply for shock-value to make the point that they simply exist, because they have nothing real or constructive to say about anything
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EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

ROFL. You are such an idiot it's awesome. I'm so glad I met you, like legitimately and genuinely appreciative that I met someone like you.

You realize, you just REINFORCED my point with your nazi rant? Nazism is EXTREMIST left mentality, Fascism is the POLAR OPPOSITE of nazism lolololol, i am literally about to piss myself laughing.

I love how you threw in random little anecdotes too. HE MADE THE VOLSWAGEN. ROOSEVELT LIKED HIM. "THERE TAKEN ERR JERBSSS!!!"

You are everything that is win about the extremist right wing in this country and why I NEVER ever want you guys to go away. The ego boost you provide is unparalleled, I need to get save liberty in here and we could film Dumb and Dumber 2 and be billionaires.
Since we are comparing the Demos to Nazis, let's compare the Tea Baggers to the KKK and Rand Paul to the Grand Wizard. That is a closer analagy. As the weeks go on, more of his writing will surface and the voters of Kentucky will know him a lot better than they want to. He is running for his dad, you know?
EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

ROFL. You are such an idiot it's awesome. I'm so glad I met you, like legitimately and genuinely appreciative that I met someone like you.

You realize, you just REINFORCED my point with your nazi rant? Nazism is EXTREMIST left mentality, Fascism is the POLAR OPPOSITE of nazism lolololol, i am literally about to piss myself laughing.

I love how you threw in random little anecdotes too. HE MADE THE VOLSWAGEN. ROOSEVELT LIKED HIM. "THERE TAKEN ERR JERBSSS!!!"

You are everything that is win about the extremist right wing in this country and why I NEVER ever want you guys to go away. The ego boost you provide is unparalleled, I need to get save liberty in here and we could film Dumb and Dumber 2 and be billionaires.

The evidence of what a Democrat :evil: really is is in the post above. It is a perfect example of the ignorant, illiterate, unwashed, incoherent, uncouth, vulgar, ill-informed typical underclass low-brow Democrat. They all think, and speak just about like this example. If you have seen and heard one, you have seen and heard them all. What a pitiful excuse for a human being, if it :evil: can even be called a human :evil: at all.
I'd love to see some of the answers here.

why do I support liberalism?

let me count the ways.......

here's a few reasons why I support liberalism....

right wing hate-filled deranged conservatives like Founder say;

Oh, Goodie, then we have nothing to worry about. The TPs will destroy themselves along with the hated GOP, and we can all live happily ever after in an Obamiac Paradise, free of all troubles and cares. BTW how's that Hopie Changie thing working out for all you Obambot Kool Aid drinkers.

We sure got 'em on the run on this thread anyway. It just shows what a generous application of the truth can accomplish. Plus, we get to sharpen our spears on their tender hides.

The evidence of what a Democrat really is is in the post above. It is a perfect example of the ignorant, illiterate, unwashed, incoherent, uncouth, vulgar, ill-informed typical underclass low-brow Democrat. They all think, and speak just about like this example. If you have seen and heard one, you have seen and heard them all. What a pitiful excuse for a human being, if it can even be called a human at all.

EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.


as long as founder
and oreilly
and beck
and both limbaughs
and coulter
and malkin
and jacoby
and fox news

say dangerously deranged things like this I will NEVER support todays modern nazi facist conservative

on the one hand you insist that you are all nice guys who merely want to balance the budget and defend everyones freedoms


you turn right around
ignore ALL that talk about balanced budgets and defending freedoms
and start snarling out insults and denigrating personal attacks
demanding respect for your own beliefs while giving NO RESPECT to anyone else
whining about being demonized by the very people YOU DEMONIZE!

you whine that you are really nice guys....
then you remove your whiskers and reveal the hatefilled demons within
EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

Hitler's support for "workers rights" and the like were a matter of sloganeering. There were no more related to actual governance than the show election in Saddam's Iraq or China's claims of being a republic. The driving ideology of the Nazi regime was a mythology of national greatness. Germany could never fail, so if it ever did, it was because there were dark forces afoot undermining them from the inside. The Nazis didn't invent this idea. The Dolchstoßlegende had been promoted by the German right since the end of the war.

If we're trying to draw parallels to modern American politics, that sort of thinking is exclusively the domain of conservatives. Listen to the rhetoric of right-wing politicians. For that matter, listen to your own rhetoric. It's not that you have differences with liberals on matters of policy, it's that you think they're actively trying to destroy the nation.
EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

ROFL. You are such an idiot it's awesome. I'm so glad I met you, like legitimately and genuinely appreciative that I met someone like you.

You realize, you just REINFORCED my point with your nazi rant? Nazism is EXTREMIST left mentality, Fascism is the POLAR OPPOSITE of nazism lolololol, i am literally about to piss myself laughing.

I love how you threw in random little anecdotes too. HE MADE THE VOLSWAGEN. ROOSEVELT LIKED HIM. "THERE TAKEN ERR JERBSSS!!!"

You are everything that is win about the extremist right wing in this country and why I NEVER ever want you guys to go away. The ego boost you provide is unparalleled, I need to get save liberty in here and we could film Dumb and Dumber 2 and be billionaires.

The evidence of what a Democrat :evil: really is is in the post above. It is a perfect example of the ignorant, illiterate, unwashed, incoherent, uncouth, vulgar, ill-informed typical underclass low-brow Democrat. They all think, and speak just about like this example. If you have seen and heard one, you have seen and heard them all. What a pitiful excuse for a human being, if it :evil: can even be called a human :evil: at all.

Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.
ROFL. You are such an idiot it's awesome. I'm so glad I met you, like legitimately and genuinely appreciative that I met someone like you.

You realize, you just REINFORCED my point with your nazi rant? Nazism is EXTREMIST left mentality, Fascism is the POLAR OPPOSITE of nazism lolololol, i am literally about to piss myself laughing.

I love how you threw in random little anecdotes too. HE MADE THE VOLSWAGEN. ROOSEVELT LIKED HIM. "THERE TAKEN ERR JERBSSS!!!"

You are everything that is win about the extremist right wing in this country and why I NEVER ever want you guys to go away. The ego boost you provide is unparalleled, I need to get save liberty in here and we could film Dumb and Dumber 2 and be billionaires.

The evidence of what a Democrat :evil: really is is in the post above. It is a perfect example of the ignorant, illiterate, unwashed, incoherent, uncouth, vulgar, ill-informed typical underclass low-brow Democrat. They all think, and speak just about like this example. If you have seen and heard one, you have seen and heard them all. What a pitiful excuse for a human being, if it :evil: can even be called a human :evil: at all.

Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.

so true....

aryan nazis were VERY PATRIOTIC
they believed in traditional values
they were strong on the importance of the christian religion
they believed that the woman's place was in the home
they believed that THEY were the ones (white christian patriotic conservative aryans) who were (by any means necessary) going to FIX the world
they believed that they were morally and intellectually superior
they mocked, ridiculed, denigrated and dehumanized their "enemies"

and if that doesn't describe todays modern American conservative then I don't know what does....
EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

Hitler's support for "workers rights" and the like were a matter of sloganeering. There were no more related to actual governance than the show election in Saddam's Iraq or China's claims of being a republic. The driving ideology of the Nazi regime was a mythology of national greatness. Germany could never fail, so if it ever did, it was because there were dark forces afoot undermining them from the inside. The Nazis didn't invent this idea. The Dolchstoßlegende had been promoted by the German right since the end of the war.

If we're trying to draw parallels to modern American politics, that sort of thinking is exclusively the domain of conservatives. Listen to the rhetoric of right-wing politicians. For that matter, listen to your own rhetoric. It's not that you have differences with liberals on matters of policy, it's that you think they're actively trying to destroy the nation.

Everything you have said is a lie.... For example: Hitler set up the greatest most complete Welfare State, (Jews and Gypsies excluded) that has ever been known in the history of the world. The fact that you don't know this is an indication of your illiteracy.

Hitler was insanely popular in Germany NOT because he was anti-Semitic, but because he made Germans all rich, and gave total full employment and on and on and on. The average German didn't care a fig about a Jew one way or the other. He wanted a soft life, and Hitler gave it to him overwhelmingly. That is what they were willing to die to defend.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your ignorant chatter.
The evidence of what a Democrat :evil: really is is in the post above. It is a perfect example of the ignorant, illiterate, unwashed, incoherent, uncouth, vulgar, ill-informed typical underclass low-brow Democrat. They all think, and speak just about like this example. If you have seen and heard one, you have seen and heard them all. What a pitiful excuse for a human being, if it :evil: can even be called a human :evil: at all.

Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.

so true....

aryan nazis were VERY PATRIOTIC
they believed in traditional values
they were strong on the importance of the christian religion
they believed that the woman's place was in the home
they believed that THEY were the ones (white christian patriotic conservative aryans) who were (by any means necessary) going to FIX the world
they believed that they were morally and intellectually superior
they mocked, ridiculed, denigrated and dehumanized their "enemies"

and if that doesn't describe todays modern American conservative then I don't know what does....

According to your post above, you must mean then that:

Democrats :evil: are NOT Patriotic
Democrats :evil: do not believe in Traditional Values
Democrats :evil: are not Christians
Democrats :evil: oppose women staying home and caring for children.
Democrats :evil: don't give a hoot about "fixing" the world
Democrats :evil: believe themselves to be morally and intellectually, inferiors
Democrats :evil: never mock, ridicule, denigrate, or dehumanize their enemies.

Thanks for describing the beliefs and characteristics of Democrats :evil: so well, and placing yourself neatly among them.
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Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.

so true....

aryan nazis were VERY PATRIOTIC
they believed in traditional values
they were strong on the importance of the christian religion
they believed that the woman's place was in the home
they believed that THEY were the ones (white christian patriotic conservative aryans) who were (by any means necessary) going to FIX the world
they believed that they were morally and intellectually superior
they mocked, ridiculed, denigrated and dehumanized their "enemies"

and if that doesn't describe todays modern American conservative then I don't know what does....

According to your post above, you must mean then that:

Democrats :evil: are NOT Patriotic
Democrats :evil: do not believe in Traditional Values
Democrats :evil: are not Christians
Democrats :evil: oppose women staying home and caring for children.
Democrats :evil: don't give a hoot about "fixing" the world
Democrats :evil: believe themselves to be morally and intellectually, inferiors
Democrats :evil: never mock, ridicule, denigrate, or dehumanize their enemies.

Thanks for describing the beliefs and characteristics of Democrats :evil: so well, and placing yourself neatly among them.

The world is a dark and mysterious place, and everyone needs a bogeyman. I'm glad you've found yours. Feed it, nurse it, tuck it in at night and tell it you love it. Then wrap yourself in those stars and stripes, carry that cross, and type in bold font. It's entertaining, so please carry on.
EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: Fascism and Nazism are Democrat ideas and ideologies, NOT Conservative, Republican or Christian in any way whatsoever.

Hitler was a Secular Humanist Socialist Liberal Leftwing, advocate for workers rights. Remember, he created the Volkswagen, (the People's car, which Democrats today love and revere) Roosevelt loved his ideas, just didn't like the competition. Same with Stalin. He loved all of Hitler's ideas, except the one about making slaves of Slavs and Jews. A Democrat is just a racist Nazi wearing different striped clothing.

Hitler's support for "workers rights" and the like were a matter of sloganeering. There were no more related to actual governance than the show election in Saddam's Iraq or China's claims of being a republic. The driving ideology of the Nazi regime was a mythology of national greatness. Germany could never fail, so if it ever did, it was because there were dark forces afoot undermining them from the inside. The Nazis didn't invent this idea. The Dolchstoßlegende had been promoted by the German right since the end of the war.

If we're trying to draw parallels to modern American politics, that sort of thinking is exclusively the domain of conservatives. Listen to the rhetoric of right-wing politicians. For that matter, listen to your own rhetoric. It's not that you have differences with liberals on matters of policy, it's that you think they're actively trying to destroy the nation.

Everything you have said is a lie.... For example: Hitler set up the greatest most complete Welfare State, (Jews and Gypsies excluded) that has ever been known in the history of the world. The fact that you don't know this is an indication of your illiteracy.

Hitler was insanely popular in Germany NOT because he was anti-Semitic, but because he made Germans all rich, and gave total full employment and on and on and on. The average German didn't care a fig about a Jew one way or the other. He wanted a soft life, and Hitler gave it to him overwhelmingly. That is what they were willing to die to defend.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your ignorant chatter.

So since you're going to call me a liar, I assume you have actual evidence to support your claim. I won't hold my breath.
Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.

so true....

aryan nazis were VERY PATRIOTIC
they believed in traditional values
they were strong on the importance of the christian religion
they believed that the woman's place was in the home
they believed that THEY were the ones (white christian patriotic conservative aryans) who were (by any means necessary) going to FIX the world
they believed that they were morally and intellectually superior
they mocked, ridiculed, denigrated and dehumanized their "enemies"

and if that doesn't describe todays modern American conservative then I don't know what does....

According to your post above, you must mean then that:

Democrats :evil: are NOT Patriotic
Democrats :evil: do not believe in Traditional Values
Democrats :evil: are not Christians
Democrats :evil: oppose women staying home and caring for children.
Democrats :evil: don't give a hoot about "fixing" the world
Democrats :evil: believe themselves to be morally and intellectually, inferiors
Democrats :evil: never mock, ridicule, denigrate, or dehumanize their enemies.

Thanks for describing the beliefs and characteristics of Democrats :evil: so well, and placing yourself neatly among them.

The world doesn't sort into columns quite so easily.
I'd love to see some of the answers here.

Because conservatives are wrong on almost every single issue.

One real conservative is equal to a gagle of progressive liberals on the reality of the issues and concerns of the people::clap2:

It is not just Obama behind the progressive agenda. He is only one fish in the global Elite scumpond....:eusa_drool:

The President of the United States stood nearly arm-in-arm on the steps of the White House with President Felipe Calderon of Mexico. Calderon arrogantly criticized the courage of the State of Arizona for passing a law, which mirrors federal law designed to protect Arizona citizens from falling prey to Mexicans or anyone else that crosses the border into the United States illegally. Obama, looking on as Calderon made his inflammatory comments, took no issue with Calderon, in fact Obama made statements critical of Arizona leadership and it's government.

Further, the indescribable spectacle on May 20, 2010 when Mexican President Calderon addressed the Congress of the United States, attacking the State and government of Arizona using false, misleading, inciting, dangerous lies was bad enough. But, when what appeared to be a majority of the sitting US Congress, to include congressional leadership, rose and applauded Calderon's egregious attacks on one of our States, Arizona, it reflected one of the most despicable displays of anti-America, treasonous action by a body of Congress ever witnessed.

The United States Constitution, specifically Article IV, Section 4 in it's entirely states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." The United States government has willfully failed to uphold the United States Constitution.

Here's a video clip of CA Representative Tom McClintock which I totally agree with:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldx8gZDwZWs&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Response to President Calderon[/ame]
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Labeling those opposed as subhuman? Another box on the Nazi checklist ticked.

so true....

aryan nazis were VERY PATRIOTIC
they believed in traditional values
they were strong on the importance of the christian religion
they believed that the woman's place was in the home
they believed that THEY were the ones (white christian patriotic conservative aryans) who were (by any means necessary) going to FIX the world
they believed that they were morally and intellectually superior
they mocked, ridiculed, denigrated and dehumanized their "enemies"

and if that doesn't describe todays modern American conservative then I don't know what does....

According to your post above, you must mean then that:

Democrats :evil: are NOT Patriotic
Democrats :evil: do not believe in Traditional Values
Democrats :evil: are not Christians
Democrats :evil: oppose women staying home and caring for children.
Democrats :evil: don't give a hoot about "fixing" the world
Democrats :evil: believe themselves to be morally and intellectually, inferiors
Democrats :evil: never mock, ridicule, denigrate, or dehumanize their enemies.

Thanks for describing the beliefs and characteristics of Democrats :evil: so well, and placing yourself neatly among them.

You're a fuckin idiot

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