Can Joe’s record lead the Democrats to another win?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
With no scamdemic, no changing of voting guidelines in the 11th hour under “national emergency”, no George Floyd incident and with Almost Dead Joe’s atrocious record on full display is there a pathway to a win for Democrats?
if more people with no common sense show up to vote than people with common sense then yes Biden or any democrat could win .
W and Joe Biden are the same

Both are/were spending us into oblivion.

Both have/had totally corrupt Administrations

Both sell out our troops and more for $$$ and favorable media coverage

Both love THE TALIBAN and did everything possible to keep TALIBAN in charge in Afghan

Does that make Biden a "conservative?"
With no scamdemic, no changing of voting guidelines in the 11th hour under “national emergency”, no George Floyd incident and with Almost Dead Joe’s atrocious record on full display is there a pathway to a win for Democrats?
It will still come down to battleground states and the shenanigans that Democrats pull to tip the scales. We better have big battleground margins, nom sayin?
Well he's a good liar so maybe. He's out there today telling a WHOPPER lie that the leading cause of death of kids is guns. A blatant lie.
With no scamdemic, no changing of voting guidelines in the 11th hour under “national emergency”, no George Floyd incident and with Almost Dead Joe’s atrocious record on full display is there a pathway to a win for Democrats?

Based on the 2022 mid-terms results, the answer seems to be yes
It really would make the MAGAMOONBATS CRY wouldn't it? Then we'll of course see their denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance play out in how many different ways? Yelling at the sky or violence?
Partisans will vote for whoever their party heads tell them to vote for. Could be Joe. Could be a murderer. Could be a dead monkey.
Had a guy say he'd vote for Andrew Gillum again, even after he's been caught embezzling and doing dope and having sex with

black tranny prostitutes. :aargh:

Based on the 2022 mid-terms results, the answer seems to be yes
Not even you Democrats are that stupid….you’re going broke, you can‘t continue to fuck yourselves over just to keep the mean orange guy from doing the right things for the right people. Face it bud….you’re getting another heavy dose of MAGA come 2024….hahahahaha
Not even you Democrats are that stupid….you’re going broke, you can‘t continue to fuck yourselves over just to keep the mean orange guy from doing the right things for the right people. Face it bud….you’re getting another heavy dose of MAGA come 2024….hahahahaha

Sorry that you are going broke. As for me and the wife we are both making more than we ever have in our lives. A 21% year over year increase between 2021 and 2022.

I wish you well, maybe Trump will win so you can quit sucking at life since your whole life seems to depend upon who is sitting in the White House.
W and Joe Biden are the same

Both are/were spending us into oblivion.

Both have/had totally corrupt Administrations

Both sell out our troops and more for $$$ and favorable media coverage

Both love THE TALIBAN and did everything possible to keep TALIBAN in charge in Afghan

Does that make Biden a "conservative?"
The Taliban doesn't exist. It was made up by Repubs to scare the sheep...meaning you.

I bet you can't find one pic of the Taliban that isn't photoshopped.

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