Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" in favor of Hamas and Iran?

Is Supporting Hamas or "Palestinians" Progressive?

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Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
New York City area
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
Well, the American G.Is were indoctrinated by North Korea when they were held as POWs. They were referred to as "progressives" once they graduated to hating America and swearing to the TV how Uncle Sam was the enemy. Hell some of them even immigrated to N Korea to stay as I recall.

The term progressive is an oxymoron.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
People that support the left only agree with what they're told to agree with.

They cannot really think for themselves because their apathy won't allow it.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
Perhaps it is less a reflection of their progressivism and more a revulsion over apartheid and genocide.
IMHO , You are just repeating what MSM wants you to say and believe .
I am just an ordinary white woman with no connections to any party or organisation .
But I know about the full background and recognise fault on both sides .
But I certainly do not have to be labelled anything just because I detest Israel acting like an insane bunch of Nazis and engaged in Ethnic Cleansing etc etc
And despite Piss Pot's latest BS , I dislike the US doubtless using Israel as its proxy force to gain more control of the ME .
They do it the same evil way that others promote Putin,
We know he is a dictator & supports that view.
Don't ask me, I am an American.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
The left doesn't care about any of these things. It's all about going along with the Marxists. Look who just met with Hamas leaders; a Chinese envoy.
IMHO , You are just repeating what MSM wants you to say and believe .
I am just an ordinary white woman with no connections to any party or organisation .
But I know about the full background and recognise fault on both sides .
But I certainly do not have to be labelled anything just because I detest Israel acting like an insane bunch of Nazis and engaged in Ethnic Cleansing etc etc
And despite Piss Pot's latest BS , I dislike the US doubtless using Israel as its proxy force to gain more control of the ME .
Not supporting the way ISRAEL has been acting, is not a good excuse for support of HAMAS,
who also do not work in the best interest of there people.
True support for Palestinians means rejection of a terrorist organization Hamas that is destroying their lives.

- Progressive.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"

They're not in favour of either. They're opposed to genocide. They're opposed to the murder of innocent civilians, especially children, and the starvation of an entire people.

It would seem that people who call themselves Conservatives have no such principles. Even the principle of "an eye for an eye", doesn't say "30 eyes for an eye". Slightly over 1000 Israelis were killed. More than 30,000 Palestinians have died. Neither side has any justification whatsoever for what they have done, but the Palestinian people who have died, are NOT Hamas.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
They aren't.
Why are people who describe themselves as "Progressives" or "Liberals" in favor of Hamas and Iran? It would seem, based on posts that they noisily advocate for "Palestine" and/or against Israel have no actual progressive or liberal values. What are their positions on:

  1. Women's rights?
  2. Gay rights?
  3. GLBTQIA+ rights?
  4. Rape?
  5. Torture?
What makes the above "progressive?"
Israel is a fascist, apartheid state that needs to be forced to comply with IHL.
Bibi said Hamas is part of his strategy to prevent any 2 state solution.
Have you noticed who our media is getting battlefield news from?..... HAMAS!!!! that is their source... the lies about numbers of dead innocents comes from Hamas and our sick fucks in our media don't even fact check them...

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