Why are Americans being forced to accept Electric Cars and renewable Energy?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.

You aren't forced to do squat.
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.


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t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.

You're not being forced to accept anything. The Model T Ford has been out of production for what, about a century? Yet you could still buy and drive one if you WANTED to. In fact, you could still buy a horse and carriage if you wanted. Gas cars will not go away for a very long time.

Same with renewable energy. Where do you get your energy now? Do you even know? Coal? Hydro? Nuclear? If/when your utility starts adding on more and more wind and solar or whatever else, it'll all still be fed into the TVA grid and come out as the same 110VAC at your wall plug as now.
You aren't forced to do squat.

Bullshit, you mindless Nazi.

Sorry? You can't go out and buy a gas car?

2035 and they are outlawed.

We must ensure the dominance of China.
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.
There's no justification for Tesla stock be 800 dollars a share
They're that much more than the automobile's stocks combined
You aren't forced to do squat.

Bullshit, you mindless Nazi.

Sorry? You can't go out and buy a gas car?

2035 and they are outlawed.

We must ensure the dominance of China.

No they aren't. A couple states have crowed about it. Can you go out and buy one? Not only one you can buy thousands so no one is banned from buying anything.
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.
It will be like Carter's 55mph speed limit.
It will piss off everyone until the Dems have to back down or lose House and Senate seats.
BTW, electric cars are too expensive for a lot of people.
People will hang on to their gas cars and drive them for 20 years.
There are many illegal hookups in parts of cities. There are many fires. What happens when people use illegal hookups on these cars?
A bunch of unhealthy people with blue or orange hair lay down in the road screaming about the end of the world. They call themselves enlightened and the dipshits in the DNC and MSM agree. A dipshit with an idea is a dangerous thing. So they find a gullible political hack and make him-her their stooge. That's where AOC and Biden come in. But the screamers are easy marks so the dynamic duo start kissing ass and voila, instant voters for the promise of magic, clean power. That's how we got here. Forget about the living happily ever after part.
t seems that we are being forced to accept Electric cars and renewable energy.? by Democrats. I don't want an electric car, and I don't accept renewable energy sources. Your thoughts. The Democratic elites keep pushing these two ideas.
What is really bad is that a lot of poor people, white, black and brown cant afford the all electric cars but drive around in the old gas guzzlers. Unless the electric car companies "give" away cars, then those who cant afford them will be really pissed when forced to walk or ride a bike...
Conservatives threw the same fits about light bulbs
Damned liberals are making me buy lightbulbs I don’t want


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