The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There are so many reasons, and so little time. Feel Free to add your own.

1.) Self enrichment through government service making him and his family multi millionaires off of a meager upper middle class salary.

2.) Refuses to actually address his Quid Pro Quo Comments, and refuses to address how bad it looked to fly his son around on Air Force 2, and immediately having him collect millions from China, Ukraine & Latvia. His son refuses to comply with court ordered financial disclosures in his paternity suit, and they just forced the judge over his case to be recused.

3.) But the biggest Reason is this: The Obama Factor. Joe had to know all about FISAgate, Wiretapping, Dossier Purchase, and the Fake Russian Collusion Scam. Joe was part of Obama's horrible economic policies, but worse yet, like Obama who tried to sell himself to the Public as a Democrat Moderate, once in Office he exposed himself as a liar and became a Democrat Radical Liberal.

With a party as Far Left and continuing to push further left, America is asking themselves if Joe is for real, and the "Evidence" says, NO. Quid Pro Joe, is a No Go!
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Policy differences aside, I can't trust anyone who talks like he's from another planet. If Joe's the best that party has to offer they're in big trouble.
Policy differences aside, I can't trust anyone who talks like he's from another planet. If Joe's the best that party has to offer they're in big trouble.
Joe's stance on Illegal Immigration, Regime Change Wars, Identity Politics, Lobbyists, Healthcare for Illegals & other Free Stuff, The Green New Scam, Economic Policies, should all be Non Starters for most Americans.
Joe was a very very "Pro W" Democrat....

and his financial backers noticed.....

This is truly who Low IQ Joe is....

This is the Atlanta Jewish Times editorial during Obama, on how Israel should deal with Iran....

Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama [UPDATE]

"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

In other words, if the Mossad took out Obama as it did JFK, the Israelis would not be "busted...." Nope. We would be SOLD OUT again, as Low IQ Joe would lie to us, blame Iran, and sell out our troops yet again for the cause of "Greater Israel."

Biden, Steyer, and Bloomberg = the three Netanyahu backed Dems.....
His massive corruption is one thing..............the fact he has lost what little mind he ever had is the bigger issue.

He is batshit crazy.
The establishment generally decides who gets the nominations. That's why they're so pissed off now. They were counting on having a President they could dictate to like Clinton, Bush, Obama and Bush 2. They obviously think Biden will fill the bill this year. Our establishment is flabbergasted that they haven't been able to use their rigged media and education system to destroy Trump yet. There isn't another person in this country that could have accomplished what Trump has under such severe duress. Trump is amazing. As for Biden. He's an old man who doesn't know where he is or where he's going. It should be a real trip watching how the MSM tries to paint him as the experienced elder statesman. But he's definitely going to need all the help he can get because of the dementia-mental deterioration that prevents him from functioning. The Biden story is really a very sad one.
Not only is it being revealed that he and his family got rich from graft bribery extortion money laundering and kickbacks all on the taxpayer’s dime, but it’s looking like he’s going senile.

His massive corruption is one thing..............the fact he has lost what little mind he ever had is the bigger issue.

He is batshit crazy.

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