Why are Republicans attacking the FBI? They did their job. The FBI got Trump elected!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?
Why are the Moon Bats attacking the Russians?

They made the Clintons rich giving Slick Willy $600K for a speech and donating millions to the Clinton money laundering foundation after the sweet uranium deal.

Don't the Moon Bats love the Clintons being filthy rich?
There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
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There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
Trump invited the Russians to hack.
That very night, they did their first attempt.

You can't get a link better than I asked you to do something and you did.
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?

is that the same Harry Reid that blatantly lied about Mitt Romney in the 2012 campaign?

and, when busted, said 'so what, it worked'

why should anyone believe him now?
There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
Trump invited the Russians to hack.
That very night, they did their first attempt.

You can't get a link better than I asked you to do something and you did.

Trump invited the Russians to hack.

no, he didn't. watch the video, or read the transcript.

That very night, they did their first attempt.

the emails had been missing for 3 months by that time.

Why would they hack Hillarys computer trying to find them, when the FBI couldn't?
There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
Trump invited the Russians to hack.
That very night, they did their first attempt.

You can't get a link better than I asked you to do something and you did.

Trump invited the Russians to hack.

no, he didn't. watch the video, or read the transcript.

That very night, they did their first attempt.

the emails had been missing for 3 months by that time.

Why would they hack Hillarys computer trying to find them, when the FBI couldn't?

I doubt that dean has thought this through.

Republicans aren’t attacking the FBI.

We are attacking corrupt members who absused the power of the FBI.

Besides I thought you guys hated cops
There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
Trump invited the Russians to hack.
That very night, they did their first attempt.

You can't get a link better than I asked you to do something and you did.

And 19 muslims woke up and decided that day to hijack and fly them into buildings. :haha:

These plans are made far in advance. Plus Trump and Putin aren't stupid enough to literally advertise their collusion on TV.

The FBI/Mueller made up their minds long before their "investigation" began. Mueller's and the FBI'S "investigation" are so obviously corrupt that at this point that many people won't believe Mueller even if it is true that Trump colluded with Russia and there is undeniable proof.
There was never a Trump link to Russia so why did the FBI place the candidate under surveillance? It's clear from e mails that high ranking FBI agents were conspiring to prevent Trump from getting elected and when that failed, plan B would undermine the presidency. This is 3rd world stuff but not surprising when you factor in the fat assed holdover Obama bureaucrats. Somebody with a set of balls needs to clean house in the FBI and put them back on the right track but I'm afraid Sessions ain't the right guy for the job.
Trump invited the Russians to hack.
That very night, they did their first attempt.

You can't get a link better than I asked you to do something and you did.

You think they were not going to hack anyway.

He asks and they get right on it ?

Not to bright, are you ?

BTW: When do we hear how much math, chemistry, physics, and biology you've had in school and in your employment.

You claim to be a champion of science. But you won't tell us what you know. From your posts...it does not seem like much.

Please help us better understand why you think you have any fucking cred when it comes to climate change.
I have no issue with the FBI what I have a problem with is the corrupt leadership of the FBI not the rank and file agents who do a great job day in and day out and don't deserve to be caught up in the mess their superiors have created.
You think they were not going to hack anyway.

I want to know how many other countries hacked as well. The DNC and Hillary's server were so unsecured that there is no way Russia were the ones.

We will never know because everyone will know it is impossible for them to narrow the release of the info to Russia.
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?
/----/ Bullshyt. You're just trying to delegitimize the President and cause a divide in his base. Ain't gonna work. The American people got Trump elected, you troll. And Hildabeast lost the election because she ran a half ass lame campaign.
hillary fashion.jpg
You think they were not going to hack anyway.

I want to know how many other countries hacked as well. The DNC and Hillary's server were so unsecured that there is no way Russia were the ones.

We will never know because everyone will know it is impossible for them to narrow the release of the info to Russia.

We've always let the Russians hack. For some stupid reason.

They get away with to much shit on the internet.
You think they were not going to hack anyway.

I want to know how many other countries hacked as well. The DNC and Hillary's server were so unsecured that there is no way Russia were the ones.

We will never know because everyone will know it is impossible for them to narrow the release of the info to Russia.

We've always let the Russians hack. For some stupid reason.

They get away with to much shit on the internet.
/---/ True. That's how Obozo won two terms. The russians hacked those elections.
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?
A terrible Democratic Party candidate got Trump elected. What was her name ?
If the FBI had really done its job, Hillary would be in jail right now.

Funny that liberals had no qualms about attacking intelligence agencies and law enforcement during the Iraq War, during the 80s, during the 70s, during the 60s. But, oh, Trump criticizes certain people in the intel community and law enforcement and suddenly he's "undermining our intelligence and law enforcement agencies." Truth be told, most liberals don't give a hoot about those agencies.
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?
It seems from what I have seen, the FIBs need to be looked into, but the The head of the IG is a past worker of the FIBs and was appointed by Obamma so we have a problem in the swamp and it seems we have found a large Snake who can eat the others in the swamp.
Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey

August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections

Even the CIA protected Trump.

The FBI smothered any news about Trump even when the Democratic leadership was pushing them to make it as least as public as what they did to Hillary Clinton.

In fact, they attacked Hillary one more time just days before the election, knowing at the time, they held on to information that we now know has led to dozens of indictments and guilty pleas. And all that after only a little more than a year into Trump's presidency.

So why is the GOP angry now? The FBI did their job. They got Trump elected. But they are the FBI. They still have a job to do. Doesn't the GOP want an untarnished President? They need to let the FBI be the FBI.

Do you agree?

is that the same Harry Reid that blatantly lied about Mitt Romney in the 2012 campaign?

and, when busted, said 'so what, it worked'

why should anyone believe him now?
The letter is public record. Duh!

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