Who is better to rebuild US economy, Trump or Biden? (poll)

Which presidential candidate will be better to get the US economy back to "normal"?

  • "It's the economy stupid", vote Trump

    Votes: 41 83.7%
  • We need tax revenue, and "only little people pay taxes" unless you vote for Biden

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If COVID-19 returns in the fall/winter the US economy will take another hit.
Which party, and which candidate would voters rather have in-charge to get the US back up to "normal" the fastest?

One poll favors Trump over Biden.

Is the economy and jobs the #1 issue in 2020, or will other issues be more important to voters?
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.
Biden is as big a piece of shit as that Crooked Hillary bitch is or that incompetent asshole Obama. Liar, rapist, corrupt and deranged asshole.

In the little speech he gave today the airhead didn't even know it was Memorial Day. He thought it was Labor Day.

Somebody would have to be a real moron to want him to be President of the US.
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.
to flatten the curve, now that the curve is over things need to go back to normal ,,,
How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions
When it looked like our hospitals would be totally overrun as the were in Italy and Spain I reluctantly supported the lockdown

but that danger passed yet liberals refused to return to work

That's a lie.

Reopening strategies vary according to where in the country you are.
Consider that Trump inherited Obama's economy and did nothing but give the rich more, obviously Biden is the sane voter's choice. Trump has failed in every business endeavor so why would anyone would think he changed and got smart.

Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

Who is better to rebuild the US economy?

1. Biden

2. Trump

Personally, I vote for...

3. Someone who combines SOME attributes of BOTH men - and the parties they represent


Trump attributes to be preserved:

I want someone who will restore our manufacturing base and eliminating our dependence upon China

I want someone who will dramatically reduce Illegal Immigration in order to restore several Trades to a Living Wage status.

Biden attributes to be preserved:

I want someone not afraid to use Federal power to force an economic issue using temporary powers if-and-when necessary

I want someone who will not pull the plug on social services programming until there is no longer a substantive need for it


We need ingredients from the Left and ingredients from the Right to make a decent economic soup.

We need someone willing to blend the best from both sides, and to discard the rest.

My grandchildren should live so long.
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I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.
to flatten the curve, now that the curve is over things need to go back to normal ,,,

Depending on where you are, and how bad the outbreak was. There are a number of data points to consider. But some folks have to make it "partisan".
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.
to flatten the curve, now that the curve is over things need to go back to normal ,,,

Depending on where you are, and how bad the outbreak was. There are a number of data points to consider. But some folks have to make it "partisan".
more reason the dem and repube partys need disbanded and labeled as terrorist groups,,,

I do agree specific areas need caution when reopening,,,
I have confidence that Trump will do things a bit differently than he was doing when the pandemic outbreak started. So, I am sticking with Trump.

And, the economy isn't stupid...the Democrats are the ones who crashed it, with their long-standing, and outstanding lockdown restrictions. Just to keep people at homes and crash small businesses and shut half the country down. Just ask Newscum, Homo Cumo, and Bitchmer.

How weird. A lot of Republicans supported the lock down restrictions.

Sure we supported the lockdown, until you could see the hospitalization rates and if the hospitals would be overwhelmed. As soon as we saw the curve flattening, its time to get back to work. If you're old or have health issues, stay home.
p.s. Its 2020, EVERYTHING is a partisan issue.
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Who is better to rebuild the US economy?

1. Biden

2. Trump

Personally, I vote for...

3. Someone who combines SOME attributes of BOTH men - and the parties they represent


Trump attributes to be preserved:

I want someone who will restore our manufacturing base and eliminating our dependence upon China

I want someone who will dramatically reduce Illegal Immigration in order to restore several Trades to a Living Wage status.

Biden attributes to be preserved:

I want someone not afraid to use Federal power to force an economic issue using temporary powers if-and-when necessary

I want someone who will not pull the plug on social services programming until there is no longer a substantive need for it


1. Trump is using tariffs, Biden is in China's pocket
2. WTF is "social services programming"? (I want SS & Medicare "fixed", is that what you're saying?)
3. DO NOT use spaces between lines, they cut off your post (#10)
Who is better to rebuild the US economy?

1. Biden

2. Trump

Personally, I vote for...

3. Someone who combines SOME attributes of BOTH men - and the parties they represent


Trump attributes to be preserved:

I want someone who will restore our manufacturing base and eliminating our dependence upon China

I want someone who will dramatically reduce Illegal Immigration in order to restore several Trades to a Living Wage status.

Biden attributes to be preserved:

I want someone not afraid to use Federal power to force an economic issue using temporary powers if-and-when necessary

I want someone who will not pull the plug on social services programming until there is no longer a substantive need for it


1. Trump is using tariffs, Biden is in China's pocket
2. WTF is "social services programming"? (I want SS & Medicare "fixed", is that what you're saying?)

Who's in who's pocket?

Trump and his daughter Ivanka still have most of their manufacturing done in China.
Reopening strategies vary according to where in the country you are.
We are already a month past the date we should have reopened

libs have moved the goalpost from protecting the hospital space to a demand that the slightest threat from the WuFlu be eliminated before reopening fully
Reopening strategies vary according to where in the country you are.
We are already a month past the date we should have reopened

libs have moved the goalpost from protecting the hospital space to a demand that the slightest threat from the WuFlu be eliminated before reopening fully

How do you know? What information do you base that on? What parts of the country are you referring to?

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