Why Are Unvaccinated People Being Treated Worse Than Gay AIDS??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Dennis Prager, the conservative radio host and founder of media company PragerU, claimed that Americans who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 are modern “pariahs” – more than gay men and drug users during the Aids crisis.

He added: “Can you imagine, during the Aids crisis, if gay men and intravenous drug users, the vast majority of people with Aids, had they been pariahs the way non-vaccinated are? It would have been inconceivable, and should have been inconceivable.”

Dennis makes an excellent point....Nobody treated people with AIDS the same way people are treating unvaccinated people. History will remember the treatment of unvaccinated people as the worst case of discrimination and government oppression in US History....Can you imagine if people went around demonizing fags and calling AIDS the gay plague?? I mean, when AIDS was first discovered; we didn't mistreat anyone -- we responded to it the same way we should have responded to this whole COVID thing....we ignored it...only gays and druggies had it anyway, so who cares...

It wasn't until Dr. Fauci and others started injecting real Americans with AIDS by using blood transfusions that it became something for real Americans to worry about. However, there were no mandates to stop AIDS people from being around others...nobody went around attacking fags with AIDS like we attack the unvaccinated..and when gay people started threatening the lives of elected officials at their gay rallies and AIDS parades, nobody stopped them...so why are the unvaxxed being treated so differently??

"Dennis Prager, the conservative radio host and founder of media company PragerU, claimed that Americans who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 are modern “pariahs” – more than gay men and drug users during the Aids crisis.

He added: “Can you imagine, during the Aids crisis, if gay men and intravenous drug users, the vast majority of people with Aids, had they been pariahs the way non-vaccinated are? It would have been inconceivable, and should have been inconceivable.”

Dennis makes an excellent point....Nobody treated people with AIDS the same way people are treating unvaccinated people. History will remember the treatment of unvaccinated people as the worst case of discrimination and government oppression in US History....Can you imagine if people went around demonizing fags and calling AIDS the gay plague?? I mean, when AIDS was first discovered; we didn't mistreat anyone -- we responded to it the same way we should have responded to this whole COVID thing....we ignored it...only gays and druggies had it anyway, so who cares...

It wasn't until Dr. Fauci and others started injecting real Americans with AIDS by using blood transfusions that it became something for real Americans to worry about. However, there were no mandates to stop AIDS people from being around others...nobody went around attacking fags with AIDS like we attack the unvaccinated..and when gay people started threatening the lives elected officials at their gay rallies and AIDS parades, nobody stopped them...so why are the unvaxxed being treated so differently??
By the standards of today with Covid, they would be put into camps and worse. And that disease is still spreading and is expensive by their own accusations of Covid.
By the standards of today with Covid, they would be put into camps and worse. And that disease is still spreading and is expensive by their own accusations of Covid.
To be fair...if anyone today is catching AIDS; they pretty much deserve it.....

AIDS was the perfect message from God-Jesus that being gay is wrong and punishable by death....

There is no such thing as heterosexual AIDS

I know a cat named Way-Out Tony
He got a cool little gig sellin’ pharma baloney
Did the walk and stroll with the FDA
And brought us all hand jab’s today

Papa told Tony "you'll ruin my home
You and that hand jab has got to go"
Tony said "papa, don't put me down
Been sellin’ that hand jab all over town"

Hand jab, hand jab
Hand jab, doin' that crazy hand jab

Mama, mama, look at uncle Joe, look at him
He's doin' that hand jab with his VP Ho
Even gave mandates the time, hey, hey
Said "do that hand jab on our dime"

Well, a doctor and a lawyer and a CDC chief
They all dig that dysrhythmic beat
Way-Out Tony gave them all a treat, yeah
When he did the clot shot with his feet

Hand jab, hand jab
Hand jab, doin' that crazy hand jab

Well, Tony and Joe dodged the fall
They had a CDC insider who scrubbed it all
The libs all think they’re great you see, hey, hey
Doin' that hand jab on T.V., come on

Hand jab, hand jab
Hand jab, doin' that crazy hand jab

w/ apologies to Johnny Otis
To be fair...if anyone today is catching AIDS; they pretty much deserve it.....

AIDS was the perfect message from God-Jesus that being gay is wrong and punishable by death....

There is no such thing as heterosexual AIDS
Yes there is, drug addicts who catch it through needles.
Ah, another sellout to the alt-right. Dennis, you ignorant slut. Gay men WERE treated like pariahs. And there was no treatment for HIV until YEARS later. No vaccine available.
But, thanks to the miracle of modern research, companies developed a vaccine to a deadly virus in record time (no thanks to the last guy). You have the method of ending
this pandemic right at your fingertips. So..why won't you? Let's see, in no particular order, Freedom, liberty, The Constitution, tracking chips, DNA changing, religious exemption,
deep state conspiracy..and the hits just keep on coming.

Dennis needs to sit down and watch the Dallas Buyers Club. All in all, a good representation of what it was like for gay men at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic.
You can draw a lot of parallels to the resistance to the vaccine. Fear, ignorance, misinformation, prejudice.
There are so many issues swirling around in Mr Pragers thoughtful cry for liberty. Those of us who abhor the balkanization of the great unvaxxed can sympathise with so much of it.

The AIDS community never had to wear a mask for a start. You never knew who they were unless you observed them carefully for a few minutes.

But one key point undermines his argument.

Catching the AIDS was pretty much on you. Dont use dirty needles and dont take it up the arse every night, wear a condom and you would be pretty much safe. That isnt the case with the fake Covid bug.

Any filthy disease ridden wanker in the pub could be breathing it all over you. Unlike AIDS these covidiots are busy injecting sunlight up their arses to little effect. Its a death cult.

The question has to be how we can isolate them from polite and decent educated people.

"Dennis Prager, the conservative radio host and founder of media company PragerU, claimed that Americans who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 are modern “pariahs” – more than gay men and drug users during the Aids crisis.

He added: “Can you imagine, during the Aids crisis, if gay men and intravenous drug users, the vast majority of people with Aids, had they been pariahs the way non-vaccinated are? It would have been inconceivable, and should have been inconceivable.”

Dennis makes an excellent point....Nobody treated people with AIDS the same way people are treating unvaccinated people. History will remember the treatment of unvaccinated people as the worst case of discrimination and government oppression in US History....Can you imagine if people went around demonizing fags and calling AIDS the gay plague?? I mean, when AIDS was first discovered; we didn't mistreat anyone -- we responded to it the same way we should have responded to this whole COVID thing....we ignored it...only gays and druggies had it anyway, so who cares...

It wasn't until Dr. Fauci and others started injecting real Americans with AIDS by using blood transfusions that it became something for real Americans to worry about. However, there were no mandates to stop AIDS people from being around others...nobody went around attacking fags with AIDS like we attack the unvaccinated..and when gay people started threatening the lives of elected officials at their gay rallies and AIDS parades, nobody stopped them...so why are the unvaxxed being treated so differently??
Aids infected people were a threat to people with whom they have SEXUAL contact with. Unvaccinated people are a threat to people with whom they have any contact with, sexual or otherwise, and are prolonging the covid crisis.

seems like dennis is a lying ignorant history revisionist

Gallup Vault: Fear and Anxiety During the 1980s AIDS Crisis


Americans' Attitudes on People With AIDS

As the spread of AIDS continued, Gallup found some Americans expressing judgmental views about those who had contracted the disease. In two separate polls in 1987, roughly half of Americans agreed that it was people's own fault if they got AIDS (51%) and that most people with AIDS had only themselves to blame (46%). Between 43% and 44% of Americans in 1987 and 1988 believed that AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behavior.

Perceptions of AIDS as the Most Urgent U.S. Health Problem

In 1987, Gallup asked an open-ended question about what Americans saw as the most urgent health problem facing the U.S. More than two-thirds of Americans said AIDS, and mentions of the disease topped that list until 2000.
Gallup Vault: Fear and Anxiety During the 1980s AIDS Crisis

The Reagan administration's unbelievable response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

By German Lopez@germanrlopez[email protected] Updated Dec 1, 2016, 11:20am EST
When the HIV/AIDS epidemic began in the 1980s, the Reagan administration's first reaction was chilling: It appeared to treat the epidemic as a joke.

In a new documentary short by Scott Calonico called When AIDS Was Funny, posted by Vanity Fair, audio of press conferences reveals Ronald Reagan's press secretary, Larry Speakes, and members of the media joking about the HIV/AIDS epidemic — which they called "gay plague" — and laughing about one of the reporters potentially having it.

Here's the first exchange between Speakes and journalist Lester Kinsolving from 1982, when nearly 1,000 people had died from AIDS:

Lester Kinsolving: Does the president have any reaction to the announcement by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta that AIDS is now an epidemic in over 600 cases?
Larry Speakes: AIDS? I haven't got anything on it.
Lester Kinsolving: Over a third of them have died. It's known as "gay plague." [Press pool laughter.] No, it is. It's a pretty serious thing. One in every three people that get this have died. And I wonder if the president was aware of this.
Larry Speakes: I don't have it. [Press pool laughter.] Do you?
Lester Kinsolving: You don't have it? Well, I'm relieved to hear that, Larry! [Press pool laughter.]
Larry Speakes: Do you?
Lester Kinsolving: No, I don't.
Larry Speakes: You didn't answer my question. How do you know? [Press pool laughter.]
Lester Kinsolving: Does the president — in other words, the White House — look on this as a great joke?
Larry Speakes: No, I don't know anything about it, Lester.
Later exchanges include more joking and apathy about AIDS, including from members of the press, even after more was known about the seriousness of the epidemic. Here is audio from 1984, when more than 4,200 had died:

Larry Speakes: Lester is beginning to circle now. He's moving up front. Go ahead.
Lester Kinsolving: Since the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta report is going to… [Press pool laughter.]
Larry Speakes: This is going to be an AIDS question.
Lester Kinsolving: …that an estimated…
Larry Speakes: You were close.
Lester Kinsolving: Can I ask the question, Larry? That an estimated 300,000 people have been exposed to AIDS, which can be transmitted through saliva. [This is false; HIV can only be transmitted through blood, semen, pre-cum, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.] Will the president, as commander in chief, take steps to protect armed forces, food, and medical services from AIDS patients or those who run the risk of spreading AIDS in the same manner that they bed typhoid fever people from being involved in the health or food services? [Through this question, laughter can be heard coming from the press pool.]
Larry Speakes: I don't know.
Lester Kinsolving: Is the president concerned about this subject, Larry?
Larry Speakes: I haven't heard him express concern.
Lester Kinsolving: That seems to have evoked such jocular reaction here. [Press pool laughter.]
Unidentified person: It isn't only the jocks, Lester.
Unidentified person: Has he sworn off water faucets now?
Lester Kinsolving: No, but I mean, is he going to do anything, Larry?
Larry Speakes: Lester, I have not heard him express anything. Sorry.
Lester Kinsolving: You mean he has expressed no opinion about this epidemic?
Larry Speakes: No, but I must confess I haven't asked him about it.
Lester Kinsolving: Will you ask him, Larry?
Larry Speakes: Have you been checked? [Press pool laughter.]
Unidentified person: Is the president going to ban mouth-to-mouth kissing?
Lester Kinsolving: What? Pardon? I didn't hear your answer.
Larry Speakes: [Laughs.] Ah, it's hard work. I don't get paid enough. Um. Is there anything else we need to do here?
The exchanges are hugely revealing. For one, they show just how little was known about the disease when the epidemic first broke — people thought it was exclusive to gay people, and thought that it could be transmitted through saliva, even though HIV can only be transmitted through blood, semen, pre-cum, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.

The exchanges also demonstrated that Reagan and his administration didn't take the epidemic very seriously, for which the Reagan administration is still heavily criticized. His successors eventually acted, albeit often very slowly, on the crisis — leading to much more research, programs like the Ryan White CARE Act that connect people to care, and the development of antiretroviral medication that increases the life expectancy of a person living with HIV by decades.
The Reagan administration's unbelievable response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic
I love the way History is constantly rewritten to suit the needs of todays outraged RW. It’s awesome.

AIDS was denounced as a Gay Disease and most people didn’t care. Who cares if the Homosexuals die. They’re sinners.

But hey, why worry about truth when you’re trying to make yourself a victim.

It’s not your fault you won’t take the precautions. It’s someone else’s fault. It’s not your fault you won’t wear a mask, or get the vaccine. The Vaccine is way dangerous. Sure your Doctors if they are any good told you to get the shot, but you got a second opinion from Twitter that said not to. So there.

Lie to adjust history. That works. Claim Homosexuals with AIDS were treated better than you are. Sure, it totally rewrites history, but that is a small price to pay to further the agenda.

I’m not saying I hope you die from the disease known as COVID. But let’s just say, I won’t be shedding any tears. And according to you, if you get the disease, all you have to do is take some Horse Dewormer and you’ll be just fine. So what are you worried about? Is the local Feed and Seed out of Horse Dewormer?
What a pathetically weak troll, even by Biff standards. :rolleyes:
Funny how I am just repeating what one of your conservative geniuses is spouting...and your fragile minded ass clutched your pearls like a little bitch

Did he or did he not claim people with AIDS were never demonized?
I love the way History is constantly rewritten to suit the needs of todays outraged RW. It’s awesome.

AIDS was denounced as a Gay Disease and most people didn’t care. Who cares if the Homosexuals die. They’re sinners.

But hey, why worry about truth when you’re trying to make yourself a victim.

It’s not your fault you won’t take the precautions. It’s someone else’s fault. It’s not your fault you won’t wear a mask, or get the vaccine. The Vaccine is way dangerous. Sure your Doctors if they are any good told you to get the shot, but you got a second opinion from Twitter that said not to. So there.

Lie to adjust history. That works. Claim Homosexuals with AIDS were treated better than you are. Sure, it totally rewrites history, but that is a small price to pay to further the agenda.

I’m not saying I hope you die from the disease known as COVID. But let’s just say, I won’t be shedding any tears. And according to you, if you get the disease, all you have to do is take some Horse Dewormer and you’ll be just fine. So what are you worried about? Is the local Feed and Seed out of Horse Dewormer?
Just one more example of right wing "victimhood".

"Dennis Prager, the conservative radio host and founder of media company PragerU, claimed that Americans who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 are modern “pariahs” – more than gay men and drug users during the Aids crisis.

He added: “Can you imagine, during the Aids crisis, if gay men and intravenous drug users, the vast majority of people with Aids, had they been pariahs the way non-vaccinated are? It would have been inconceivable, and should have been inconceivable.”

Dennis makes an excellent point....Nobody treated people with AIDS the same way people are treating unvaccinated people. History will remember the treatment of unvaccinated people as the worst case of discrimination and government oppression in US History....Can you imagine if people went around demonizing fags and calling AIDS the gay plague?? I mean, when AIDS was first discovered; we didn't mistreat anyone -- we responded to it the same way we should have responded to this whole COVID thing....we ignored it...only gays and druggies had it anyway, so who cares...

It wasn't until Dr. Fauci and others started injecting real Americans with AIDS by using blood transfusions that it became something for real Americans to worry about. However, there were no mandates to stop AIDS people from being around others...nobody went around attacking fags with AIDS like we attack the unvaccinated..and when gay people started threatening the lives of elected officials at their gay rallies and AIDS parades, nobody stopped them...so why are the unvaxxed being treated so differently??
Good point. However, to be fair, if the left didn't have their hypocrisy, they wouldn't have anything.

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