Why do Democrats on the USMB keep denying they are self-hating Black supremacist party?

In the last 50 years, what legislation has Republicans passed that help minorities or poor people?
Too many to name, but only a dumbass would not know that many civil rights acts were passed with many R votes.
Start naming some

What have republicans done to help the poor?
I know that the left wing doesn't like the EITC because to receive it one must work, but it really does help the poor. Very unlike anything I can think of that the left wing has done. But then again it isn't the goal of the right wing to keep people down so they stay in the fold.
In the last 50 years, what legislation has Republicans passed that help minorities or poor people?
Too many to name, but only a dumbass would not know that many civil rights acts were passed with many R votes.
Start naming some

What have republicans done to help the poor?
Really? I know you aren't that stupid. Who passed much of LBJ's civil rights and welfare programs? Look it up. It isn't hard or I wouldn't have tasked you with it...knowing your many limitations.
Really, he can, and please don't challenge him. :D
An honest review of the history of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party would reveal one thing. Anyone with a soul could be proud of the history of the Republican Party. From being formed to free the slave to at least the good that Reagan did that helped the black community prosper.

But the Democrat Party, what is there to be proud of? A war that killed more Americans then any other, over the very act of slavery? I don't think so.

Jim Crow? Segregation? FDR putting Japanese Americans into concentration camps? LBJ's comments on uppity Negros?

Where is the love.

One thing though, if nothing else, the Democrat party knows how to sell a con job.

Republican became the party of white nationalists, proud now?
Well one thing is for certain; neither being white, nor being a nationalist is anything to be ashamed of.

White nationalism is not about yourself, it's about them pesky others
An honest review of the history of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party would reveal one thing. Anyone with a soul could be proud of the history of the Republican Party. From being formed to free the slave to at least the good that Reagan did that helped the black community prosper.

But the Democrat Party, what is there to be proud of? A war that killed more Americans then any other, over the very act of slavery? I don't think so.

Jim Crow? Segregation? FDR putting Japanese Americans into concentration camps? LBJ's comments on uppity Negros?

Where is the love.

One thing though, if nothing else, the Democrat party knows how to sell a con job.

Republican became the party of white nationalists, proud now?
Well one thing is for certain; neither being white, nor being a nationalist is anything to be ashamed of.

White nationalism is not about yourself, it's about them pesky others.

Word !

No one objects to Russian Americans , Irish Americans etc.. celebrating their heritage.

When some says "white heritage" you know its just about hating no whites .
Black supremacy? WTF?

Do you know what BLM stands for?

It doesn't stand for "America was meant for blacks"
Republicans are 90% white. To them, black lives don't matter. They really don't. Not to them.
In the last 50 years, what legislation has Republicans passed that help minorities or poor people?
Too many to name, but only a dumbass would not know that many civil rights acts were passed with many R votes.
Start naming some

What have republicans done to help the poor?
You know if we changed that sentence to "What have Republicans done to help the poor over a cliff" we could create a very long list.
Why do Democrats on the USMB keep denying they are self-hating Black supremacist party?

If they had to admit the truth publicly, they'd lose votes from their base.
Everything the GOP does is to help their big biz masters .
Just like the D party.
Not possible. The Democrats are simply too diverse.
You have finally gone off the deep end. The democrats are a herd of lemmings. Marching in lock step. This can be witnessed by their votes on Obamacare. They were bought off to pass the disaster and now can not admit, and won't leave the herd, that they were wrong. Nothing diverse about the Democrats. Oh right you were talking race again, sorry I forgot, to the liberal left everything is about race.
You can't have it both ways. All those BLM activists sure aren't republicans. The Democrat leaders who told white people to "shut up", sure isn't a republican.]

Poor little snowflake. Still upset about those 'uppity' black folk.
An honest review of the history of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party would reveal one thing. Anyone with a soul could be proud of the history of the Republican Party. From being formed to free the slave to at least the good that Reagan did that helped the black community prosper.

But the Democrat Party, what is there to be proud of? A war that killed more Americans then any other, over the very act of slavery? I don't think so.

Jim Crow? Segregation? FDR putting Japanese Americans into concentration camps? LBJ's comments on uppity Negros?

Where is the love.

One thing though, if nothing else, the Democrat party knows how to sell a con job.

Republican became the party of white nationalists, proud now?
Well one thing is for certain; neither being white, nor being a nationalist is anything to be ashamed of.

White nationalism is not about yourself, it's about them pesky others.

Word !

No one objects to Russian Americans , Irish Americans etc.. celebrating their heritage.

When some says "white heritage" you know its just about hating no whites .
You mean celebrating what European countries THINK is their heritage and have browbeaten their citizens into believing. Last time I checked European countries were being "diversified" too....

The only time the word "white" is synonymous with "European" is in a history book talking about colonization and imperialism.

And btw, when someone says "white heritage", they are either a person of multiple European heritages, or they are a white person reclaiming the indigenous culture of Europe for white people.

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