Why are schools closing again when there have been only 803 kids under 19 years old (school age) deaths of 814,805 or 0.03%?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Here is the latest CDC statistics from this web site:Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Now of course you statistically uninformed will say "well yes, but what about the teachers"?
OK... Average age of teachers... 41 years.. and deaths as percent of people 19 years to 44 years in USA = 4.16%
So a teacher should wear a mask!
Why then the move to close schools again when during the last time
"Emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls between the ages of 12 and 17 increased by 26% during summer 2020 and by 50% during winter 2021,
So let's do as Biden Speaking just before a meeting Monday with some of the nation’s governors,
Biden said: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”

Screen Shot 2021-12-29 at 11.18.12 AM.png
Because hysteria.

WuFlu has never killed children, except a few already dying of other horrible diseases and aren’t in school anyway. It certainly does not kill healthy kids who go to school.
Here is the latest CDC statistics from this web site:Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Now of course you statistically uninformed will say "well yes, but what about the teachers"?
OK... Average age of teachers... 41 years.. and deaths as percent of people 19 years to 44 years in USA = 4.16%
So a teacher should wear a mask!
Why then the move to close schools again when during the last time
"Emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls between the ages of 12 and 17 increased by 26% during summer 2020 and by 50% during winter 2021,
So let's do as Biden Speaking just before a meeting Monday with some of the nation’s governors,
Biden said: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”

View attachment 581097

There is no rhyme nor reason to the medical tyranny brought to us by Pfizer and other COVID scam power players other than that which describes their lust for gold and power and drastic reduction of the surplus population. Apparently, in that vein, all is proceeding according to schedule.
Because hysteria.

WuFlu has never killed children, except a few already dying of other horrible diseases and aren’t in school anyway. It certainly does not kill healthy kids who go to school.
Are you saying it can’t? That requires some kind of proof you haven’t offered
Here is the latest CDC statistics from this web site:Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Now of course you statistically uninformed will say "well yes, but what about the teachers"?
OK... Average age of teachers... 41 years.. and deaths as percent of people 19 years to 44 years in USA = 4.16%
So a teacher should wear a mask!
Why then the move to close schools again when during the last time
"Emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls between the ages of 12 and 17 increased by 26% during summer 2020 and by 50% during winter 2021,
So let's do as Biden Speaking just before a meeting Monday with some of the nation’s governors,
Biden said: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”

View attachment 581097

Ooooh......ooooh....pick me......pick me.....:desk:

That's easy.......next year is an election year.........the democrats also have to begin to pretend they care about black people again...
Because hysteria.

WuFlu has never killed children, except a few already dying of other horrible diseases and aren’t in school anyway. It certainly does not kill healthy kids who go to school.


I’m not going to sugarcoat this and say that a doubling of the number of children hospitalized withCOVID isn’t disturbing (and the “with” is important, as we’ll discuss in a moment). But we’re talking about 1,933 children here. That’s not 1,933 children in one city or one county or even one state. That’s in the entire country of 330 million people. And more than 73 million of those Americans are under the age of 18. That works out to a hospitalization rate of .00000026.

Yes, you read that correctly. Following the guidance of the CDC, hospitals are now testing virtually everyone who is admitted for any reason for COVID, including children. And they are reporting the total number of people who test positive. What that means, as is finally made clear at the end of the article, is that the numbers being reported reflect the total number of children who tested positive when being admitted to the hospital no matter what they were admitted for.

That “doubling” of the number of children admitted to hospitals wasn’t the number of kids who were hospitalized for COVID, It’s the number that were hospitalized with COVID, no matter the reason for the hospitalization. If your kid has a sniffly nose but then breaks her leg while snow sledding in the back yard and you take her to the hospital, when she tests positive for COVID upon admission, she gets added to that total figure being cited by NBC News.

Here is the latest CDC statistics from this web site:Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Now of course you statistically uninformed will say "well yes, but what about the teachers"?
OK... Average age of teachers... 41 years.. and deaths as percent of people 19 years to 44 years in USA = 4.16%
So a teacher should wear a mask!
Why then the move to close schools again when during the last time
"Emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts among girls between the ages of 12 and 17 increased by 26% during summer 2020 and by 50% during winter 2021,
So let's do as Biden Speaking just before a meeting Monday with some of the nation’s governors,
Biden said: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”

View attachment 581097
I thought we were in the secular holiday break. LOL

I’m not going to sugarcoat this and say that a doubling of the number of children hospitalized withCOVID isn’t disturbing (and the “with” is important, as we’ll discuss in a moment). But we’re talking about 1,933 children here. That’s not 1,933 children in one city or one county or even one state. That’s in the entire country of 330 million people. And more than 73 million of those Americans are under the age of 18. That works out to a hospitalization rate of .00000026.

Yes, you read that correctly. Following the guidance of the CDC, hospitals are now testing virtually everyone who is admitted for any reason for COVID, including children. And they are reporting the total number of people who test positive. What that means, as is finally made clear at the end of the article, is that the numbers being reported reflect the total number of children who tested positive when being admitted to the hospital no matter what they were admitted for.

That “doubling” of the number of children admitted to hospitals wasn’t the number of kids who were hospitalized for COVID, It’s the number that were hospitalized with COVID, no matter the reason for the hospitalization. If your kid has a sniffly nose but then breaks her leg while snow sledding in the back yard and you take her to the hospital, when she tests positive for COVID upon admission, she gets added to that total figure being cited by NBC News.

100% agree with everything including the meshing of COMOBIDITY with Covid but yet the death is ...COVID!

The truth the MSM isn't telling is those 803 Covid deaths under 18 had other health issues! Obesity, diabetes, etc..and scientifically speaking....the vast majority of under 18 don't have those problems...BUT those of us over 65? That's right up our alley!
Comobidity in almost ALL covid cases make the COVID deadly! Without comorbidity... dying from COVID alone is rare!
That's why school kids are NOT prone to deaths!

there have been only 803 kids under 19 years old (school age) deaths of 814,805 or 0.03%​

The title above has something very wrong with the arithmetic. Has to be closer to a 1, not a 3, however many decimals there are.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this and say that a doubling of the number of children hospitalized withCOVID isn’t disturbing (and the “with” is important, as we’ll discuss in a moment). But we’re talking about 1,933 children here. That’s not 1,933 children in one city or one county or even one state. That’s in the entire country of 330 million people. And more than 73 million of those Americans are under the age of 18. That works out to a hospitalization rate of .00000026.

Yes, you read that correctly. Following the guidance of the CDC, hospitals are now testing virtually everyone who is admitted for any reason for COVID, including children. And they are reporting the total number of people who test positive. What that means, as is finally made clear at the end of the article, is that the numbers being reported reflect the total number of children who tested positive when being admitted to the hospital no matter what they were admitted for.

That “doubling” of the number of children admitted to hospitals wasn’t the number of kids who were hospitalized for COVID, It’s the number that were hospitalized with COVID, no matter the reason for the hospitalization. If your kid has a sniffly nose but then breaks her leg while snow sledding in the back yard and you take her to the hospital, when she tests positive for COVID upon admission, she gets added to that total figure being cited by NBC News.

But we’re talking about 1,933 children here. That’s not 1,933 children in one city or one county or even one state. That’s in the entire country of 330 million people. And more than 73 million of those Americans are under the age of 18. That works out to a hospitalization rate of .00000026.

1933/.00000026 = 7,434,615,385, not 73 million.

Seriously bad math.
100% agree with everything including the meshing of COMOBIDITY with Covid but yet the death is ...COVID!

The truth the MSM isn't telling is those 803 Covid deaths under 18 had other health issues! Obesity, diabetes, etc..and scientifically speaking....the vast majority of under 18 don't have those problems...BUT those of us over 65? That's right up our alley!
Comobidity in almost ALL covid cases make the COVID deadly! Without comorbidity... dying from COVID alone is rare!
That's why school kids are NOT prone to deaths!
A poster with the username "healthmyths" who can't spell "comorbidity" correctly? That's too ironic for belief!

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