Who will be "blamed" over the looming government shutdown?

The thread's title poses an interesting question.

For this past year we have repeatedly heard for the Trump cult members that THEY are in charge of everything.........WH, congress and SCOTUS.......

Pride before the fall is a biblical passage that is very apropos in this situation. If democrats in congress have a spine, they should simply sit back and let those in "charge" make the decision regarding whether the government will shit down by the end of this week....or not.

If right wingers are so boastful that they are in charge, then take ALL the responsibilities that are part of that so-called "leadership.".................Pass DACA (aka, amnesty) without ANY strings attached, or syffer the consequences of the government shutting its doors for a while.

Why would Trump sign legislation that passed DACA without ANY compromise from Democrats on immigration reform and strengthening the border?

It's obvious that it's the Democrats that are holding the government "hostage" with their threat to shut it down...so it should be just as obvious who's to blame if that takes place.
What would happen if we had a government shutdown for several years?

All essentials would still run, right?

The only thing a shutdown would do is prevent non-essential spending and put a stop to legislation.

We could do that for decades, no?
yet look what we choose to do as a single country that is *supposed* to be a melting pot to begin with.

In all seriousness, we chose to become divided, not united. Such a tragedy.
The crying and hand wringing, is it about done yet? Liberals are such hypocrites. They piss and moan about conservatives wanting to "take us back to the 1800's, and every chance they get they tell us how great it was when the country was founded when anyone could move here.
yet look what we choose to do as a single country that is *supposed* to be a melting pot to begin with.

In all seriousness, we chose to become divided, not united. Such a tragedy.
The crying and hand wringing, is it about done yet? Liberals are such hypocrites. They piss and moan about conservatives wanting to "take us back to the 1800's, and every chance they get they tell us how great it was when the country was founded when anyone could move here.
move on and leave 'em behind. just cause they're crying doesn't mean i need to stop and listen. we do, the media sees it, feeds it, and here we are mired in it.
While we're at it let's fire ALL the nonessential government employees this go-round.

This sort of “logic” is why we have such shitty people elected.

Let’s look at your “logic”.

While I was in the Marines stationed in Japan they would shut down the bases during typhoons, the only people allowed out were “essential” personnel. So by your logic everyone not essential during the typhoon would have been kicked out of the Corps.

When I was in Kuwait and a sand storm would hit the same thing would happen, so by your logic all those not essential during the sand storm would have been fired.

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yet look what we choose to do as a single country that is *supposed* to be a melting pot to begin with.
In all seriousness, we chose to become divided, not united. Such a tragedy.
Yes, gentlemen, we're doing this to ourselves. We're choosing to.

How proud we must be.
then start living a different choice and stop the divide within and let that show as an example.

when i first got here this was much along of what i was saying and i don't think you and i agreed much at all and i believe i gave you shit for some of your daily posts over the same stuff. these days i feel like i'm reading some of my own posts so one, or both of us, changed along the way.

for the better, i hope.
While we're at it let's fire ALL the nonessential government employees this go-round.

This sort of “logic” is why we have such shitty people elected.

Let’s look at your “logic”.

While I was in the Marines stationed in Japan they would shut down the bases during typhoons, the only people allowed out were “essential” personnel. So by your logic everyone not essential during the typhoon would have been kicked out of the Corps.

When I was in Kuwait and a sand storm would hit the same thing would happen, so by your logic all those not essential during the sand storm would have been fired.

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It's really frightening how simple minded regressive liars are.
No one needs to be 'blamed'. It is obvious to everyone (except partisan snowflakes) that the Democrats are willing to attempt to repeat the past - cause a shutdown, demanding the GOP give in to them, and then blame the GOP for doing so.

Unfortunately the Democrats repeated the stupid mistake they made right after Trump won the WH. At that time Schumer made the breath-taking moronic mistake of openly declaring to the world that the Democrats were 100% committed to ensuring the country and the American people under the GOP and Trump failed. Not long ago they repeated this gaff by declaring they were willing to shut down the govt over DACA, an Un-Constitutional attempt to institute liberal ideology / agenda by Obama when they had the chance to pass real legislation and have it signed into law.

If the Democrats cause the govt to shutdown over their demand to put illegals ahead of the American people they can forget winning anything in 2018.
The thread's title poses an interesting question.

For this past year we have repeatedly heard for the Trump cult members that THEY are in charge of everything.........WH, congress and SCOTUS.......

Pride before the fall is a biblical passage that is very apropos in this situation. If democrats in congress have a spine, they should simply sit back and let those in "charge" make the decision regarding whether the government will shit down by the end of this week....or not.

If right wingers are so boastful that they are in charge, then take ALL the responsibilities that are part of that so-called "leadership.".................Pass DACA (aka, amnesty) without ANY strings attached, or syffer the consequences of the government shutting its doors for a while.

The Trump zealots are too stupid to know the true cost of a government shot down so they will cheer for one (see the above post) .

The good news is that most people are not that dumb. And the party in power always takes the blame.

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And the party in power always takes the blame.

Dems were in power on the last one, and they blamed the pubs.
yet look what we choose to do as a single country that is *supposed* to be a melting pot to begin with.
In all seriousness, we chose to become divided, not united. Such a tragedy.
Yes, gentlemen, we're doing this to ourselves. We're choosing to.

How proud we must be.
then start living a different choice and stop the divide within and let that show as an example.

when i first got here this was much along of what i was saying and i don't think you and i agreed much at all and i believe i gave you shit for some of your daily posts over the same stuff. these days i feel like i'm reading some of my own posts so one, or both of us, changed along the way.

for the better, i hope.
Well, for now, I pretty much divide USMB - a place where my only interests are occasionally belching out my opinion and otherwise observing behaviors - and real life into two very distinct things. I have interesting, stimulating, bi-partisan conversations all the time in real life. I have very little luck here. I grab it when I can, for sure, though.
yet look what we choose to do as a single country that is *supposed* to be a melting pot to begin with.
In all seriousness, we chose to become divided, not united. Such a tragedy.
Yes, gentlemen, we're doing this to ourselves. We're choosing to.

How proud we must be.
then start living a different choice and stop the divide within and let that show as an example.

when i first got here this was much along of what i was saying and i don't think you and i agreed much at all and i believe i gave you shit for some of your daily posts over the same stuff. these days i feel like i'm reading some of my own posts so one, or both of us, changed along the way.

for the better, i hope.
Well, for now, I pretty much divide USMB - a place where my only interests are occasionally belching out my opinion and otherwise observing behaviors - and real life into two very distinct things. I have interesting, stimulating, bi-partisan conversations all the time in real life. I have very little luck here. I grab it when I can, for sure, though.
i've had to ignore a lot of adult 3 year olds on both sides who are obviously only here to troll and scream and declare the other side the worst we have to offer.

get those out of the way it becomes a lot quieter in here.

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