Why do you lean politically the way you do?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s were always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

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I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

I was a conservative, but my father was actually pretty libertarian. He was very fiscally conservative but didn't have any use for morality laws. Ironically, my leftist friend gave me a bunch of books and one was Atlas Shrugged.

It took time, but more and more it sank in that government sucks at everything. I'm socially conservative in my own life, but it's not because of government
Come from a line of farmers, and small business owners, construction.

Had family members that served in the military from before Washington crossed the Delaware, with the exception of one grandfather that had 3 boys under the age of 5 in 1917.
I and my kid brother both did 20 years in uniform.

anti union, because mom scabbed to feed 4 children.

(Visited by assholes that didn't like scabs. Dad met them with a shotgun. They wisely left)
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Raised in a Republican family. Bought into Reaganomics and Supply Side theory. Voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush four times.
In the mid 90s, Republicans were taken over by the Gingrich/ Limbaugh faction. I became dissatisfied with Republican rhetoric and outright callousness. I did not want these guys representing me.
Began to support Bill Clinton have have voted Democrat for President ever since.
I have never voted a straight ticket and still vote for Republicans at the local level and have a Republican Congressman who I occasionally vote for.
My "politics" lean toward me, not the reverse. "Left" and "right" have no meaning in my internal world of thinking what is desirable and not politically.
Family history.
Lost several family members in the first war. On either side of the family it left two widows to do the best they could without any help from the government they were fighting for.

Unemployment and poverty during the depression, sub standard housing and no healthcare. My Nana qualified as a Teacher, the first in the family to go to college. She had to give up her job on her wedding day because Denbighshire did not employ married women.

Studied the history of the UK and it struck me that every positive step to move a feudal backward shithole forward was opposed by Conservatives who were happy with the status quo. Health , education, housing, sanitation all opposed by those selfish bastards.

Tories are the party of the toffs and did nothing for my class whilst they filed their pockets because of my labour

The left is about decency, sharing, caring and helping people and we all benefit from that. We have to look after each other, thats not necessarily just a Christian stance its a universal stance.

Im a methodist but I recognise that other cultures are superior to ours and it is because of the rise of conservatism. We put our old people in homes but Asians just buy a bigger house. We are selfish and uncaring = conservatism.

I have voted for 5 left leaning parties in my lifetime but I will go to my grave never having voted tory.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Common sense.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)
My father was a veteran of WWII and the Korean War, and even spent a few months TDY to Vietnam in the early days of that war. He was in many ways a hard man that demanded strict discipline, honor and honesty, and a strong work ethic. If you wanted something, you had to earn it, which lends itself to being a fiscal conservative, you don't spend what you ain't got. That, and he preached taking responsibility for your words and deeds, and promises made must be promises kept.

We never talked much about politics, he died in 1974 (heart attack) which was about the time I started to realize WTF was going on in the world. Kids don't care much about anything except good times and sex, and I was no different. But eventually I realized what the two parties stood for and their plans, policies, and methods, and so about the time Reagan took office I started to lean to the Right. Maybe not on every issue, as I suspect most people are depending on the issue.

For me, neither party is ideal but the GOP is far more in line with my own values and principles.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)

Figured. Don't listen to them. More and more you will realize youth is largely wasted on on the young. You've just gotten to the point of being good at it, most of them aren't.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)

My kids and their friends cannot believe I am not younger, and I just turned 70 last week.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)

My kids and their friends cannot believe I am not younger, and I just turned 70 last week.

:TH_WAY~113: Maybe I'll see you on a river or on the slopes sometime!
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)

My kids and their friends cannot believe I am not younger, and I just turned 70 last week.

:TH_WAY~113: Maybe I'll see you on a river or on the slopes sometime!

Yes, I am recovering from two operations to realign my leg and I am al most ready to go.
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s we always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Dude! You are fricken 40, probably 41 on next birthday. You ain't old and if tired, you got a medical problem. Go Independent. You don't need a party, as it carries long term party agenda. Pendular motion is natural motion and inherently conservative in nature.

I am an independent and well compared to you I am young but my kids remind me how old I am daily. :)

My kids and their friends cannot believe I am not younger, and I just turned 70 last week.

:TH_WAY~113: Maybe I'll see you on a river or on the slopes sometime!

Yes, I am recovering from two operations to realign my leg and I am al most ready to go.

Screwed mine up after taking up skying at 60, got too aggressive, (I suppose) at 63 but made it back to the slopes last year, only to catch Covid on the trip. Good luck with your continued rehab, the last of it being all on you, after dealing with the pain of the first of it. i want people to still be surprised at my age, like you in another 4 years. :clap:
I have been on this board for a while now and I am just curious why people lean a certain way?

For me: I live in Brookline (essentially Boston) MA, a large Jewish community, pretty close to Fenway and the easily accessible to downtown Boston. I am a father of two kids (11 and 13) both girls. I run a decent sized financial advisory services business. Born in Oct. 1980, I am old, tired and live for my wife and kids. I have always been an independent but a young college kid in NC, I leaned very left and in my fist eligible election, I voted for the inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. He lost. I then voted for John Kerry, he lost. I then voted for John McCAin, not because I didn't like BHO but because I will always vote for a veteran over a non-vet, McCain lost. See the pattern...in the 2012 election I was on the fence but by then I was a father a didn't like BHO's spending so I voted for Romney (he lost). I never got involved in local politics but I did vote against Liz Warren. My parents, Jewish immigrants from the old Soviet Union, who came here in the mid 70s were always staunch Democrats. Ted Kennedy made it possible for them to come here an voted strictly Democrat until 2016 when they completely switched to the GOP and voted for Trump citing the Left's overt anti Israel views.

I voted for Trump in 2016 as I just needed something other than HRC's nagging voice and lies. You don't accidentally bleach a server and smash blackberries and ipads. Story is true:

Also, I had and still have a client who does bleach servers and such for companies and I knew how intricate the process was. Now my kids are growing up and being told they have white privilege. Told they have racial bias. Told they need to use gender neutral pronouns. Told that trans girls may compete in sports against them. Of course that made me lose my mind a bit (as you can gather from my many posts on USMB). That being said I remain an Independent. I am not overly religious, although I will defend the Jewish faith, culture and support of Israel very strongly. Why? I owe it to my ancestors who died in the Holocaust and fighting the Nazis. My dad lost his entire family sans one sister and my mom was a bit luckier but still lost about 90%. I now see how much impact we can have in Town Elections if we band together, hence I appreciate small Gov't over large Gov't. I do like and appreciate programs that help the unfortunate and I believe our healthcare program is super inefficient and costly. The Democrats at least try to attack it. That being said, more and more I find myself on the same page as the GOP sans the need for endless wars. I like small gov't fiscal policies, strong military, strong border security, America first rhetoric, pro more vs. less policing (reform is necessary), pro Israel and pro freedom of speech. But I remain an Independent and not at service to any party.

My perfect 2024 ticket would be Dan Crenshaw/Tulsi Gabbard. Both served in the military, very bright, fairly young, energetic, and not divisive in my view.

Which way do you lean and why? What is your story?

Please share only if you're comfortable.

Thank you,

Your friend the Pale Orc

View attachment 480564

Democrats lie about everything. .. i believe if they started a piece on CNN saying trump sunk the titanic because he wasted the best ship ever to be named THE TRUMPER. And every single one of you bidens biddys would repeat that lie forever , and never deny it . Ever . You would keep repeating until nobody knows what the hell is going on. I never seen such a criminal organization work so effortlessly. If they never admit to their crimes. , and nobody does anything to stop them . Well, what? Its been going on for all of trumps years. Barr is the one , Durham got them. . Obama caught spying on the incoming administration, clintons destroying evidence , and no doubt Seth rich . And what? FBI Gonna scoop in and put them in GITMO? Nope , they are gonna do whT they want . They will never quit . If democrats could put that effort into making America the greatest country to exist instead of just being hell. Bent on burning it down I will never get why . Can anyone fill me in.

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