Who Will Take Over for Rachel Maddow and Brian Williams at MSNBC?

I'll bet you're one of those loons who actually believes Donald Trump is a conservative. He's transactional, not political. He'll do whatever it is that enables him to cling to power and enrich himself in the process. You should have learned that by now.
You would lose your bet. No surprise. You can’t only not read tea leaves, you can’t read simple declarative sentences. Or at least you can’t grasp their meanings.

Mark Levin is a conservative. Dan Bongino a conservative. Being a conservative requires some understanding of the meaning of the term. I therefore have not qualified former President Trump as a conservative. He happens to have some conservative philosophical instincts on some matters. But he also lacks them on other matters. And his views often suffer from internal inconsistencies as a result. As do his actions.

the modern American version of liberals and progressive are generally a confused lot. In modern practice, they engage in actions that are at odds with their supposed beliefs. They don’t even necessarily agree anymore with the values they have recently espoused. To the extent that the Democrat Party identifies as “progressive” or as “liberal” the reality is that they are indifferent to consistency or to principles. They are merely power hungry.

So, maybe take the mote out of your own eye before pretending to know shit about anything I think.
You would lose your bet. No surprise. You can’t only not read tea leaves, you can’t read simple declarative sentences. Or at least you can’t grasp their meanings.

Mark Levin is a conservative. Dan Bongino a conservative. Being a conservative requires some understanding of the meaning of the term. I therefore have not qualified former President Trump as a conservative. He happens to have some conservative philosophical instincts on some matters. But he also lacks them on other matters. And his views often suffer from internal inconsistencies as a result. As do his actions.

the modern American version of liberals and progressive are generally a confused lot. In modern practice, they engage in actions that are at odds with their supposed beliefs. They don’t even necessarily agree anymore with the values they have recently espoused. To the extent that the Democrat Party identifies as “progressive” or as “liberal” the reality is that they are indifferent to consistency or to principles. They are merely power hungry.

So, maybe take the mote out of your own eye before pretending to know shit about anything I think.

Sorry, but Bongino and Levin are authoritarian pricks - Hardly a conservative position. Dems are "power hungry"? LoL, you need to study history and what's happening right now with the formerly Grand Ol' Party much closer my friend.
Sorry, but Bongino and Levin are authoritarian pricks - Hardly a conservative position. Dems are "power hungry"? LoL, you need to study history and what's happening right now with the formerly Grand Ol' Party much closer my friend.
You are sorry. And wrong. Neither is a prick. Neither is an authoritarian.

And you need to open your eyes. Yeah, the Dims are the power hungry ones. They completely lack fidelity to their principles — expect to the extent that it serves their interests in obtaining, retaining or gaining yet more power.

“Liberalism” used to DEFEND free speech. Today’s woke liberals and cancel culture hack versions of liberals seek to shut down the speech of others.

Back in the olden days, on the matter of racial equality, it was a rather noble liberal contention that we needed to become a color-blind society. But today’s version of liberal or progressive is overtly hostile to calls for color-blindness. In fact they attack conservatives and others for SEEKING a color-blind society.

The so called “progressives” demand their inarticulate version of a “just” society by way of massive spending social programs (basically not very veiled demands for redistribution of wealth), but refuse to accept that their programs are counter-productive to the concept of improving the financial plight of all of the poorer people In our society. They won’t even tolerate discussion about HOW they are being counter-productive.

Why? Because they are cynical lying bastards by and large. Any discussion about how illogical they are and how counter-productive they are needs to be shut down: so fuck free speech. If you try anyway, these scumbags accuse you of being “racists” or some other smear to silence you. Truth be damned. And they do these things to help secure their power.

Engage your opponents in a contest of free thought, discussion and debate. Stop trying to just shut them up. When you instead try to silence you opponents you are effectively conceding that you will objectively lose the argument. This threatens your grasp on power. It threatens your ability to retain power of obtain more power.

The modern American liberal and progressive are anything but liberal and are actually hostile to progress. But. Shhhh. It’s supposed to be buried under a mountain of invective and “woke-ism.” Ya gotta silence your opposition.
You are sorry. And wrong. Neither is a prick. Neither is an authoritarian.

and you need to open your eyes. Yea, the Dims are the power hungry ones. They completely lack fidelity to their principles expect to the extent that it serves their interests in obtaining, retaining or gaining yet more power.

Liberalism used to defend free speech. Today’s woke liberals and cancel culture hack versions of liberals seek to shut down the speech of others.

Back in the olden days, on the matter of racial equality, it was a rather noble liberal contention that we needed to become a color-blind society. But today’s version of liberal or progressive is overtly hostile to calls for color-blindness. In fact they attack conservatives and others for SEEKING a color-blind society.

The so called “progressives” demand their inarticulate version of a just society by way of massive spending social programs (basically not very veiled demands for redistribution of wealth), but refuse to accept that their programs are counter-productive to the concept of improving the financial plight of all of the poorer people In our society. They won’t even tolerate discussion about HOW they are being counter productive.

Why? Because they are cynical lying bastards by and large. Any discussion about how illogical they are and how counter productive they are needs to be shut down, so fuck free speech. If you try anyway, these scumbags accuse you of being “racists” or some other smear to silence you. Truth be damned. And they do these things to help secure their power.

engage your opponents in a contest of free thought, discussion and debate. Stop trying to just shut them up. When you instead try to silence you opponents you are effectively conceding that you will objectively lose the argument. This threatens your grasp on power. It threatens your ability to retain power of obtain more power.

the modern American liberal and progressive are anything but liberal and are actually hostile to progress. But. Shhhh. It’s supposed to be buried under a mountain of invective and “woke-ism.” Ya gotta silence your opposition.

I've got this bookmarked for a later reply. You are not a stupid man. Don't have time now, but worthy of a thoughtful response.

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