"Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history America's" Democrats want Biden out, but this? WOW!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Democrats want Biden out of the 2024 race. They wanted him dirtied up enough so he would change his mind about running.

Once they lit the fuse, they had no clue that the resulting explosion was going to reverberate around the world. No hyperbole, this is going to make Watergate look like a minor speeding ticket.

January 16, 2023 4:05pm EST

Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history

America's Justice Department has become politicized and the Biden documents scandal begs the question, what did Merrick Garland know?​

By Brett L. Tolman | Fox News

Democrats want Biden out of the 2024 race. They wanted him dirtied up enough so he would change his mind about running.

Once they lit the fuse, they had no clue that the resulting explosion was going to reverberate around the world. No hyperbole, this is going to make Watergate look like a minor speeding ticket.

January 16, 2023 4:05pm EST

Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history

America's Justice Department has become politicized and the Biden documents scandal begs the question, what did Merrick Garland know?​

By Brett L. Tolman | Fox News


Hunter paid 50K per MONTH in rent. Sure he did. Courtesy of China.

Very early on, I decided the election of Biden was terrible for the nation in the short term, but in the longer term, might finally drive the Leftists back under the rocks from which they crawled.

And here we go....
Biden's mishandling of classified is realky bad, but it still can't top Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal, Obama and his administration's (NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ+) failed attempted coup, and Pelosi's multiple criminal attempts to overthrow the govt by illegally removing a sitting President (even manufacturing fake evidence to try to help them succeed).

A US Presidet and his son taking millions from our enemies, laundering money, selling influence, tax evasion / fraud, espionage, misshandling the most senitive, highest classified info the US has ... ?

The Biden's are still in the running to top all of that. We just have to see what unfolds.
Democrats want Biden out of the 2024 race. They wanted him dirtied up enough so he would change his mind about running.

Once they lit the fuse, they had no clue that the resulting explosion was going to reverberate around the world. No hyperbole, this is going to make Watergate look like a minor speeding ticket.

January 16, 2023 4:05pm EST

Why Biden's documents mess could be one of the biggest political scandals in American history

America's Justice Department has become politicized and the Biden documents scandal begs the question, what did Merrick Garland know?​

By Brett L. Tolman | Fox News

boy are the conspiracy theories running on overtime... these were boxes of documents that were brought to his business and to his home when he left office ... they were all sealed .... when discovered there were Classified documents unlike Trump Biden's lawyers turned them right in ... the lawyers were determining what paperwork Biden should toss or keep that's how they discovered these classified documents were in there ... as soon as they were found they turned them in and contacted the DOJ... to determine if Biden had done something illegal ...Meritt Garland then turned it over to a judge that was pick by trump to make sure that hee wasn't accused of doing favorites unlike what theorist is trying to do for you here ...

here's what trump has done ... the Doj contacted Trump about missing classified documents ... trump called them to come and get these documents ... his attorney at the time told us they have turned in all the documents ...trump got a subpoena ... he refused to answer the subpoena... trump was warned many times that he should give up those documents ... finally the DOJ was forced to get a warrant to get the classified documents he took... now they are trying to compare what trump has done verses, Biden ??? here's what's going to happen ... Biden isn't going to get charged with anything... and trump is going to jail for not turning over those classified almost 2 years ago ...

Hunter paid 50K per MONTH in rent. Sure he did. Courtesy of China.

Very early on, I decided the election of Biden was terrible for the nation in the short term, but in the longer term, might finally drive the Leftists back under the rocks from which they crawled.

And here we go....

Um, yeah... this reminds me of your endless pursuit of the Clintons, where after spending 70 million dollars, the only thing you could prove was that he lied about a blow job.

This has even less meat on the bones than that.
Biden's mishandling of classified is realky bad, but it still can't top Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal, Obama and his administration's (NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ+) failed attempted coup, and Pelosi's multiple criminal attempts to overthrow the govt by illegally removing a sitting President (even manufacturing fake evidence to try to help them succeed).

A US Presidet and his son taking millions from our enemies, laundering money, selling influence, tax evasion / fraud, espionage, misshandling the most senitive, highest classified info the US has ... ?

The Biden's are still in the running to top all of that. We just have to see what unfolds.
now this post is the funniest post to date I've seen... really you want to go there here's a guy trump who was doing business with the Russians... then he tries to over through the government ... this lien of yours ... now that got me a belly laugh ... still chuckling ... Pelosi and the democrats did the job they chose to do plus this so-called scandal of Hillery ... then you say the evidence we got came from republican house members and all of their workers turned trump in ... you are sooooooo full of shit ...

failed attempted coup, and Pelosi's multiple criminal attempts to overthrow the govt by illegally removing a sitting Presiden
boy are the conspiracy theories running on overtime... these were boxes of documents that were brought to his business and to his home when he left office ... they were all sealed .... when discovered there were Classified documents unlike Trump Biden's lawyers turned them right in ... the lawyers were determining what paperwork Biden should toss or keep that's how they discovered these classified documents were in there ... as soon as they were found they turned them in and contacted the DOJ... to determine if Biden had done something illegal ...Merrick Garland then turned it over to a judge that was picked by Trump to make sure that he wasn't accused of doing favorites unlike what theorist is trying to do for you here ...

here's what Trump has done ... the DOJ contacted Trump about missing classified documents ... Trump called them to come and get these documents ... his attorney at the time told us they have turned in all the documents ...Trump got a subpoena ... he refused to answer the subpoena... Trump was warned many times that he should give up those documents ... finally the DOJ was forced to get a warrant to get the classified documents he took... now they are trying to compare what Trump has done verses, Biden ??? here's what's going to happen ... Biden isn't going to get charged with anything... and Trump is going to jail for not turning over those classified almost 2 years ago ...
The 20-words or less version of you argument:

1. The Biden Crime Family sells things to make money. Just like the Clintons did.

2. Trump's documents were in a lockup (as requested by the DOJ) protected by the Secret Service until ownership could be determined in court. The MAL raid was a vicious abuse of power. The illegal search & seizure at MAL was for "evidence" for the J6 kangaroo court, not "classified documents". Even after the illegal search & seizure, there still are NO CHARGES against Trump. Why is that? Hint: when Sandy Berger got caught stealing classified documents all that happened was he lost his security clearance.
now this post is the funniest post to date I've seen... really you want to go there here's a guy trump who was doing business with the Russians... then he tries to over through the government ... this lien of yours ... now that got me a belly laugh ... still chuckling ... Pelosi and the democrats did the job they chose to do plus this so-called scandal of Hillery ... then you say the evidence we got came from republican house members and all of their workers turned trump in ... you are sooooooo full of shit ...
1. Hillary hired/paid/colluded with Russians for the Steele Dossier. Muller cleared Trump of any "collusion", DUH.
2. Your post reads like a pre-schooler wrote it.

Hunter paid 50K per MONTH in rent. Sure he did. Courtesy of China.

Very early on, I decided the election of Biden was terrible for the nation in the short term, but in the longer term, might finally drive the Leftists back under the rocks from which they crawled.

And here we go....
why do you have to lie ... what do you think you are proving

Numerous media outlets have reported that Hunter Biden was paid as much as $50,000 a month for his work with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings.
Verdict: Unsubstantiated

No available financial records show Burisma directly paid Hunter Biden. The $50,000-a-month figure stems from payments made to Biden by New York-based capital management firm Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Bank records show Rosemont Seneca Bohai received payments from Burisma, as well as dozens of other entities and individuals. It’s unclear why Rosemont Seneca Bohai was paying Hunter Biden.

Fact Check:

Hunter Biden served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma while his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, oversaw the policy regarding the Eastern European nation.

Hunter Biden, who served on the Burisma board of directors from April 2014 to April 2019, was paid a salary for his work with the company, according to a statement Burisma chairman Alan Apter gave to The Wall Street Journal. In his statement, Apter said Hunter Biden would receive a salary for his independent directorship, but did not specify how much Hunter Biden would be paid.
Numerous media outlets have stated Hunter Biden was paid as much as $50,000 a month for his work with Burisma, but available financial records show no direct payments from the company to him. The frequently cited figure stems from payments Hunter Biden received from Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a New York-based capital management firm owned and controlled by longtime business partner Devon Archer.

Rosemont Seneca Bohai Morgan Stanley bank records show Hunter Biden, while simultaneously serving on Burisma’s board, received $708,302 between June 2014 and October 2015 from Rosemont Seneca Bohai, for undisclosed reasons, in a series of payments that ranged from $10,000 to $150,979 per month. At the same time, Rosemont Seneca Bohai received over $3.15 million from Burisma for “consulting services.” (Rosemont Seneca Bohai was a capital management firm, not a consulting firm.)

Hunter Biden had no official role with Rosemont Seneca Bohai at the time of the payments, according to the company’s business filings.

“Hunter Biden was a Yale-educated lawyer who had served on the boards of Amtrak and a number of nonprofit organizations and think tanks, but lacked any experience in Ukraine and just months earlier had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine,” wrote New York Times journalist Kenneth Vogel. “He would be paid as much as $50,000 per month in some months for his work for the company, Burisma Holdings.”

Vogel was the first to report Burisma paid Hunter Biden $50,000 per month. It’s unclear how exactly Vogel calculated that figure, but it is possible he used an average of the payments regularly made to Hunter Biden from Rosemont Seneca Bohai over the period of 17 months shown in the available bank records.

However, the Daily Caller News Foundation could not confirm the accuracy of this figure, as there is no evidence the payments from Rosemont Seneca Bohai to Hunter Biden are necessarily for his work with Burisma. (RELATED: ‘Fun Times In Beijing’: Hunter Biden Received $700,000 From Company That Held Stake In Chinese Investment Firm)

During the same time Rosemont Seneca Bohai was receiving payments from Burisma, it also received nearly $27 million in payments from dozens of other entities and individuals. The money Hunter Biden received from Rosemont Seneca Bohai could possibly be for his work with any of these other entities or individuals, or for some other unknown reason.

When ABC News’s Amy Robach asked directly about the alleged $50,000 figure, Hunter Biden said, “Look, I’m a private citizen. One thing that I don’t have to do is sit here and open my kimono as it relates to how much money I made or make or did or didn’t.”

Rosemont Seneca Bohai, Burisma, Kenneth Vogel and Hunter Biden’s lawyer, George Mesires, did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.
Um, yeah... this reminds me of your endless pursuit of the Clintons, where after spending 70 million dollars, the only thing you could prove was that he lied about a blow job.

This has even less meat on the bones than that.
Their daughter's wedding cost proves what they are.
Um, yeah... this reminds me of your endless pursuit of the Clintons, where after spending 70 million dollars, the only thing you could prove was that he lied about a blow job. This has even less meat on the bones than that.
1. Bubba lost his law license. A serious punishment.
2. Ron Brown, Bubba's bag-man, got his ass double-tapped for selling shit he shouldn't have been selling.
3. BTW how's the Clinton Foundation doing?
boy are the conspiracy theories running on overtime... these were boxes of documents that were brought to his business and to his home when he left office ...

You just described

1. Illegally removed TS/SCI

2. Illegally transported classified material / documentd (Courier letter, proper packaging , clsssified markings on the boxes, etc...)

3. Illegal handling and storage of classified material: No authorized and approved SCIF / vault,, no physival security of the documents cotrilling authorized access to the clasdifief, no zchain of custody or visitor logs.

they were all sealed ....

Tbe documents were 'missng for 5 yesrs. Located in unsecured locations. There are no Chain of Custody and no bisitor logs.

That means we.don't know:

- Where the documents were taken?

- How many times they were moved?

- Who packed / upacked the boxes?

- Who packed tbe docu.ents?
- Did they have the required security clearances?

- Were the boxes properly marged?

- Were the noxes physically controlled, as required? (especially dinve they were illegally stored in unsevure, athorized locations?

- Why was there no Chain of Custody?

- Why were there no visitor logs to keep track of who had access to tbe Documents?

When Hinter Biidrn rented the house for $50k per month, where were the classifed docs?
- Still in a stack by the Corvette in Joe's garage? Still in the house, unsecured?

Thete is no way to.tell.if those boxes containing TS/SCI documets werecsealed the entire 6 years ot tell who had sccess - mo bisitor logs.

And more...

when discovered there were Classified documents unlike Trump Biden's lawyers turned them right in ... the lawyers were determining what paperwork Biden should toss or keep that's how they discovered these classified documents were in there ... as soon as they were found they turned them in and contacted the DOJ... to determine if Biden had done something illegal ...Meritt Garland then turned it over to a judge that was pick by trump to make sure that hee wasn't accused of doing favorites unlike what theorist is trying to do for you here ...

here's what trump has done ... the Doj contacted Trump about missing classified documents ... trump called them to come and get these documents ... his attorney at the time told us they have turned in all the documents ...trump got a subpoena ... he refused to answer the subpoena... trump was warned many times that he should give up those documents ... finally the DOJ was forced to get a warrant to get the classified documents he took... now they are trying to compare what trump has done verses, Biden ??? here's what's going to happen ... Biden isn't going to get charged with anything... and trump is going to jail for not turning over those classified almost 2 years ago ...
Um, yeah... this reminds me of your endless pursuit of the Clintons, where after spending 70 million dollars, the only thing you could prove was that he lied about a blow job.

This has even less meat on the bones than that.

Actually that's not true.

Bill Clinton Was the 2st sitting President to.have to testify in a trial - his own hearing.. Clinton obfuscated and wsscso deceitful.in his testimony that the judge held in Contempt of Court, Rebuked, and stripped of Arkansas law license

The judge rebuked him.for violating his oath of office by attempting to deny a US citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.

Despite the fact you reality dreniers continue telling the lie about why Clinton gound himself Impeached. Lewinski and her BJj on the President wss NOT why Clinton faced Impeachment.
The 20-words or less version of you argument:

1. The Biden Crime Family sells things to make money. Just like the Clintons did.
So point out where he did that on Biden's tax records. Thanks.

2. Trump's documents were in a lockup (as requested by the DOJ) protected by the Secret Service until ownership could be determined in court. The MAL raid was a vicious abuse of power. The illegal search & seizure at MAL was for "evidence" for the J6 kangaroo court, not "classified documents". Even after the illegal search & seizure, there still are NO CHARGES against Trump. Why is that? Hint: when Sandy Berger got caught stealing classified documents all that happened was he lost his security clearance.

Except Trump never did that. He SPECIFICALLY signed an affidavit saying he returned all classified documents when he in fact retained 360 of them.

There will be charges against Trump for J6 and the documents... he's just pissed off too many people on both sides of the fence. Even Republicans will be glad to see him go down in flames.

1. Hillary hired/paid/colluded with Russians for the Steele Dossier. Muller cleared Trump of any "collusion", DUH.

No, he really didn't. He referred Trump's obstruction to Congress, which did nothing about it.

1. Bubba lost his law license. A serious punishment.
A law license he hadn't used in 20 years in a state he had no intention of residing in.
2. Ron Brown, Bubba's bag-man, got his ass double-tapped for selling shit he shouldn't have been selling.
And I knew it was only a matter of time before you got to the Crazy!!! Hey, did they send out those elite ninjas to get Vince Foster, too?
3. BTW how's the Clinton Foundation doing?

Looks like it's doing fine.
Mind you, Bill is pushing 80 at this point, he's probably looking to kick back a bit.
Actually that's not true.

Bill Clinton Was the 2st sitting President to.have to testify in a trial - his own hearing.. Clinton obfuscated and wsscso deceitful.in his testimony that the judge held in Contempt of Court, Rebuked, and stripped of Arkansas law license

He lied about getting a blow job. Which had nothing to do with the case at hand, whether or not a person who didn't work for him was sexually harassed or not.

The judge rebuked him.for violating his oath of office by attempting to deny a US citizen of their Constitutional right to a fair trial.

The same judge who threw that case out for having ZERO merit. The same judge who ruled that any evidence about past affairs was material irrelevant to the case.

Despite the fact you reality dreniers continue telling the lie about why Clinton gound himself Impeached. Lewinski and her BJj on the President wss NOT why Clinton faced Impeachment.

I guess the problem is, I just don't see lying about a blow job as being an impeachable offense. Neither did most sensible people at the time which is why they slapped down the Republicans hard in the midterms for suggesting it.

Trying to overthrow the government by unleashing a murderous mob on Congress... that's an impeachable offense.
You just described

1. Illegally removed TS/SCI

2. Illegally transported classified material / documentd (Courier letter, proper packaging , clsssified markings on the boxes, etc...)

3. Illegal handling and storage of classified material: No authorized and approved SCIF / vault,, no physival security of the documents cotrilling authorized access to the clasdifief, no zchain of custody or visitor logs.

Tbe documents were 'missng for 5 yesrs. Located in unsecured locations. There are no Chain of Custody and no bisitor logs.

That means we.don't know:

- Where the documents were taken?

- How many times they were moved?

- Who packed / upacked the boxes?

- Who packed tbe docu.ents?
- Did they have the required security clearances?

- Were the boxes properly marged?

- Were the noxes physically controlled, as required? (especially dinve they were illegally stored in unsevure, athorized locations?

- Why was there no Chain of Custody?

- Why were there no visitor logs to keep track of who had access to tbe Documents?

When Hinter Biidrn rented the house for $50k per month, where were the classifed docs?
- Still in a stack by the Corvette in Joe's garage? Still in the house, unsecured?

Thete is no way to.tell.if those boxes containing TS/SCI documets werecsealed the entire 6 years ot tell who had sccess - mo bisitor logs.

And more...
the boxes were still sealed when they were opened by Biden's attorneys... they have never been opened before... that has been established ... that's why these boxes were opened...to see what's inside ... whether to destroy them or keep them ... that's what the attorneys were doing when they discovered the classified documents ...all of the boxes contents haven't been seen ... them the seals weren't broken from being delivered to his place of business and home ...so all of your questions are moot ... what you and these cowards of republicans are trying to say its the same what trump did is the same as Biden .... anyway you want to look at it the Biden's weren't asked for almost 2 years to return documents over they were ever asked ... they turn them over right away whe.... trump refused to turn his over period ...

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