Why Did They Change The Definition Of "Vaccination"?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

Yep. They changed it on 9/1.

Anyone who doubts it, here is the 8/26 archive....

And here is the current page:

On a similar subject....

I bet you the reason the FDA took so long to approve the COVID vaccines (longer time than it took to develop them) was because they had to go through a complicated process to change their vaccine approval standards. I bet the vaccines did not meet their existing criteria for approval regarding safety and effectiveness, and they had to lower their standards, requiring all kinds of red tape and approvals to go through.

They were undoubtedly under extreme pressure to approve the vaccines.
Yep. They changed it on 9/1.

Anyone who doubts it, here is the 8/26 archive....

And here is the current page:

On a similar subject....

I bet you the reason the FDA took so long to approve the COVID vaccines (longer time than it took to develop them) was because they had to go through a complicated process to change their vaccine approval standards. I bet the vaccines did not meet their existing criteria for approval regarding safety and effectiveness, and they had to lower their standards, requiring all kinds of red tape and approvals to go through.

They were undoubtedly under extreme pressure to approve the vaccines.

How easily they manipulate the herd.
Most apparently the herd wants to be manipulated, even gaslighted. So long as they have access to the fastest internet connection, the newest smart devices and the coolest video games—and of course, lots and lots of marijuana—nothing else matters.

I recall someone saying "I lie to them because they want to be lied to."

I can't remember whose quote that is......maybe you do???
Yep. They changed it on 9/1.

Anyone who doubts it, here is the 8/26 archive....

And here is the current page:

On a similar subject....

I bet you the reason the FDA took so long to approve the COVID vaccines (longer time than it took to develop them) was because they had to go through a complicated process to change their vaccine approval standards. I bet the vaccines did not meet their existing criteria for approval regarding safety and effectiveness, and they had to lower their standards, requiring all kinds of red tape and approvals to go through.

They were undoubtedly under extreme pressure to approve the vaccines.
Yes, but that's what the words "emergency use authorisation" was in there for right ?
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

PROGS change definitions all the time. It's part of the their tarded dispositions is all.
Yes, but that's what the words "emergency use authorisation" was in there for right ?
Those words do not exist on either page of definitions.

They changed the definition, because the vaccine they approved did not meet the definition.

Funny how that works.

Can't play by the rules? Well then, let's change the rules.
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There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

It's not really new. There are different types of vaccines. One type is sterilizing vaccines that produce neutralizing antibodies. Another type is infection-permissive vaccines. The Covid-19 vaccine is an example of the latter. So is the annual flu vaccine, most people just never became familiar with the distinction since we didn't lose our collective minds over the yearly flu pandemic. Not even the 2009 H1N1 strain that killed almost 100,000 in the US alone, a significant potion of which were kids.
Those words do not exist on either page of definitions.

They changed the definition, because the vaccine they approved did not meet the definition.

Funny how that works.

Can't play by the rules? Well then, let's change the rules.
Didn’t folks at the FDA quit over this ? Or am I thinking of something else?
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

It wouldn't make a bit of diference to simpleton's like you what the CDC did, now would it?
Didn’t folks at the FDA quit over this ? Or am I thinking of something else?
I think they quit because they were upset that the Biden Admin told people to get boosters before they approved the boosters.

It wouldn't make a bit of diference to simpleton's like you what the CDC did, now would it?


Let's check: who'd you vote for?

BTW.....when you refer to another as a simpleton, it behooves you to spell "difference" correctly.

"It wouldn't make a bit of diference (sic)..."

You government school grads would be comedy gold if it weren't so sad for the nation.
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

They had to change the definition becasue the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are based on the brand new mnRNA technology and do not use the traditional dead or weakened virus (Like the J&J vaccine).
I think they quit because they were upset that the Biden Admin told people to get boosters before they approved the boosters.

And they also questioned the need for the boosters currently under study, becasue they don't address the Delta variant.
They had to change the definition becasue the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are based on the brand new mnRNA technology and do not use the traditional dead or weakened virus (Like the J&J vaccine).


I believe they changed it due to the ineffective nature of many of the vaccination that the totalitarians wish to make mandatory.

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