Why do Christians preach and spread the word?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word.


Ezekiel 3:17-21 warns us that if we do not spread the word those we could have told of God's word that sin and do wicked will not only bring themselves down but us also as we are responsible for those we do nt inform.
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word.


Ezekiel 3:17-21 warns us that if we do not spread the word those we could have told of God's word that sin and do wicked will not only bring themselves down but us also as we are responsible for those we do nt inform.

So, who's stopping you?
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word.


Ezekiel 3:17-21 warns us that if we do not spread the word those we could have told of God's word that sin and do wicked will not only bring themselves down but us also as we are responsible for those we do nt inform.

So, who's stopping you?

This thread is in response to previous threads by people demanding to know why Christians "bother" others with their faith. It is reinforcement for those Christians that are easily swayed by demands by non believers to leave them alone and not spread the word.
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word.


Ezekiel 3:17-21 warns us that if we do not spread the word those we could have told of God's word that sin and do wicked will not only bring themselves down but us also as we are responsible for those we do nt inform.

they think they will get a reward in the next life, they do it for selfish reasons?
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word.


Ezekiel 3:17-21 warns us that if we do not spread the word those we could have told of God's word that sin and do wicked will not only bring themselves down but us also as we are responsible for those we do nt inform.

So, who's stopping you?

This thread is in response to previous threads by people demanding to know why Christians "bother" others with their faith. It is reinforcement for those Christians that are easily swayed by demands by non believers to leave them alone and not spread the word.

I see. And you must because of Mark. However, in Luke Jesus also instructed you, when told to leave them alone, to go outside the town and shake the dust from your feet.

In addition, Jesus said when you spread the word you are supposed to go from town to town with nothing but the clothes on your back. You don't carry a bag, food or money. Are you following that instruction as well?
In John we are commanded by Jesus to spread the word
So when Christians spread their religion it's A-OK

But when muslims do the exact same thing you go crazy and even start a thread about it. :cool:

You started a thread about taking over the Government and enforcing your RELIGIOUS laws. Christians do not plan to take over the Government nor to enforce biblical law on the population. YOUR thread wants sharia law enforced in the US which is in violation of the Constitution that Governs the Country. Your religion thinks the Government should be run by the religion mine does not.

getting the idea yet stupid? Further when someone changes their mind and quits being a Christian my religion does not put out a death sentence on them.
So, who's stopping you?

This thread is in response to previous threads by people demanding to know why Christians "bother" others with their faith. It is reinforcement for those Christians that are easily swayed by demands by non believers to leave them alone and not spread the word.

I see. And you must because of Mark. However, in Luke Jesus also instructed you, when told to leave them alone, to go outside the town and shake the dust from your feet.

In addition, Jesus said when you spread the word you are supposed to go from town to town with nothing but the clothes on your back. You don't carry a bag, food or money. Are you following that instruction as well?

Neither God, Jesus or any other person in the Bible commanded that every follower leave their home and family and forsake all property to travel penniless from city to city. Or perhaps you can quote for us that commandment, perhaps you can provide for us where in in the book I quoted from that God or Jesus commanded the good followers to do so when told they would be held accountable if they did not inform sinners and fallen righteous of their error?
You started a thread about taking over the Government and enforcing your RELIGIOUS laws.
There you go lying again.

I specifically stated that the transition to Islam would only be from the people voting it into the government and law of the land.


If the American people voted to make Christianity the law of the land.

Would you take up arms and fight those Christian who supported a Christian take over of the U.S. government?
You started a thread about taking over the Government and enforcing your RELIGIOUS laws.
There you go lying again.

I specifically stated that the transition to Islam would only be from the people voting it into the government and law of the land.


If the American people voted to make Christianity the law of the land.

Would you take up arms and fight those Christian who supported a Christian take over of the U.S. government?

Irrelevant question You see Christians do not believe that man will rule the world for long. God will eventually take over. There is no call for nor desire for a Theocracy. The bible does not call for it nor do Christians believe in it.

As for your vote you are aware that the ONLY way it could happen by a vote is an Amendment to the Constitution. requiring 51 Senators, 218 Congressman and Majorities in 37 States? No other "vote" would be legal or binding.
As for your vote you are aware that the ONLY way it could happen by a vote is an Amendment to the Constitution. requiring 51 Senators, 218 Congressman and Majorities in 37 States? No other "vote" would be legal or binding.
And if all of these people voted to have a Christian nation; would you support it or fight against it?
You started a thread about taking over the Government and enforcing your RELIGIOUS laws.


If the American people voted to make Christianity the law of the land.

Would you take up arms and fight those Christian who supported a Christian take over of the U.S. government?

Yes. Because of the power involved, corruption runs rampant in both religion and politics. History proves that separating the two makes half the bullshit voluntary.

If you choose to subjugate yourself to a religion or church, that should be your business.
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You started a thread about taking over the Government and enforcing your RELIGIOUS laws.
There you go lying again.

I specifically stated that the transition to Islam would only be from the people voting it into the government and law of the land.


If the American people voted to make Christianity the law of the land.

Would you take up arms and fight those Christian who supported a Christian take over of the U.S. government?

Irrelevant question You see Christians do not believe that man will rule the world for long. God will eventually take over. There is no call for nor desire for a Theocracy. The bible does not call for it nor do Christians believe in it.

As for your vote you are aware that the ONLY way it could happen by a vote is an Amendment to the Constitution. requiring 51 Senators, 218 Congressman and Majorities in 37 States? No other "vote" would be legal or binding.

It's not irrelevant to those of us who do not believe in the Christian God any more than the Muslim God.

Both scenarios, however unlikely, are possible and 'Vegas odds would be on the Christian take-over being more likely.

That said, the odds on either happening put this whole conversation in the tin-foil hat forum.

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