Are 15,16,17,18, 19 year old gang members fighting over drug turf "children." Guns are not the leading cause of death....

There is a new lie being put out into the public....that guns are the leading cause of death for children....this is not true, it is a lie.....complete and total hedging, it is just a lie.

Why are people who are supposed to be news people repeating this lie?

73.6 million children in 2020 in the United States

Unintentional gun deaths by gun ages <1 to 14..........from the Centers for Disease Control...



Intentional gun murder ages <1-14.....


Intentional gun murder ages 15-19.....

(keeping in mind these are majority criminals, involved in gangs, drugs and other crime.....and when do you consider an 17,18, 19 year old a child?)


Unintentional motor vehicle deaths of children 2020.......

ages ....... <1-14




Application Dispatcher

Number of children in the U.S. 2021 | Statista



The National Gang Center (NGC), a function of the federal government, tells us that in recent years, between 35 and 41% of street gang members are under age 18. They also note that street gang recruitment begins at age 14, when the social effects of puberty take control (as well as early onset testosterone poisoning).

Ponder that: criminology separates teens from traditional children due to changing behaviors and capacities for risk. For guns, those demarcations should be enforced as well.

The CDC table above showed that for ages 0–14, guns were not a major risk. Hence, the inaccurate claim that “guns are the leading cause of death for children” includes teens, which means it has to include teenage street gang members.

Given what the NGC says about entry into street gangs (age 14), the percentages of gang members that are teens (minimum 35%), and that American street gangs are stupendously violent, you would expect to see gun homicides rise steeply in the teen years.

And it does. Factor in that street gangs are largely metropolitan and that gun play between black street gangs is the worst of gang violence, and the rest of this chart makes even more sense.

Guns Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths | Gun Facts


First of all, the number of firearm deaths for school-age children drops quite a bit when you do not include 18-year-olds.
Removing 18-year-olds would drop the gun death number to 28,559 — just slightly fewer than the total for the military and police.

In fact, 17- and 18-year-olds make up almost 56 percent of the gun deaths of school-age children. The numbers also drop significantly — 60 percent — if suicides are removed.
We are also wary when a single change in the data set — from age 18 to 17 — reduces the number enough that the statistic is no longer correct.

Biden’s startling statistic on school-age gun deaths
Actually, abortion is the major killer of children, but the anti-gun Left doesn't want to consider them humans until what, 5-6 moths old or more? :rolleyes:
You mean ALL drugs are legal there now?
Or are you just lying?
You can consume any drug you please and blow smoke in the cops face or throw your dirty needle in the children’s playground and nothing will happen to you

Its a druggies paradise
You can consume any drug you please and blow smoke in the cops face or throw your dirty needle in the children’s playground and nothing will happen to you

Its a druggies paradise
The only thing you shot was that load down your pants.

But you keep on thinking your ignorance is "wisdom," your ongoing stupidity is funny.

lol some deviant halfwit with high self-esteem is trying to be clever. lol how cute.
Until the courts said otherwise and the VRA was passed.

Except it wasn't applied to to the whole country, just 7 southern states, until Nixon came along, and of course suddenly it was those wonderful enlightened Yankees who were throwing rocks at school busses and NYC having black voter turnouts no better than Mississippi's. lol you fucked up gimps wouldn't know that, though, since you're just little degenerate deviants of one fetish or another and just parrot what you're told to, which is why you're so laughably retarded.
Ah, too dishonest to address a fact. Typical with you morons.
You made a statement with no factual basis and with absolutely no relevance to the thread.
That's entirely on you my tiny minded ape-like poop thrower.
There is a new lie being put out into the public....that guns are the leading cause of death for children....this is not true, it is a lie.....complete and total hedging, it is just a lie.

Why are people who are supposed to be news people repeating this lie?

73.6 million children in 2020 in the United States

Unintentional gun deaths by gun ages <1 to 14..........from the Centers for Disease Control...



Intentional gun murder ages <1-14.....


Intentional gun murder ages 15-19.....

(keeping in mind these are majority criminals, involved in gangs, drugs and other crime.....and when do you consider an 17,18, 19 year old a child?)


Unintentional motor vehicle deaths of children 2020.......

ages ....... <1-14




Application Dispatcher

Number of children in the U.S. 2021 | Statista



The National Gang Center (NGC), a function of the federal government, tells us that in recent years, between 35 and 41% of street gang members are under age 18. They also note that street gang recruitment begins at age 14, when the social effects of puberty take control (as well as early onset testosterone poisoning).

Ponder that: criminology separates teens from traditional children due to changing behaviors and capacities for risk. For guns, those demarcations should be enforced as well.

The CDC table above showed that for ages 0–14, guns were not a major risk. Hence, the inaccurate claim that “guns are the leading cause of death for children” includes teens, which means it has to include teenage street gang members.

Given what the NGC says about entry into street gangs (age 14), the percentages of gang members that are teens (minimum 35%), and that American street gangs are stupendously violent, you would expect to see gun homicides rise steeply in the teen years.

And it does. Factor in that street gangs are largely metropolitan and that gun play between black street gangs is the worst of gang violence, and the rest of this chart makes even more sense.

Guns Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths | Gun Facts


First of all, the number of firearm deaths for school-age children drops quite a bit when you do not include 18-year-olds.
Removing 18-year-olds would drop the gun death number to 28,559 — just slightly fewer than the total for the military and police.

In fact, 17- and 18-year-olds make up almost 56 percent of the gun deaths of school-age children. The numbers also drop significantly — 60 percent — if suicides are removed.
We are also wary when a single change in the data set — from age 18 to 17 — reduces the number enough that the statistic is no longer correct.

Biden’s startling statistic on school-age gun deaths
As I have posted many times, American "NEWS" reporting is dead. We have politically backed opinions pushed 24/7, we have no free press. We have no true journalism outside of a few brave independents.
No but I don't live in Alabama. The voters there need to get rid of the clowns they've elected and stop using government to interfere in the private matters of citizens.

Nice dodge.

RKBA is a right guaranteed explicitly in the constitution, which makes NY's laws unconstitutional.
There should be a major and brutal crackdown on gangs recruiting kids. This is no different than child soldiers in third world countries.
I believe Churchill said "you're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts."

Cherry picking stats people are killed by guns leaves out the singular common fact that you so desperately want to ignore.

100% of men, women, adults, children, gang members, church members, gun club owners, and convenience store owners killed by guns were killed by guns. and If the guns weren't there the dead would most likely be alive.

It's the guns.
You're trying to solve for X while leaving out the biggest variable, the human component. No gun, of its own volition places itself in the hands of a human and forces the human to use it. Pointing to an inanimate object as the root cause human violence is intellectually dishonest. Using you're logic we should then ban all alcohol, tobacco, cars, knives and anything else that would be used to harm or harms another human being.
You're trying to solve for X while leaving out the biggest variable, the human component. No gun, of its own volition places itself in the hands of a human and forces the human to use it. Pointing to an inanimate object as the root cause human violence is intellectually dishonest. Using you're logic we should then ban all alcohol, tobacco, cars, knives and anything else that would be used to harm or harms another human being.
Do we hand butcher knives to 2 year olds?
Do we allow six year olds to drive?

In each of these events remove the war weapon and the incident doesn't happen or is much less worse.

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