Who is better to rebuild US economy, Trump or Biden? (poll)

Which presidential candidate will be better to get the US economy back to "normal"?

  • "It's the economy stupid", vote Trump

    Votes: 41 83.7%
  • We need tax revenue, and "only little people pay taxes" unless you vote for Biden

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

Umh yes.

I suspect the states that are slower in reopening are those that are more densely populated and have had higher infection/morbidity rates. Even in red states - they aren't all opening at the same rate within a state. City mayors in heavily affected cities are slower and more careful (for good reason) than small towns and rural districts.

At this point - ALL states have eased restrictions. Did you realize that?


Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.

WaPo has a map of restriction level by state: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/states-reopening-coronavirus-map/

The states are mixed in red/blue and level of restrictions. There is a cluster of states in New England that are very strict but they are also very urban and very densely populated, so it makes sense. They were heavily affected (NJ is one of those).

You might be critical of Michigan's governor but she enjoys high approval ratings for her handling of the virus.

Great, while many CANNOT go back to work due to restrictions at least Whitmer has high ratings...who the hell cares, except her.
If elected Biden is promising to increase taxes, increase costly regulations, destroy coal, wage war on oil and gas, flood the country with illegals and give those already here amnesty and the right to vote in OUR elections. So HELL NO to Joe Biden.
I don’t see how Biden can get the economy back. His masters will mandate that he put egregious environmental and energy policies which will delay recovery. Further, in the name of “taxing the wealthy”, his tax policies will assuredly end up with the Middle Class taking home less of their pay; and, corporations will get hit with higher taxes and increased regulations that will leave them little incentive to expand and add headcount.
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

Umh yes.

I suspect the states that are slower in reopening are those that are more densely populated and have had higher infection/morbidity rates. Even in red states - they aren't all opening at the same rate within a state. City mayors in heavily affected cities are slower and more careful (for good reason) than small towns and rural districts.

At this point - ALL states have eased restrictions. Did you realize that?


Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.

WaPo has a map of restriction level by state: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/states-reopening-coronavirus-map/

The states are mixed in red/blue and level of restrictions. There is a cluster of states in New England that are very strict but they are also very urban and very densely populated, so it makes sense. They were heavily affected (NJ is one of those).

You might be critical of Michigan's governor but she enjoys high approval ratings for her handling of the virus.

Great, while many CANNOT go back to work due to restrictions at least Whitmer has high ratings...who the hell cares, except her.

And the people who elected her into office - her constituency.
I don't think any president will have much affect on the economy. They'll get credit for it if it's good and damned for it if it's bad. This is a worldwide thing.
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

That's because Dems WANT to tank the economy. They know they can't defeat Trump with a strong economy. They did the same thing in 2006-2008, yeah Dems are real assholes.
If COVID-19 returns in the fall/winter the US economy will take another hit.
Which party, and which candidate would voters rather have in-charge to get the US back up to "normal" the fastest?

One poll favors Trump over Biden.

Is the economy and jobs the #1 issue in 2020, or will other issues be more important to voters?
Your poll is not exactly asking honestly, but the answer is Joe Biden.

However, if the poll asked who was better for the economy at this point, SpongeBob or tRump, the answer stil wouldn't be tRump.
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

Umh yes.

I suspect the states that are slower in reopening are those that are more densely populated and have had higher infection/morbidity rates. Even in red states - they aren't all opening at the same rate within a state. City mayors in heavily affected cities are slower and more careful (for good reason) than small towns and rural districts.

At this point - ALL states have eased restrictions. Did you realize that?


Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.

WaPo has a map of restriction level by state: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/states-reopening-coronavirus-map/

The states are mixed in red/blue and level of restrictions. There is a cluster of states in New England that are very strict but they are also very urban and very densely populated, so it makes sense. They were heavily affected (NJ is one of those).

You might be critical of Michigan's governor but she enjoys high approval ratings for her handling of the virus.

You keep toeing the leftist mantra.... while I know better

There lies your problem. You're a liltle sheeple while I'm informed

Lose the funny shit, asshole..
that's "kindergarten"
Consider that Trump inherited Obama's economy and did nothing but give the rich more, obviously Biden is the sane voter's choice. Trump has failed in every business endeavor so why would anyone would think he changed and got smart.

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as they were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work
Hey, most states are just following dear leader's own guidelines on safely reopening. In many places, the danger has not passed yet. Yet Trump calls on his cultists to "liberate" states. Is he calling on his cult to "liberate" red states that are still closed? Is he playing games with people's lives?
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

Umh yes.

I suspect the states that are slower in reopening are those that are more densely populated and have had higher infection/morbidity rates. Even in red states - they aren't all opening at the same rate within a state. City mayors in heavily affected cities are slower and more careful (for good reason) than small towns and rural districts.

At this point - ALL states have eased restrictions. Did you realize that?


Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.

WaPo has a map of restriction level by state: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/states-reopening-coronavirus-map/

The states are mixed in red/blue and level of restrictions. There is a cluster of states in New England that are very strict but they are also very urban and very densely populated, so it makes sense. They were heavily affected (NJ is one of those).

You might be critical of Michigan's governor but she enjoys high approval ratings for her handling of the virus.

You keep toeing the leftist mantra.... while I know better

There lies your problem. You're a liltle sheeple while I'm informed

Lose the funny shit, asshole..
that's "kindergarten"

Wow. Brilliant response. Like most of your responses lately, they show a distinct lack of originality. Keep trying. We'll root for you.

In the meantime maybe you can actually address a few of the points made. For example, why are some red states slow to open and some blue states quick to open if it's all about "party"? :dunno:
How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as they were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work
Hey, most states are just following dear leader's own guidelines on safely reopening. In many places, the danger has not passed yet. Yet Trump calls on his cultists to "liberate" states. Is he calling on his cult to "liberate" red states that are still closed? Is he playing games with people's lives?

Trump is as usual presenting conflicting messaging, no surprise.
How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as they were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work
Hey, most states are just following dear leader's own guidelines on safely reopening. In many places, the danger has not passed yet. Yet Trump calls on his cultists to "liberate" states. Is he calling on his cult to "liberate" red states that are still closed? Is he playing games with people's lives?
The blue states are not reopening as fast as their citizens want them to

but the final decision belongs to the governors
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Lock down restrictions that intended to reduce the curve and prevent overloading hospitals. Not the Democrat version of restrictions until hell freezes over.

I do not think this is a dem/repub thing and it's a shame folks on both sides are making it so. There are blue states who are easing restrictions more quickly and there are red states who are doing it slowly. It HAS to depend on conditions in individual areas don't you think? :dunno:

Uhm no, red states are easing while blue keeps control going on. See California and that nitwit governor in NJ and Michigan

Umh yes.

I suspect the states that are slower in reopening are those that are more densely populated and have had higher infection/morbidity rates. Even in red states - they aren't all opening at the same rate within a state. City mayors in heavily affected cities are slower and more careful (for good reason) than small towns and rural districts.

At this point - ALL states have eased restrictions. Did you realize that?


Cases continue to rise in some of the states where governors have been most aggressive in opening public spaces and businesses that rely on close personal contact, such as salons and gyms. None have met the federal government’s core recommendation of a two-week decline in reported cases.

WaPo has a map of restriction level by state: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/states-reopening-coronavirus-map/

The states are mixed in red/blue and level of restrictions. There is a cluster of states in New England that are very strict but they are also very urban and very densely populated, so it makes sense. They were heavily affected (NJ is one of those).

You might be critical of Michigan's governor but she enjoys high approval ratings for her handling of the virus.

You keep toeing the leftist mantra.... while I know better

There lies your problem. You're a liltle sheeple while I'm informed

Lose the funny shit, asshole..
that's "kindergarten"

Wow. Brilliant response. Like most of your responses lately, they show a distinct lack of originality. Keep trying. We'll root for you.

In the meantime maybe you can actually address a few of the points made. For example, why are some red states slow to open and some blue states quick to open if it's all about "party"? :dunno:

You heard me, Ms Love The Children but support abortion

Oh snap.....think hard, dude

You can't win.... keep moving
How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as they were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work
Hey, most states are just following dear leader's own guidelines on safely reopening. In many places, the danger has not passed yet. Yet Trump calls on his cultists to "liberate" states. Is he calling on his cult to "liberate" red states that are still closed? Is he playing games with people's lives?
Ask those in Alabama as their virus cases increased greatly since businesses were re opened No room at hospitals
How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as they were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work
Hey, most states are just following dear leader's own guidelines on safely reopening. In many places, the danger has not passed yet. Yet Trump calls on his cultists to "liberate" states. Is he calling on his cult to "liberate" red states that are still closed? Is he playing games with people's lives?
Ask those in Alabama as their virus cases increased greatly since businesses were re opened No room at hospitals

Ask Red State Florida that has 1/10th the deaths of Commie New York with about the same population.

It wouldn't even be that high in Florida if it wasn't for the New York assholes running down to Florida to infect the state when the Pandemic first started.

The Republican Governor of Florida saved lives without taking drastic measures.

The filthy ass Democrat Governor of New York imposed Nazi like restrictions and still manage to have almost 40K deaths.

Democrats fail at everything they do, every fucking time.

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