Who Needs Congress? Not The Fed...

Dismantling the federal reserve should be #1 on everyone's mind.
It was illegally founded in 1913, and has done nothing but harm to our country.
Your income taxes are almost 100% put towards paying off our debt to the fed, debt we incur BECAUSE they print our money, and we borrow it with interest from them. :whip:
Well gun owners...you know who the bastards are now, don't you?

It wasn't welfare mothers.

It wasn't Negros

It wasn't illegal immigrants, or hippies, or atheists or liberals, it wasn't any of the other scapegoats some you have been telling us it was all this time

It was the MASTERS of the UNIVERSE..the BANKERS and fuctionaries, and other INSIDERS who have been sucking the lifeforce out of this nation for at least three decades.

It was exactly the people most of you guys admired for their capitalistic acumen and productivity.

Well?...what are you waiting for?

Where's your armed revolution?

Come on...show us you were serious about saving the republic.

Show us how your guns are going to save the nation that we all love.

You don't really know who to shoot, do you?

And even if you shoot the right people, that won't solve the REAL problem, will it?

This is why I have never given you guys the respect you thought you deserved.

Because you were, and probably still are, completely clueless about how your society worked and why it wasn't working for ALL of us.

You kept blaming the VICTIMS rather than the VICTIMIZERS of this society.

Your guns are fucking useless until you can figure it all out for yourselves.

Keep 'em though.

They might be useful to you and your families when the whole economy unravels. About that you were always right because anarchy follows the fall.

You'll need 'em if this economy really melts down, believe me.

Some of you can probably gets jobs as guards for the class of people who destroyed your nation. (many of you have already had those jobs anyway only probably didn't know it)

They're going to need those guards, believe me.

When the American people finally figure out who was, and has always been the people to blame, they are not going to be those passive sheep they've been all this time.

They're going to be pissed and they're going to be desperate.

For those of you who wonder what follows the anarchy?

Well, if history be any guide, what usually follows anarchy, is usually fascism calling itself something more noble than that.

Interesting times, eh?
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"And even if you shoot the right people, that won't solve the REAL problem, will it?"

It would definitely be a good start. :evil:
Wait, do you hear that? That's the sound of the value of the dollar plummeting. Oh, goodbye dollar. Goodbye! Pretty soon the yen will be worth more than the dollar.

Hopefully the yen will plummet as well.

If not, oh well. That's what we get for being idiotic morons and believing the socialist crap that's been fed to us since Reagan.
someone tried to explain to me before on another thread what a currency swap is and for the life of me, I can't remember the answer sooooooooooo

What the heck is a currency swap?

and exactly how does it work?

and can the fed just do this without any communication with Congress?

And is the end result a devaluation of the dollar?

Yes, they are not accountable to anyone and are never audited. And yes, the dollar becomes less valuable.
This is from another thread and is a little out of context, but this is the simplest explanation of the fed and how they work that I can give you.
this was a discussion about socialism not currency swap but the basis about the fed still obviously holds true...

"How many times can I say this... :banghead:
Go find a dictionary.
Look up socialism.
Look up fascism.
look up corporatism.

It can be debated whether this is a corporatist or fascist nation, but most will agree it is clearly corporatism that has taken over this country.

The birth of it was in 1913 when the federal reserve was founded.

Our income taxes pay off the debt we incur because of the fact that the federal reserve (a privately owned, unregulated entity, that is no more "federal" than federal express is) prints our money for us, then they lend this imaginary money that they printed out of thin air to us, with interest.


Every time they print this "magic" money that comes from nowhere, and is not backed by gold, the value of our dollar drops.

There are plenty of other arguements to be made, and other things that helped along the way but the creation of the federal reserve was the root cause... of what you are seeing now, and unfortunately what will follow this."

As I said "whatever it wants, however it wants, whenever it wants, and with whoever it wants."
And not only can congress not do a damn thing, we PAY these people ridiculous sums of money to do this to us. :wtf:
Kinda makes you sick doesn't it?

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