Who will be "blamed" over the looming government shutdown?

Which is where Reid was disingenuous. He deliberately caused the shut down, even though he had spending bills on his desk.

It was just a bit more complicated than that. But, I do not expect right wing nitwits to have a good grasp of fairly recent history.....

Why does it have to be complicated? The House sent over spending bills that Reid refused to allow the Senate to vote on, thus causing the shutdown. He could have negotiated with the House to fund part or all of obamadon'tcare, but did not.
Like those that put Trump in the WH, and tried to put Hillary there.

Sure, Willi........like a slow moving epidemic, there'll be LOTS of folks on here basically spewing,
"No, I never liked Trump all that much, but I hated Hillary a heck of a lot more...."
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Like those that put Trump in the WH, and tried to put Hillary there.

Sure, Willi........like a slow moving epidemic, there'll be LOTS of folks on here basically spewing,
"No, I never like Trump all that much, but I hated Hillary a heck of a lot more...."

Check any of my posts prior to the election, nimrod.

I was against him as far back as the primaries.

yet you, who claim to dislike HIllary intensely, still voted for her
Scarborough says Democrats are Pu$$ies if they don't shutdown the govt... :p

Joe Scarborough Says Dems Are ‘Cowardly’ If They Fold On DACA

"If Democrats compromise with Republicans, they are “too cowardly to be given control of Congress in 2018,” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on “Morning Joe.”

If Schumer, Pelosi, and Democrats listen to Scarborough and end up shutting down the government because they are putting the welfare of illegals above that of the American people - something Schumer called 'Insane' in the past, the Democrats will never get the chance to take control of Congress this year.

So, go ahead, Chucky / Nancy...

During a shut down:

Active Duty Military will get paid
Courts will continue to operate
USPS will continue to operate
School lunches for low-income students will still get paid
Veterans Affairs will still operate
Entitlements will all still be paid
Homeland Security will continue to operate
Air Traffic Controllers will still operate

What will NOT operate?

Travel, Tourism, Parks (should be state-run anyway)
The National Zoo
Some of NASA, but essentials will still run

Heaven FORBID!!!

Please, oh, PLEASE don't shut down the gubment!!!


Farm Service Agencies will not run
Crop reports will not be published
USDA lending programs freeze and farmers cannot access their money
School lunches will only be paid for a short time then they stop
If the shut down last more than 2 weeks the VA does not have enough money to keep paying benefits
New claims to the VA will be slowed or stopped
VA appeals are stopped
DFAS has no legal authority to pay any personnel during a shutdown, to include the military

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
During a shut down:

Active Duty Military will get paid
Courts will continue to operate
USPS will continue to operate
School lunches for low-income students will still get paid
Veterans Affairs will still operate
Entitlements will all still be paid
Homeland Security will continue to operate
Air Traffic Controllers will still operate

What will NOT operate?

Travel, Tourism, Parks (should be state-run anyway)
The National Zoo
Some of NASA, but essentials will still run

Heaven FORBID!!!

Please, oh, PLEASE don't shut down the gubment!!!


Farm Service Agencies will not run
Crop reports will not be published
USDA lending programs freeze and farmers cannot access their money
School lunches will only be paid for a short time then they stop
If the shut down last more than 2 weeks the VA does not have enough money to keep paying benefits
New claims to the VA will be slowed or stopped
VA appeals are stopped
DFAS has no legal authority to pay any personnel during a shutdown, to include the military

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Although none of this will be 'Armageddon' (like the Trump Tax Reform has been :p ), are the Democrats sure they want to take the heat for all that just to place the welfare of illegals over that of American citizens?
During a shut down:

Active Duty Military will get paid
Courts will continue to operate
USPS will continue to operate
School lunches for low-income students will still get paid
Veterans Affairs will still operate
Entitlements will all still be paid
Homeland Security will continue to operate
Air Traffic Controllers will still operate

What will NOT operate?

Travel, Tourism, Parks (should be state-run anyway)
The National Zoo
Some of NASA, but essentials will still run

Heaven FORBID!!!

Please, oh, PLEASE don't shut down the gubment!!!


Farm Service Agencies will not run
Crop reports will not be published
USDA lending programs freeze and farmers cannot access their money
School lunches will only be paid for a short time then they stop
If the shut down last more than 2 weeks the VA does not have enough money to keep paying benefits
New claims to the VA will be slowed or stopped
VA appeals are stopped
DFAS has no legal authority to pay any personnel during a shutdown, to include the military

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Although none of this will be 'Armageddon' (like the Trump Tax Reform has been :p ), are the Democrats sure they want to take the heat for all that just to place the welfare of illegals over that of American citizens?

Your partisan zealousness causes you to assume the Dems will take the heat. I would not bank on that, the party in power almost always gets the blame.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your partisan zealousness causes you to assume the Dems will take the heat. I would not bank on that, the party in power almost always gets the blame.

It is not 'partisanship', my friend.

1. On my way in to work this morning I heard about the latest poll in which Americans are clearly holding the Democrats responsible for any shutdown due to DACA. (I will try to locate it on-line)

WHY would that be?

2. DACA is an UN-Constitutional attempt by the former President of the United States to institute Liberal ideology / agenda through an Un-Constitutional Executive Order, which he admitted himself when he openly declared he could not legally impose anything / take action by himself regarding Immigration.

Obama felt the need to do so because the Democrats, having held a near Super Majority Control of Congress while he was in the White House, failed to legally, Constitutionally pass DACA legislation.

And because moronic Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi have reportedly in the press openly discussed causing a shutdown over DACA.

And, BTW, your 2nd comment was BS - it is not almost always the party in power that gets the blame. Almost every time the Democrats blame the GOP, and the GOP caves because they are afraid to lose their jobs / their bennies / their money, etc.... This time, however, the American people actually can not help but see the truth. DACA is an Obama-started issue, begun with his Un-Constitutional EO, and the Democrats have pushed for this non-stop since Trump voided the Un-Constitutional EO, forcing Congress to do its job!

DACA is an issue that supports illegal in this country and is tied more and more to the ever-growing negative issue of 'chain immigration' - it is a DEMOCRATIC PARTY issue. If the govt shuts down over DACA, only an idiot would blame the GOP.
yet you, who claim to dislike HIllary intensely, still voted for her

True.......Look at the 2 choices I was offered.....I held my nose and voted for the LESSER of the 2 maniacs......You, probably joined the cult instead.
yet you, who claim to dislike HIllary intensely, still voted for her

True.......Look at the 2 choices I was offered.....I held my nose and voted for the LESSER of the 2 maniacs......You, probably joined the cult instead.
as I've stated many times before.

I voted for neither.

I consider anyone who did, at least moderately stupid
as I've stated many times before.

I voted for neither.

I consider anyone who did, at least moderately stupid

Yeah....well, as a former New Yorker, I well knew what a damn CATASTROPHE Trump would be to this country.........and, sure enough, we have what we have: a narcissistic, infantile, demented moron.
Poor pseudocons. Can't see the forest for the trees.

You can't blackmail the Republicans if they DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH.

But Trump and the Republicans are HUGE spenders.

Ever since the GOP took over Congress, the federal deficit has been GROWING EVERY YEAR.

Now they need to raise the debt ceiling so they can overspend even more.

When will it occur to the Tard Herd that the Democrats would have no leverage if Trump wasn't such a big spender?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm..."

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