Why are Tea Partiers opposed to having a safety net?

Yes you mock them, so I don't know why you pretend to care about them. Just start being honest.

Corporate and financial elite don't care about the bottom people for the most part I agree, but they do care about the job existing so that helps them with employment.

Those of you who try to "stick it to the elite" by wanting to tax and regulate the financial elite are too stupid to understand what you're doing, they'll just pass on those costs to the bottom people. for ex.) the little guy who works for them or the little guy who buys their products. These are the people you end up ripping off with your anti-capitalism views.

What you call mockery, I think of as tough love. I just want to smack you guys upside the head to call attention to what's going on in this country. The corporate interests are doing everything in their power to maximize profits at the expense of the rank and file worker. Now with Citizens United, they have immense funds to influence government in their favor. As a result, the middle class is dying. People are working longer hours for less and the market for anything other than essential goods and services is drying up. Far from seeing the error of this business model, they are doubling down and making things even tougher for you and me.

This country needs the things that the Tea Party is most opposed to. Collective bargaining, a strong safety net, and more income equality.

I'm not sure how talking shit about janitors is showing them tough love. Sounds a hell of a lot more like being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Yes corporate interests are doing everything they can to maximize profits. That HELPS the little guy. Competition makes products and services better and cheaper. Competition brings choices, choices bring jobs.

All you'd have to do is take a basic economics 101 course at your nearest community college to realize that more regulations and more taxes does nothing but hurt the economy.

As in all other things, a little moderation is in order for this train of thought. You seem fairly reasonable yet you express the notion (and maybe I'm misinterpreting you) that regulation is bad. Would you think regulation were bad if the water you drank were tainted with industrial pollution because the corporation that dumped it thought it was unreasonably expensive to clean up?
Because corporations don't have any power to run roughshod over Me. You do realize that a vast majority of business in this country are small businesses filling niche demands for the people?

I will never understand how it is that business gets demonized. They have no power, no guns, no ability to levy a law against people and take away any of their rights. Government does.

Businesses solve the problem of a need that society has. We need a better way to communicate over distances. A business provides that. We have a need to feed more and more people.. A business provides that. We have a need to move freely and fast to conduct our own personal business, a business provides hat.

In My entire 51 years, I have never been run over, abused, or harmed by a business or even a corporation.

I have by My government, however.

Classic misunderstanding of the relationship between business and government. To say corporations have no power or less power than the individual denies the fact that corporations are a group of drumroll....people.

Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.

Your in law did not know business savvy very well.
He should have changed that video rental, into a Franchise of Blockbuster or Hollywood.
That is what Capitalism and competition is all about.
Things in business change all the time. Knowing how to change with it is the key to staying in business.
I'm for safety nets, for the sick, the truly disabled, the old, the very young. No. I do not believe that giving money to an indigent mother helps her children. Taking the children away helps the children.

I am not for a trampoline.

You just hit on a very good point. Via Welfare and other entitlements, we are paying and supporting the least qualified segment of society to have children. Parents should take care of their children, not the government. Very often, these are the people who dropped out of school, use drugs, tobacco, or alcohol, lack good parenting skills, make poor decisions in life, are more likely to commit crimes, are single parent households where the father figure is not present, live in the worst neighborhoods, and supervise their children the least.

Isn't there something wrong with that picture?

No government program has ever done more to destroy the strength of poor and minority families than welfare.
I've always maintained that we need to motivate and provide a means to help people care for themselves. Obviously, the current generations are a write off and I really could care less about them.

However, we have the opportunity to reach the children, to teach them that they are required to care for themselves, and then give them the tools to do so. After that, the only safety net available is very, very temporary.
Classic misunderstanding of the relationship between business and government. To say corporations have no power or less power than the individual denies the fact that corporations are a group of drumroll....people.

Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.

Here you go.....

Enforcing the Laws and Paying Taxes: Is There a Connection?

Way too easy....

BTW...Your in-law failed to be agile and adapt. As a business owner, you must be able to spot trends, monitor competition, and stay on the cutting edge. You seem to think that a person should just be able to open their doors and provide their product/service and from that point forward, no one else can provide that product/service in that area.

Corporations did not hurt you in-law. These same corporations are doing the same to each other. It is called competition, and its not a game for the timid. If you can't compete, get out of the way.

True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?
True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?

You do realize that there are some pretty well-paying jobs in building and maintaining vacation homes and yachts, don't you?
What you call mockery, I think of as tough love. I just want to smack you guys upside the head to call attention to what's going on in this country. The corporate interests are doing everything in their power to maximize profits at the expense of the rank and file worker. Now with Citizens United, they have immense funds to influence government in their favor. As a result, the middle class is dying. People are working longer hours for less and the market for anything other than essential goods and services is drying up. Far from seeing the error of this business model, they are doubling down and making things even tougher for you and me.

This country needs the things that the Tea Party is most opposed to. Collective bargaining, a strong safety net, and more income equality.

I'm not sure how talking shit about janitors is showing them tough love. Sounds a hell of a lot more like being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Yes corporate interests are doing everything they can to maximize profits. That HELPS the little guy. Competition makes products and services better and cheaper. Competition brings choices, choices bring jobs.

All you'd have to do is take a basic economics 101 course at your nearest community college to realize that more regulations and more taxes does nothing but hurt the economy.

As in all other things, a little moderation is in order for this train of thought. You seem fairly reasonable yet you express the notion (and maybe I'm misinterpreting you) that regulation is bad. Would you think regulation were bad if the water you drank were tainted with industrial pollution because the corporation that dumped it thought it was unreasonably expensive to clean up?

Not all regulation is bad, only about 99% of our current regulations are bad.

Protecting my property is part of the gov'ts job, so if someone is ruining my groundwater the gov't should step in and I would also sue the company. Lawsuits where companies lose tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars (i.e. the free market) hurts them far more than a gov't slap on the wrist.
Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.

Here you go.....

Enforcing the Laws and Paying Taxes: Is There a Connection?

Way too easy....

BTW...Your in-law failed to be agile and adapt. As a business owner, you must be able to spot trends, monitor competition, and stay on the cutting edge. You seem to think that a person should just be able to open their doors and provide their product/service and from that point forward, no one else can provide that product/service in that area.

Corporations did not hurt you in-law. These same corporations are doing the same to each other. It is called competition, and its not a game for the timid. If you can't compete, get out of the way.

True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?
Whether I can adapt forever, or go out of business is the risk I run. I understand the game and understood the game before entering into it. For some, the goal is to turn their small business into a giant empire, to most however, they are satisfied with the niche they fill.

In either case, it is the risks that is never talked about when people go after business and scream about paying their fair share of taxes, and how they're just out to destroy the little guy. It is why the left are losing traction each and every year and the only way they ever come into prominence is because the other party has screwed up so bad that the public has no other recourse. The hazards of a two-party system.

I have never been threatened by a large corporation, nor have I ever thought that they were evil, out to do away with Me. Most are not even My competition.

However, government makes no distinction. If you don't pay your taxes, they come after you with guns in their holsters and will throw you in jail. No corporation will ever do that. If you fail to obey even some of the dumbest of their laws, they will confiscate your assets (guys with guns yet again) and fine you for failing to know each and every one of the 100,000 laws on the books. No corporation or business will ever do that.

There is a need for government. But the need is much smaller, and government is nothing but abusive to the citizens.
Why don't you tell me about the time the government came after you, guns loaded and hauled you away.

I take it that you're a small business owner? Here's an example of how a corporation will eventually harm you. One of my in-laws owned a video rental business at a time when that industry was exploding and he was lucky enough to be located in an area that was growing like crazy. Things were good for a while during the golden years when he was beneath the radar of Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Then the big guys came in. Now, he does whatever odd jobs a man in his 70's can do and ekes out a living that's about 10% of what it was back in the day.

Here you go.....

Enforcing the Laws and Paying Taxes: Is There a Connection?

Way too easy....

BTW...Your in-law failed to be agile and adapt. As a business owner, you must be able to spot trends, monitor competition, and stay on the cutting edge. You seem to think that a person should just be able to open their doors and provide their product/service and from that point forward, no one else can provide that product/service in that area.

Corporations did not hurt you in-law. These same corporations are doing the same to each other. It is called competition, and its not a game for the timid. If you can't compete, get out of the way.

True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?

Newsflash, Mr. Trump. Video rental businesses are on their way out due to the availability of Netflix. Your uncles business went belly up because it was based on an idea whose utility had run out.
True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?

You do realize that there are some pretty well-paying jobs in building and maintaining vacation homes and yachts, don't you?

Problem is, there aren't enough of them to create a strong middle class.
True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?

You do realize that there are some pretty well-paying jobs in building and maintaining vacation homes and yachts, don't you?

Problem is, there aren't enough of them to create a strong middle class.
The middle class was built on construction and maintenance jobs, pal....Nothing more middle class than the contractor and mechanic.

Methinks class envy is clouding your judgement.
True that but it's a matter of degree. Maybe you think that you'll be able to adapt forever. I sincerely hope that you can. The world, or at least this country needs more small innovators rather than the monolithic monsters that are taking over. But realize that you're outgunned and if your business has to close its doors, will you be comforted that it's merely the price that must be paid for some corporate weasel to have a vacation home in Aspen or a larger yacht?

You do realize that there are some pretty well-paying jobs in building and maintaining vacation homes and yachts, don't you?

Problem is, there aren't enough of them to create a strong middle class.

How well paid were the employees of the now defunct video rentl store you so miss?
I'm not sure how talking shit about janitors is showing them tough love. Sounds a hell of a lot more like being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Yes corporate interests are doing everything they can to maximize profits. That HELPS the little guy. Competition makes products and services better and cheaper. Competition brings choices, choices bring jobs.

All you'd have to do is take a basic economics 101 course at your nearest community college to realize that more regulations and more taxes does nothing but hurt the economy.

As in all other things, a little moderation is in order for this train of thought. You seem fairly reasonable yet you express the notion (and maybe I'm misinterpreting you) that regulation is bad. Would you think regulation were bad if the water you drank were tainted with industrial pollution because the corporation that dumped it thought it was unreasonably expensive to clean up?

Not all regulation is bad, only about 99% of our current regulations are bad.

Protecting my property is part of the gov'ts job, so if someone is ruining my groundwater the gov't should step in and I would also sue the company. Lawsuits where companies lose tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars (i.e. the free market) hurts them far more than a gov't slap on the wrist.

Not always. Microsoft made a business model out of IP theft. Then when the ruling came down against them, they paid around $100 million - basically nothing for a company whose annual profits were in the $100 billion range. That's how the big boys play the game.
Interesting how you claim to be for the less fortunate, and then at the same time try to insult people according to professions you deem, beneath you.

Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.

I stand up for the rights of everyone. why do they need to care for me? When injustice is happening, im going to fight that injustice. Robbing people through government is wrong. Period.
It's not like I'm asking for a W-2 form or background for an NSA clearance. Something general... In your case it could be something like I'm a mover and shaker in the sanitation engineering profession.

Interesting how you claim to be for the less fortunate, and then at the same time try to insult people according to professions you deem, beneath you.

It's arrogance. A very leftist trait.

Its a very humna trait, but yes its prevelant on the left.
I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.

I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?

You realize that corporations only have the power we give them, right? If we dont like what they do or how they treat people, then we are under no obligation to purchase their goods and services.
You do realize that there are some pretty well-paying jobs in building and maintaining vacation homes and yachts, don't you?

Problem is, there aren't enough of them to create a strong middle class.

How well paid were the employees of the now defunct video rentl store you so miss?

I didn't know the guy when he had the store. I imagine that his family was the beneficiary of the business. From what I understand, they ran it as a family.
Every now and then progressive statists are accidentally honest and show their true colors.

"I love the little guy!!! I mock low paying jobs!!!"

I don't mock low paying jobs. I mock the people who have them. :D

But seriously, I just can't understand how the most replaceable people can champion the corporate and financial elite when it's clear that they care nothing about them.

I stand up for the rights of everyone. why do they need to care for me? When injustice is happening, im going to fight that injustice. Robbing people through government is wrong. Period.

Do you live in Utah? If so, how many kids do you have? How much in taxes do you pay?
Have you ever considered that the arguments are made as a matter of self interest AND principle as well?

I argue for less taxes, not on the rich, but for everyone. I defend higher, unfair taxation for business, because it is the right thing to do, and keeps government in check.

If the government can run rough shod over the most powerful of people and organizations in this country, just how much of a chance at freedom and liberty do you think the less powerful have?

Fighting for what is right, regardless of income, is what people of character do.

I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?

You realize that corporations only have the power we give them, right? If we dont like what they do or how they treat people, then we are under no obligation to purchase their goods and services.

Ever shop at Walmart? You know they treat their employees like shit, right? Do you buy things from China? You know there's a high probability that it was assembled by child/slave labor.
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I admire principle, character and self reliance. Although I'm left leaning, I've been fiscally responsible my whole life and I'm in a pretty good place financially because of it.

So, in your ideal world, what's to stop the corporations from running roughshod over you if the government's powers are limited to the extent that they've been essentially bought and paid for by the monied interests?

You realize that corporations only have the power we give them, right? If we dont like what they do or how they treat people, then we are under no obligation to purchase their goods and services.

Ever shop at Walmart? You know they treat their employees like shit, right?

You have heard of entry-level jobs, haven't you?

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