Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?

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The right wing obsession continues.
These people, trans, gay, lesbian, pedos, all need help.

Pedos don't need help, once you step into that realm you have abandoned being able to be a part of a decent society. At the absolute very least if a society finds a pedo among their ranks they should be cast out from that society forever. But really the standard is they should be executed in a very quick and humane fashion, the body cremated and their public records erased as if they never existed.

Gay and lesbian shouldn't ever have been allowed to be mainstream in America. Letting them get married is what reason why we have trannies trying to turn kids into trannies and while pedos are on the rise.

The trannies shouldn't even be a thing in American society. They aren't real people.
To quote some pervious poster "The hilarious thing is that the same folks who keep bringing it up are the ones complaining about it being imposed on them. It's rather hilarious to watch." Trans people (if indeed that is even a real thing, are like .01 % of the populace) are getting ALL this gravitas NOW claim its GENOCIDE if you don't suck their proverbial...lollipop. Really? In a free and open society, if you don't agree with an opponent, with actual facts, YOU are committing a hate crime! that's their current Modus Operandi. I have had it with Liberal activist. Deluded or psychopathic liars or just corrupt useful idiots, I don't care.
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The right wing obsession continues.
And trans folks are .09% of the populace, I remind you. This supposedly being a Democracy derived from the MAJORITY, (and trans people are NOT being persecuted): WHERE THE HELL DID TRANS AGENDA GET SO MUCH POWER? Who wanted this? Please answer the question. Don't point out the ubiquity of the question, it's because this "Trans" stuff is highly suspect.
Soros. Eropean investment bankers. China. And they basically own Democrats and the media. How much did
Biden & family get from China recently. Seven figures, for what? China doesn't like the west pointing out the persecution of the Yugurs. We have met the enemy. He IS the Democrats.
Typical America hater. Practically ALL states are really red states!

The only truly "blue" states I see are Hawaii and New Hampshire!

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And notice that all of the blue areas are all mostly along the edge like something seeping in from the OUTSIDE, like mold on bread or cheese.

I really put it in a conundrum when I asked it about the tornado victims from Mississippi. Mostly black, but from a deep red state. Of course corny could not solve that Social Justice riddle: do they deserve help because they're black (Big Social Justice Points) or are they reprehensible because they're from a Red State?

So now you're saying Tim McVeigh is gay when you have no proof to make such an allegation.

You are genetically incapable of being truthful.

The fact of the matter is that straight white men have pretty much owned the mass murder demographic for generations. Yet you guys start zero threads about them.
there have been a few extreme right wing loons that have committed mass shootings and murder ... thats true ... but the vast majority of mass shootings going on in recent yrs haven't been committed by right wing loons ..

Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist, and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA.

You might be happier living in Russia. They ban gays and transgender people.

But then again, they forcibly remove children from Ukraine, bring them to Russia, and gang rape them.

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