Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Yeah, right. When the majority of folks cashing food stamps where black and Hispanic, I know there is a phony math game going on here. Something totally wrong with the logic/math behind this thread if you live in the real world.

The White Guilt thread just keeps going!

Boy, that must suck.


The White Guilt thread just keeps going? Is that a response or a am I talking to a machine that pumps out the same reply to everything? What does that even mean?
The ignore function here works well if my little posts cause you such trauma.


The White Guilt thread just keeps going!

Boy, that must suck.


The White Guilt thread just keeps going? Is that a response or a am I talking to a machine that pumps out the same reply to everything? What does that even mean?
The ignore function here works well if my little posts cause you such trauma.

It works both ways, child.
Well, I guess if I'm consumed with a need to whine about your posts I'll give that some consideration.

When the majority of folks that had foods stamps ( now they use discreet cards) were Black and Hispanic, I saw in front of me at the grocery store, somehow the point of this thread falls apart. Not White, ever. Something is wrong with your sources or something. Something isn't adding up.
I'm "white" (though I consider American to be a distinct ethnicity in its own). We lived on food stamps. I'm not sure why you're trying to race bait with this.
Yeah, I'm curious too.

Is he trying to make white people feel guilty? They either do or they don't, and this stuff mostly likely decreases that chance.

Is he trying to vent his anger? Great, vent away, whatever make ya feel better.

He can hate white people all he wants, it doesn't affect me or mine.

WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


More: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Probably mostly in red states.
If you go by percentage of each race blacks take it 'running away'
White people are about 75% of the population so statistics will tell you that White people will be the majority of food stamp recipients. Since Barry Hussein's assault on the White middle class by closing rural coal companies and blue collar factories it put White people right where democrats want them...on food stamps. Notice the percentage of Blacks on food stamps hasn't changed or has risen since LBJ's ironically named "war on poverty".

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