Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

I have a question why do liberals love revere Bill and Hillary so much? They are very much a part of the inside the beltway cozy up to the big money Wall Street 1% bring in the lobbyist crowd that the left claims to be against yet you would gladly declare Hillary President in waiting if you could.
Hmm, Bill Clinton--sold secrets to the Chinese in exchange for campaign money. Sexual relationship with subordinate. Impeached for perjury under oath. Cut military spending below acceptable levels. Allowed multiple terrorist attacks on US, leading to 9/11.
The only things Clinton is remembered for positively are the polciies he pulled from the GOP.

Hilliary: no record of accomplishment. Cattle trades. Whitewater scandal. Missing billing records. Vince Foster death. Oppostunistic. Says whatever she thinks people want to hear. Liar. Benghazi. Liar.

That pretty well covers it.

Wow, how much of that can you prove with "credible" sources?
All of it.
What do you consider "credible"?
Hint: no matter what you say, you're lying.

Bill was convicted of receiving blowjobs and flavoring his cigars. Hillary was convicted of nothing. It only cost $80 million.

Independent probes of Clinton Administration cost nearly 80 million - CNN, April 1, 1999

Slick Willy was convicted of lying under oath (in fact, he was DISBARRED for it).
A wonderful rendition of hypocrisy by the usual suspects, above. A circle jerk of hate based on emotion, bigotry and ignorance.

Having an affair is quite common among American men, and among American Women too. Of course most of the suspects above are so self absorbed and angry, it's likely few of them could find a willing partner - ugly goes deeper than the skin.

Hypocrisy and character assassination are two of many character flaws of those suspects, as well as a rigid believe in Randian Selfishness, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and penchant for false self righteous indignation.

One more time for the slow kid: I don't give a rat fuck who he slept with, I care that he lied under oath! Yes, it really is that simple!
I certainly do not hate Bill or Hillary. I've said several times that Bill Clinton's fiscal record is the most conservative fiscal record since Eisenhower and JFK. Putting aside Clinton's unfortunate personal life, he was, on balance, one of the better presidents we've had in the modern era.

I'm hoping that Hillary will govern much like her husband did if she gets elected.
Yeah I can imagine how kind and understanding our Progressive brothers would be had a Republican president used his interns vagina for a humidor.
I certainly do not hate Bill or Hillary. I've said several times that Bill Clinton's fiscal record is the most conservative fiscal record since Eisenhower and JFK. Putting aside Clinton's unfortunate personal life, he was, on balance, one of the better presidents we've had in the modern era.

I'm hoping that Hillary will govern much like her husband did if she gets elected.
Nationalized health care was her baby when she was first lady. She'll be The Obama part II
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Because they're criminal pigs.
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference anymore.

Most male politicians take advantage of sexual powers, Bill Clinton just made the mistake of making his in the Oval Office instead of a cheap hotel on the Beltway.

He had an affair with a subordinate which is wrong, and he committed perjury, which was against the law.
So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Read my lips, conservatives cost HW the election by abandoning him, moron. This is why liberals shouldn't speculate. You have no clue what you are talking about. It was moderate/liberal Republicans who liked him. That is the first Presidential election I abandoned the Republican party. I was sick of his government loving spending. I voted for Perot and cheered when the useless sack of shit HW went down even though he was replaced by an amoral sex addict and his heartless bitch of a wife
Nationalized health care was her baby when she was first lady. She'll be The Obama part II.

That's possible, but I doubt it.

It's pretty well known in upper Democratic circles that Hillary disagrees with Obama on several issues and that she does not like how he has handled certain issues but that she has been playing the part of the loyal insider.
A wonderful rendition of hypocrisy by the usual suspects, above. A circle jerk of hate based on emotion, bigotry and ignorance.

Having an affair is quite common among American men, and among American Women too. Of course most of the suspects above are so self absorbed and angry, it's likely few of them could find a willing partner - ugly goes deeper than the skin.

Hypocrisy and character assassination are two of many character flaws of those suspects, as well as a rigid believe in Randian Selfishness, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and penchant for false self righteous indignation.

Bill the rapist Clinton wasn't held up to scorn for having an affair. Have you looked at that walking advertisement for FDS he married?

Who could blame him?

The scumbag rapist was being questioned about multiple instances of sexual harassment and even sexual assault when he FUCKING LIED to a FEDERAL PROSECUTOR!!!!!

That would get you, and anybody else in here, 18 Months in Prison... Do not pass go, do not collect $200

dimocraps are lying scum. ALL of them

1. There was no allegation of rape.

2. Chasing skirts is as common as the sun rises, in every culture.

3. In every courtroom today, all of yesterdays, and in the future the whole truth but nothing but the truth is a fallacy.
Probably the number one reason I wouldn't vote for her is "identity politics". Sure, I agree with some of her economics and investing in our society, but I feel identity politics is pure poison. We need a leader that can lead instead of divide.
Probably the number one reason I wouldn't vote for her is "identity politics". Sure, I agree with some of her economics and investing in our society, but I feel identity politics is pure poison. We need a leader that can lead instead of divide.

"Identity politics"? Pure poison? Please define what you believe is Identity politics and how it comports to Sen/Sect. Clinton/s and her ability to do the job.
I have a question why do liberals love revere Bill and Hillary so much? They are very much a part of the inside the beltway cozy up to the big money Wall Street 1% bring in the lobbyist crowd that the left claims to be against yet you would gladly declare Hillary President in waiting if you could.
It should be obvious. Clinton won. That's it. Dems love winners. They really dont give a shit beyond that. They like Alcee hastings, one of a handful of federal judges impeached and removed in the 20th century,now a sitting congressman from FL.
A wonderful rendition of hypocrisy by the usual suspects, above. A circle jerk of hate based on emotion, bigotry and ignorance.

Having an affair is quite common among American men, and among American Women too. Of course most of the suspects above are so self absorbed and angry, it's likely few of them could find a willing partner - ugly goes deeper than the skin.

Hypocrisy and character assassination are two of many character flaws of those suspects, as well as a rigid believe in Randian Selfishness, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and penchant for false self righteous indignation.

Bill the rapist Clinton wasn't held up to scorn for having an affair. Have you looked at that walking advertisement for FDS he married?

Who could blame him?

The scumbag rapist was being questioned about multiple instances of sexual harassment and even sexual assault when he FUCKING LIED to a FEDERAL PROSECUTOR!!!!!

That would get you, and anybody else in here, 18 Months in Prison... Do not pass go, do not collect $200

dimocraps are lying scum. ALL of them

1. There was no allegation of rape.

2. Chasing skirts is as common as the sun rises, in every culture.

3. In every courtroom today, all of yesterdays, and in the future the whole truth but nothing but the truth is a fallacy.
There were serious and credible allegations of rape.
Chasing skirts in the office gets you fired. See: Stonecipher, Harry
Werent libs saying Clarence Thomas was unfit because he sexually harassed a subordinate? Yeah thats different. Because he's a black off the reservation.
Some people lie under oatth, ergo lying under oath is OK.
What a piece of shit you are. Didnt you have to take some kind of oath for yyour job?
A wonderful rendition of hypocrisy by the usual suspects, above. A circle jerk of hate based on emotion, bigotry and ignorance.

Having an affair is quite common among American men, and among American Women too. Of course most of the suspects above are so self absorbed and angry, it's likely few of them could find a willing partner - ugly goes deeper than the skin.

Hypocrisy and character assassination are two of many character flaws of those suspects, as well as a rigid believe in Randian Selfishness, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and penchant for false self righteous indignation.

Bill the rapist Clinton wasn't held up to scorn for having an affair. Have you looked at that walking advertisement for FDS he married?

Who could blame him?

The scumbag rapist was being questioned about multiple instances of sexual harassment and even sexual assault when he FUCKING LIED to a FEDERAL PROSECUTOR!!!!!

That would get you, and anybody else in here, 18 Months in Prison... Do not pass go, do not collect $200

dimocraps are lying scum. ALL of them

1. There was no allegation of rape.

2. Chasing skirts is as common as the sun rises, in every culture.

3. In every courtroom today, all of yesterdays, and in the future the whole truth but nothing but the truth is a fallacy.
There were serious and credible allegations of rape.
Chasing skirts in the office gets you fired. See: Stonecipher, Harry
Werent libs saying Clarence Thomas was unfit because he sexually harassed a subordinate? Yeah thats different. Because he's a black off the reservation.
Some people lie under oatth, ergo lying under oath is OK.
What a piece of shit you are. Didnt you have to take some kind of oath for yyour job?

There are serious and very credible allegations that you are a liar, a partisan hack, and a homophobic jerk. As well as plenty of evidence all of that is true.

Are you angry, poorly educated or drunk? The syntax and spelling suggest all three.

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