Who Will Take Over for Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams at MSNBC?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Whoever they are, they will automatically have a 'D' next to their name.

Who Will Take Over for Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams? Here Are MSNBC’s Prime Internal Candidates

News legend Brian Williams is leaving the network and MSNBC’s 11 p.m. hour at the end of the year. “We love Brian and we are so grateful for all of the incredible contributions that he’s made over the last few decades and we wish him the very, very best in this next chapter,” NBC News Group chairman Cesar Conde told Paley International Council Summit attendees on Tuesday. “But during those natural transitions, we have incredible opportunities that have opened up for the extraordinary deep bench of journalists that we have at the News Group.”ear.​


Rachel has become very effective with her ranting but it can't be helped noticing how she's been enlisted as a state propagandist too. Last night's performance was a good example.

She played up the military by trying to make it look like 59 soldiers deserved the Purple Heart, due to the Iranian ballistic missile attack.

Some dozen or so were injured somewhat seriously but the rest got booboos and headaches. Trump to his credit stopped the awarding of the medals to the rest of them.

Fwiw, we now know that it was a pinpoint Iranian attack that was meant to send a warning of Iran's capability. All 60 of them and the US military learnded that they were sitting ducks and could have been eliminated. Maddow conveyed to demands of propaganda very well.

Velshi doesn't play into the propaganda angle very well at all and it's not likely he could be tuned up to do it. Chris Heyes has some potential but the squeaky voice problem needs fine tuning.
What gives you the idea Rachel is going anywhere? Not a chance Loon. ;)
They'll give her whatever she wants - she's a juggernaut & staple.
I pick Nicole Wallace (a sane conservative) to fill in for Brian.
Nicole is not even slightly conservative. She is a walking talking boring run of the mill insipid liberal hack. A logical replacement for Brian Williams might be Jos. Goebbels. But, since he’s dead and all, maybe Baghdad Bob?
Nicole is not even slightly conservative. She is a walking talking boring run of the mill insipid liberal hack. A logical replacement for Brian Williams might be Jos. Goebbels. But, since he’s dead and all, maybe Baghdad Bob?

Nicole doesn't like Trump. But she's a former Bushie and unlike Dear Leader - An actual conservative.
Maybe they can bring in that girl who was screaming NOOO!!! at Trumps inauguration. She's more entertaining than either of those two.

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