Why America is done


Your ideology destroyed this nation.

I no longer love it, and I'm far from alone. Deal with it or don't, I don't care.

The nation isn't destroyed. And your hatred of America tells us about how insidious your world view is. How toxic it is, especially to you.

I mention my love for my country......and you lose it, lamenting how 'awful' it is.

This is why I don't want conservatives anywhere near leadership of this country. You don't want leaders who are emotionally committed to the idea of America's failure and collapse.
Yeah, I never said you had to love the fascist version they are trying to create.

But love of the country as it was founded is what I am talking about.

Well, sadly, the cold stark reality is that maybe humanity is not build for those principles short of heaven.

I mean, here we have govt suppressing our speech--we have open evidence of this--and more than half the nation shrugs, and the cretins here cheer it on.
The nation isn't destroyed. And your hatred of America tells us about how insidious your world view is. How toxic it is, especially to you.

I mention my love for my country......and you lose it, lamenting how 'awful' it is.

This is why I don't want conservatives anywhere near leadership of this country. You don't want leaders who are emotionally committed to the idea of America's failure and collapse.


You have destroyed this nation, turning it to a shell of its principles and to cultural rot, and you insist I dance around on its ashes.

Sorry, I'm simply too smart to fall for bread and circuses. But you have fun with that.
Those fine with the status quo, are incapable of offering improvement. As long as you think everything is fine; you'll never do anything to make anyone's life better. Kinda like a parasite. Everything's great, till the host dies...

Who said everything was 'fine'?

Again, you're clinging to a false dichotomy. I either have to hate America and her people, or believe that there are no problems anywhere for anyone?

What kind of childish nonsense is this? What freshmen in college reasoning are you applying?

I've said that ultimately our nation will be okay. And for some reason, my belief in the resilience and capacity for adaptation and growth of America and her people.......offends you. And triggers conservatives like little I've seen in recent memory.
Well, sadly, the cold stark reality is that maybe humanity is not build for those principles short of heaven.

I mean, here we have govt suppressing our speech--we have open evidence of this--and more than half the nation shrugs, and the cretins here cheer it on.

Oh, that is a given. Humans are pretty terrible in point of fact. Look at how few can actually build something.

There are tons of them who are only capable of destruction. This dweeb Skylar is one of those.
Who said everything was 'fine'?

Again, you're clinging to a false dichotomy. I either have to hate America and her people, or believe that there are no problems anywhere for anyone?

What kind of childish nonsense is this? What freshmen in college reasoning are you applying?

I've said that ultimately our nation will be okay. And for some reason, my belief in the resilience and capacity for adaptation and growth of America and her people.......offends you. And triggers conservatives like little I've seen in recent memory.

Maybe it was your hubristic claim and you surround yourself with winners. Such an insufferable liberal thing to say, frankly, and no amount of backtracking is going to cover for it.

You have destroyed this nation, turning it to a shell of its principles and to cultural rot, and you insist I dance around on its ashes.

Sorry, I'm simply too smart to fall for bread and circuses. But you have fun with that.

Sorry, but the nation is still here. Your wasteland of a worldview may have destroyed YOU, but the rest of us are alive and kicking.

You and West are perfect examples why I don't want your ilk anywhere near leadership in this country. You're committed to this wasteland worldview and hatred of America, committed to her collapse and failure.

Why would any rational person choose leaders committed to the collapse of the nation they're supposed to be leading?

No thank you.
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The nation isn't destroyed. And your hatred of America tells us about how insidious your world view is. How toxic it is, especially to you.

I mention my love for my country......and you lose it, lamenting how 'awful' it is.

This is why I don't want conservatives anywhere near leadership of this country. You don't want leaders who are emotionally committed to the idea of America's failure and collapse.
Well... You just showed your disdain for at least half of this country. And here you were just crooning your unending love for all things America. As long as your preferred people are calling the shots. Do you realize how transparent you are? Of course you don't. It's a side effect of a narcissistic personality type...
Maybe it was your hubristic claim and you surround yourself with winners. Such an insufferable liberal thing to say, frankly, and no amount of backtracking is going to cover for it.

Or maybe my belief in the strength and resilience of the American people have provided me with a worldview that has contributed to my hard work and success.

And your commitment to loathing this nation and belief in its impending collapse have limited your own.

Chick and the egg, Sweet. Your wasteland worldview has you seeing only destruction and woe.
Well... You just showed your disdain for at least half of this country. And here you were just crooning your unending love for all things America. As long as your preferred people are calling the shots. Do you realize how transparent you are? Of course you don't. It's a side effect of a narcissistic personality type...

I want people committed to the success of this nation. Not those who are convinced in its impending collapse.

Explain to me why ANYONE would want leaders that are emotionally committed to a nation's decline as American conservatives are? Your ilk have called for violence, see 'hyper inflationary spirals', insist the government is about to collapse, civil wars, express their disdain for this nation, call for the capitol to be nuked.

Why would anyone want THAT to lead us?
Who said everything was 'fine'?

Again, you're clinging to a false dichotomy. I either have to hate America and her people, or believe that there are no problems anywhere for anyone?

What kind of childish nonsense is this? What freshmen in college reasoning are you applying?

I've said that ultimately our nation will be okay. And for some reason, my belief in the resilience and capacity for adaptation and growth of America and her people.......offends you. And triggers conservatives like little I've seen in recent memory.
Who is triggered? You just got done serenading us with your unending love for this country, then proceeded to tell us how much you fear half of its inhabitants. So which is it?
Or maybe my belief in the strength and resilience of the American people have provided me with a worldview that has contributed to my hard work and success.

And your commitment to loathing this nation and belief in its impending collapse have limited your own.

Chick and the egg, Sweet. Your wasteland worldview has you seeing only destruction and woe.

What "people"? The people you won't surround yourself with--the hoi polloi?
I want people committed to the success of this nation. Not those who are convinced in its impending collapse.

Explain to me why ANYONE would want leaders that are emotionally committed to a nation's decline as American conservatives are? Your ilk have called for violence, see 'hyper inflationary spirals', insist the government is about to collapse, civil wars, express their disdain for this nation, call for the capitol to be nuked.

Why would anyone want THAT to lead us?
Lots of word salad there Chief, and I'm not about to take ownership of those items you've lain at my feet. But I will offer you this. The leadership I want will openly recognize the problems we have, and take action to fix them. Not roll over and say "we'll be fine", as you are doing.
What "people"? The people you won't surround yourself with--the hoi polloi?

Laughing....Just because you hate this country and are emotionally committed to its collapse doesn't mean that me or mine are going to give up and stop working toward this nation's success.

Your worldview has stripped you of the resiliency and strength this nation possesses.

No thank you.
Lots of word salad there Chief, and I'm not about to take ownership of those items you've lain at my feet. But I will offer you this. The leadership I want will openly recognize the problems we have, and take action to fix them. Not roll over and say "we'll be fine", as you are doing.
Lots of quotes, Vastator. Conservatives in this thread talking about how much disdain they have this country, why they no longer love it, about its impending collapse, civil wars, or calling for foreign powers to nuke its capitol.

What I'm asking you .....is why would any rational person choose THAT to lead them?

America is a nation of strength and resilience. I want people in power that recognize that and strive for her success. Not those who only see a wasteland, have disdain for this country, and are emotionally committed to civil war and collapse.
Lots of quotes, Vastator. Conservatives in this thread talking about how much disdain they have this country, why they no longer love it, about its impending collapse, civil wars, or calling for foreign powers to nuke its capitol.

What I'm asking you .....is why would any rational person choose THAT to lead them?

America is a nation of strength and resilience. I want people in power that recognize that and strive for her success. Not those who only see a wasteland, have disdain for this country, and are emotionally committed to civil war and collapse.
You mistake warnings, for desires.
Laughing....Just because you hate this country and are emotionally committed to its collapse doesn't mean that me or mine are going to give up and stop working toward this nation's success.

Your worldview has stripped you of the resiliency and strength this nation possesses.

No thank you.
This is an ugly example of what that ideology has done -- and more to the point, what the people who push the ideology have done to the people who follow it.

One of Trump's draws is that he is a fabulist. He communicates almost exclusively in hyperbole. Virtually everything is always the biggest, the best, no one has ever seen anything like it, he's the best ever, no one knows more than he does, etc. etc. Well, that's very similar to the hyperbole with which right wing media communicates. Commies, evil, Hitler, tyranny. No nuance, no complexity. In fact, they attack nuance and complexity. So since the day he came down the escalator, his communication style has matched theirs perfectly.

The problem, and the danger, here is that they don't seem to understand that it's hyperbole, that it's fabulism. Everything is all or nothing, one or the other, good or evil. It's not hyperbole to them, it's reality. That's one of the primary reasons it can be so difficult to communicate with them.
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You mistake warnings, for desires.

You mistake threats for warnings. And you ignore the conservatives on this board and in this thread look at this nation and see only collapse, civil war, 'hyper-inflationary spirals', and woe.....expressing disdain for this nation and her people. Committing themselves emotionally to our nation's collapse.

I expressed my love for this country and how I have a job.....and this sent them into rants about how 'awful' it all was. Love for country and EMPLOYMENT triggered them.

Their worldview has stripped them of the strength and resiliency that makes this nation great.

Why would ANY rational person choose that worldview to lead us?
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You mistake threats for warnings. And you ignore the conservatives on this board and in this thread look at this nation and see only collapse, civil war, 'hyper-inflationary spirals', and woe.....expressing disdain for this nation and her people. Committing themselves emotionally to our nation's collapse.

Their worldview has stripped them of the strength and resiliency that makes this nation great.

Why would ANY rational person choose that worldview to lead us?
Cause, and effect. Half of this country disagrees with your optimism. Mock it, or ignore it at your own peril.
Laughing....Just because you hate this country and are emotionally committed to its collapse doesn't mean that me or mine are going to give up and stop working toward this nation's success.

Your worldview has stripped you of the resiliency and strength this nation possesses.

No thank you.

Resiliency and strength?

Every single day I go to work I teach approx 150 elementary children. Every DAY.

For 30 years.

Through chronic illness, and raising two children away from extended family.

So honey. Please.

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