Why do People Cheat?

A guy will cheat for three reasons

1. He's scum.
2. He falls for another woman.
3. He isn't getting any at home.

Number 3 is the easiest for women to control. There is no reason for number 3 to happen.
On the bloke side, I would suggest ego as well. Some blokes just like to feel they can still attract a woman. But that might be part and parcel of what has already been suggested.
I think those nine possible reasons sum it up rather well.

1. Bored
I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.

2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.

3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.

4. Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.

5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.

6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.

7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.

8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.

9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.


When two people forge a relationship they are creating their own unique reality.

That's why it is so disorienting when you discover that you're being cheated on.

They're ripped the reality rug out from under you.

Quite figuratively, they've shattered your world.
I had a guy cheat on me, it about killed me I was so in love with him.

I'm sorry someone hurt you that way. It is one of the worst ways someone can betray you.

People cheat because their standards are not high enough and it doesn't weigh on their conscience. They also don't have the ability to see into the future and see how destructive their behavior is.
A guy will cheat for three reasons

1. He's scum.
2. He falls for another woman.
3. He isn't getting any at home.

Number 3 is the easiest for women to control. There is no reason for number 3 to happen.

I agree with you on #3. This can be controlled. For some reason women generally gain weight after getting married, particularly after having kids and lots of women don't make a good enough effort to control this aspect of their lives. I'm not making excuses for the husbands, but wives have an obligation to maintain themselves.
I had a guy cheat on me, it about killed me I was so in love with him.

9 Reasons People Cheat - Love + Sex on Shine

They're probably settling for less til soemthing better comes along. Aren't you getting married soon ?

Not anymore.


Thanks to some of you for the kind words in PM, it wasn't my ex fiancee who cheated on me btw, he and I had other issues. It was a guy I lived with in my 20's-I was so madly in love with him. The bastard even called the "girl" from my mom's house one day when he was helping my mom move some things, my mom happened to pick up the phone and heard him talking to her. :mad:
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Sorry to hear your world has shattered, EZ.

When that has happened to me, (and it has a number of times, naturally) I eventually convince myself that I didn't lose anything because I obviously never really had it to begin with.

After the pain subsides, of course.

I typically allow myself a period of mourning to recover my equalibrium. I typically eschew women's advances during that period.

Since, after a man is cheated on, our testosterone actually decreases rather dramatically, that is rather an easier thing to do than when I'm not in pain.

I don't know what it feels like to be a woman whose love was scorned, but I assume that it cannot be much worse or any better than it is for us menfolk.

Hey, we still love ya', baby, and I don't doubt people in the real world, do, as well.

Hang in there...the pain will subside.

It always does.
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