Why are democrat elites pushing for electric vehicles when.. read: Disadvantages of Electric Cars

Your car fire is exactly what MTBE did to cars. Based on the time frame, and the time of the fire, within 10 minutes of starting it up, that is the CLASSIC MTBE carbeque scenario.
It wasn’t that.
You have zero clue what you are espousing here. Yes, demand is high (coming out of global pandemic), but supply is squeezed but it has NOTHING to with regulation, nor the evolution of the EV (which for some reason, you people consider a threat).
You are repeating alt-right talking points.

Sure, because in your world, US oil companies are inspired to invest in an industry that our President is telling them will be destroyed and replaced and passing regulations to help do so. Yeah, you have bought into a completely false narrative.
I'm sorry, but that is simply not true. Just because they are not belching black smoke, doesn't mean they are zero emissions. Burning gasoline produces carbon dioxide just like everything that combusts. It also produces water vapor.
both water and carbon dioxide occur NATURALLY in the atmosphere
I'm sorry, but that is simply not true. Just because they are not belching black smoke, doesn't mean they are zero emissions. Burning gasoline produces carbon dioxide just like everything that combusts. It also produces water vapor.

Yeah, it is true. The only thing that comes out of the tailpipe of the Maybach is CO2. Everything else is either combusted or locked away in the catalytic converter.
Yeah, it is true. The only thing that comes out of the tailpipe of the Maybach is CO2. Everything else is either combusted or locked away in the catalytic converter.
both water and carbon dioxide occur NATURALLY in the atmosphere

notice how libtards don't respond to such inconvenient truths
Yeah, it is true. The only thing that comes out of the tailpipe of the Maybach is CO2. Everything else is either combusted or locked away in the catalytic converter.
Where did you find this fantasy? The catalytic convertor converts exhaust gases into less hazardous forms. It stores NOTHING!

So there aren't nearly as many charging stations as gas stations, which we knew

Then there's the cost. Most Americans cannot afford them

(You have to go down half way to find Disadvantages)

From the site​

Longer Recharge Time​

Compared to the couple of minutes it takes to fill a fuel tank, it takes about 4-6 hours to charge an electric car fully.

And the list goes on

All major delivery companies are starting to replace their gas-powered fleets with electric or low-emission vehicles, a switch that companies say will boost their bottom lines, while also fighting climate change and urban pollution.

UPS has placed an order for 10,000 electric delivery vehicles. Amazon is buying 100,000 from the start-up Rivian. DHL says zero-emission vehicles make up a fifth of its fleet, with more to come.

And FedEx just pledged to replace 100% of its pickup and delivery fleet with battery-powered vehicles by 2040.

Switching to electric vehicles for shorter distances makes a lot of sense for companies like FedEx.

I know you hate and don't trust the government. But you worship corporations, right? So why are corporations moving towards battery cars? Is it because they are stupid?

Or maybe you are the stupid one.

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