Why did the holocaust occur?

you notice how this yukon dickwad bronght most everyone who hates each other together against him?
Even General Grant during the Civil War ordered the banning of Jews from his area of operations:

#1) On December 17, 1862, General Ulysses Grant wrote to the Assistant Adjutant General of the US Army:

"I have long since believed that in spite of all the vigilance that can be infused into post commanders, the specie regulations of the Treasury Department have been violated, and that mostly by the Jews and other unprincipled traders. So well satisfied have I been of this that I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South, and I have frequently had them expelled from the department. But they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere. They will land at any woodyard on the river and make their way through the country. If not permitted to buy cotton themselves, they will act as agents for someone else, who will be at a military post with a Treasury permit to receive cotton and pay for it in Treasury notes which the Jew will buy at an agreed rate, paying gold."

Also, on December 17, 1862, General Ulysses S. Grant issued General Orders No. 11. This order banished all Jews from Tennessee's western military.

General Orders No. 11 declared: "1. The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department, are hereby expelled from the Department.

#2) Within 24 hours from the receipt of this order by Post Commanders, they will see that all of this class of people are furnished with passes required to leave, and anyone returning after such notification, will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these headquarters.

#3) No permits will be given these people (jews) to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.

"By order of Major Gen. Grant.

"Jno. A. Rawlings,
Assistant Adjutant General"

The Jew is, by nature, dishonest. They can't help it because the dishonesty is genetic. Remember that it was the Jew who traded Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, the Jew who used the Church as a money lending place, the Jew who turned Jesus over to the omans to be killed. What else can they expect.....

Question ya fucking 'tard, you DO realize that Jesus was Jewish as well, right? So, if Jesus was Jewish, does that mean that Jesus was dishonest as well? You stated that dishonesty is genetic for Jews, and well..........like I said........Jesus was Jewish.

For a supposed priest, you sure as fuck don't know very much ya perverted pedophile priest.

Allow me to enlightened your simplistic mind with some historical facts pertaining to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced Pharisaism (Jews); hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

GayBiker, in future please at least attempt to get your facts staright before launching into one of your pro-jewish inpired rants about things you are completely ignorant of.

As a former Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I am without a doubt the most qualified person here at USMB to comment on issues of a theological nature. You, on the other hand, are not qualified to comment effectively on anything other than the latest B-Ball and Football scores (and you probably would get them wrong too).

Fr. Yukon

Allow me to enlightened your simplistic mind with some historical facts pertaining to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced Pharisaism (Jews); hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

GayBiker, in future please at least attempt to get your facts staright before launching into one of your pro-jewish inpired rants about things you are completely ignorant of.

As a former Priest of the Roman Catholic Church I am without a doubt the most qualified person here at USMB to comment on issues of a theological nature. You, on the other hand, are not qualified to comment effectively on anything other than the latest B-Ball and Football scores (and you probably would get them wrong too).

Fr. Yukon

During history, no persons were known as "Jews"? Well, then, can you please explain WHY (in the NT incidentally), Yeshua was actually called "King of the Jews"? Rome was the very people that put it on His cross!

Incidentally, Abraham is known as the Father of the Jews. It was because of Abraham's actions in discovering who God really was that the Hebrew people were given the Torah on Mt. Sinai.

So......fail on that point.

As far as speaking out against the Pharisees? Well......that is also another interesting point as far as that, they weren't so much the whole Jewish people, as they were a SECT of Judaism. Here.......

The word Pharisees (lat. pharisæ|us, -i) comes from the Hebrew פרושים perushim from פרוש parush, meaning "set apart" [1]. The Pharisees were, depending on the time, a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought among Jews that flourished during the Second Temple Era (536 BCE–70 CE). After the destruction of the Second Temple, the Pharisaic sect was re-established as Rabbinic Judaism — which ultimately produced normative, traditional Judaism, the basis for all contemporary forms of Judaism, with the exception of the Karaites.

Pharisees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So......what actually happened was Yeshua was speaking out against one splinter sect of Judaism, not all of it.

Epic fail.......yet again........

As far as you being the most qualified to speak out about religion on USMB? Not really.....you see.......your particular religion is a mish mash of pagan beliefs and Judaic theology. How else do you explain Easter taking place on the Spring Solstice (which incidentally is the reason for the sunrise services), instead of after Passover (a Jewish holiday that Yeshua showed up in Jerusalem to celebrate, as He is a good Jewish boy), or the fact that Yeshua was actually born in October rather than December 25th (which incidentally, happens to coincide with the Winter Solstice)?

I hardly think that being a defrocked pedophile priest qualifies you for anything other than douchebag status.

Maybe sperm mopper in a porno theater.

You are indeed a fool of the greatest proportion, uneducated, and ignorant of the facts. I will make no further attempt to enlighten you for you are intellecually incapable of grasping historical fact. Go, play with your PlayStation. Have fun................

You are indeed a fool of the greatest proportion, uneducated, and ignorant of the facts. I will make no further attempt to enlighten you for you are intellecually incapable of grasping historical fact. Go, play with your PlayStation. Have fun................

So.......in other words.......you cannot refute anything that I posted in my last post, even though you (claim) to be a Catholic priest (although, I think you were in America, but got shipped up to Canada, because the church has you in their priestly witness protection program. You know......the one where they move pedophile asses like yourself from church to church to keep them from getting sued?

Refute the statement that Yeshua wasn't Jewish. Refute the fact that Yeshua was CALLED "King of the Jews" by both Israel AND Rome (although, it was done mockingly).

Try again fuckstick.......you've just been pwned.
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.
file your complaint, fucktard
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

Go ahead you lowborn Canadian gutter slut. Better yet......go back to the Catholic church and start atoning for all the little altar boys that you've defiled over your lifetime.

Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists ya pillow biting douchebag, you're just as guilty as the rest of us about cussing.

Clean the sand outta your pussy and then come back.

I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

file it. i garuntee your anti-sematic rhetoric will be reported along with it.
cry baby
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

file it. i garuntee your anti-sematic rhetoric will be reported along with it.
cry baby
i told him to "file it" because i know Gunny and the mods would love to have a good laugh

nothing anyone is doing to him violate the rules, so it would just be a good laugh
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

file it. i garuntee your anti-sematic rhetoric will be reported along with it.
cry baby
i told him to "file it" because i know Gunny and the mods would love to have a good laugh

nothing anyone is doing to him violate the rules, so it would just be a good laugh

you may be laughing but i'm appalled and angry
file it. i garuntee your anti-sematic rhetoric will be reported along with it.
cry baby
i told him to "file it" because i know Gunny and the mods would love to have a good laugh

nothing anyone is doing to him violate the rules, so it would just be a good laugh

you may be laughing but i'm appalled and angry
laughing at the thought of him reporting someone for cussing
and, you need to lighten up, because being a flaming antisemite is not a violation of the rules here either
but, you are as free as the rest of us to call them the fucktards they are
i told him to "file it" because i know Gunny and the mods would love to have a good laugh

nothing anyone is doing to him violate the rules, so it would just be a good laugh

you may be laughing but i'm appalled and angry
laughing at the thought of him reporting someone for cussing
and, you need to lighten up, because being a flaming antisemite is not a violation of the rules here either
but, you are as free as the rest of us to call them the fucktards they are

i'm not saying anything about the rules of the board, but as far as the rules of being a decent human, that's why i'm appalled and angry.
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

Yukon, you fucking jack-off scumbag motherfucking cocksucking asslicking pedophiliac, go suck off a syphlitic goat's cock and choke on its jism.
I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

Yukon, you fucking jack-off scumbag motherfucking cocksucking asslicking pedophiliac, go suck off a syphlitic goat's cock and choke on its jism.

I refuse to respond to social retards who can not phrase a sentence without resorting to foul, abusive, and profane language. I'm fed up with this and will be forced to file a complaint with the Moderaotors if it continues.

Yukon, you fucking jack-off scumbag motherfucking cocksucking asslicking pedophiliac, go suck off a syphlitic goat's cock and choke on its jism.


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