Why are members of the Republican Party so dead set against HR 1?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
“I don't want everybody to vote... As a matter of fact, our leverage in the election quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”

― Paul Weyrich
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It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

HR 1 does only one thing... the same thing Congress and the White House have been doing since 1861z... STEALING THE POWERS RIGHTFULLY CONTROLLED BY THE STATES
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It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
jim you did a thread without mentioning trump.....good going....so did you go and see Dr. Vinnie Boombatz?....
It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system.

Then you are an Un-American. In 2016 when Trump wanted to build the wall to limit illegals invading our country, you were DEAD SET AGAINST IT and said we couldn't afford it. When Trump tried to advance his agenda to strengthen America you were DEAD SET AGAINST IT, said we couldn't afford it and attacked the GOP for spending too much money. Now you are spending 2000 BILLION dollars we don't have (borrowed from the Chinese) to:
  1. Benefit blue states.
  2. Give reparations to black farmers because they are black.
  3. To reward minorities for voting blue.
  4. You want to "restore integrity" to our elections just after telling us the 2020 election was the GOLD STANDARD in election history! You are really trying to just make it a one party country where Dems control everything.
  5. Strengthen control of the USA by the chinese.
Considering voting is a state issue and not a federal one, I can see why some would oppose a massive power grab by the feds to control a system that is specifically out of their reach per the constitution.

It is rather interesting that the same people demanding that calling the election fraudulent is treasonous yet they keep calling elections fraudulent and have been for the last 20 years.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....
Because it is blatantly unconstitutional.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

Holy cow..........The fascist left speaks of "integrity".......good lord.
Why? Because they know if all legal voters actually vote... they lose
The whole country loses. You will see more and more people slow down in working. With more an more collecting.

It seems to be terribly short sighted and even un-American to vote against a bill that strengthens efforts to restore integrity in the voting process and remove inequities and partisan gerrymandering from the system. It is very revealing for Repubs to be so viamently against a bill that makes voting easier, safer, and more secure. Does the GOPQ think they can no longer win without cheating? I hope not....

Hope you're joking here.. Dont blame you, I blame whatever sources you're reading.. HR1 is the design schematics for all the unconstitutional monkey-wrenching that went on behind the 2020 election? The CURRENT bill is the blueprint for REDUCING ACCURACY AND SECURITY in our election system that was used in the past election. HR 1 is far from new.. It FEDERALIZES all of our election laws. It's hard to find provisions of that bill that DO NOT VIOLATE both the US and Constitution and constitutions of most states.

IT ALLOWS "secure on-line" voter registration which is an OXYMORON.

IT contains a clause that legal challenges to this bill can only be challenged thru the Federal APPELATE court in DC.

IT REMOVES chain of custody requirements for ballots and MANDATES tha5 they be sent out like a Pizza Junk mail flyer.
IT AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERS ANYONE at the DMV, or Medicare/Medicare or public assistance services WITHOUT CITIZENSHIP Checks.

It's a COMPLETE MANIFESTO for making a fucking mockery of our election ACCURACY, SECURITY and TIMELYNESS.

And it's the evil Dem plan for ONE PARTY DOMINATION, not just on a national level but usurping almost all of the original rights of the states to conduct elections.

I assume Jim -- that you LOVE ALL THAT.. Because I can't believe you've been brainwashed by the foul media sushi you've been feasting on...
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Did I answer your questions JimH52 ?? Because I'm not a Repub. Im a libertarian independent that clearly sees the ONE PARTY nation the Dems intend to create with this nuclear option bill..

You LIKE not treating registration and ballots AS LEGAL DOCUMENTS and kicking the constitution to the curb? Well this is your bill...

Nancy Pelosi’s top priority is to turn America into a one-party nation ruled by Democrats. Her bill HR 1 trashes the U.S. Constitution in an attempt to rig the system and make it virtually impossible to elect a Republican president or Congress again. It’s a power grab.

The bill eviscerates state voting laws and forces all the states to conform to a set of rules that includes automatic voter registration. Anyone who goes to a DMV or applies for food stamps, Medicaid or other social services, or attends a public college will be automatically enrolled to vote. Noncitizens are obligated to identify themselves and opt out, but there are no criminal penalties if they don’t. From California to New York, Democrats are already pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. They see this as their roadmap to a future permanent majority

HR 1 also legalizes ballot harvesting, a practice many states are struggling to stop. A political organization pays a worker to walk through housing projects and neighborhoods, knock on doors, offer to help residents fill out the ballots they’ve received in the mail, and then submit the piles of completed ballots. It’s a recipe for fraud.

Should this pass, it SHOULD be obliterated by the courts.. That's WHY THE BILL STATES that ALL CHALLENGES to the law will ONLY BE ADJUDICATED in the DC Court of Appeals. Because the WINNING PARTY has a LOCK on that court..

And if the COURTS DONT DUMP IT -- this is the kind of revolutionary power play that CIVIL WARS START OVER.. Not joking.. Will be blood on their hands..

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