Who cares what the FACTs are when the majority of protestors are not thinking people.

I was "confronted" (speeding] twice this last year by the police. They didn't shoot me. They didn't haul me out and put a knee on my neck. Was it because I was White or maybe because it was because I was civil and apologetic for my "crime" to them? I didn't try to be an asshole. They were just doing their job we hired them to do. In fact they didn't even give me a ticket although I deserved it. They gave me a warning.
I would like to know what the these stupid protesters are bitching about. Can any of you Moon Bats tell me?
FACTs for a few people like me seem to be the biggest differentiation and the "news" put forth by the MSM NEVER covers these Facts.
The Washington Post, has maintained an extremely accurate account of people shot and killed by America’s police,
dating back to 2015, and according to their reporting, last year in 2018,
995 people were shot and killed by police, the lowest number since 2015 when they began collecting and reporting this data publicly.

So, here’s the 2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police.
  1. 403 were white,
  2. 210 were black,
  3. 148 were Hispanic,
  4. 38 were classified as other, and
  5. 199 were classified as unknown.

Out of that 995,
  1. 47 were unarmed —
  2. 23 were white,
  3. 17 were black,
  4. 5 were Hispanic, and
  5. 2 were unknown.
Out of the 30-50 million interactions that the police had with the American public last year,

10 million people were arrested, and less than 0.01 percent were shot and killed by the police.

Out of those 10 million people arrested,
47 of those shot and killed were unarmed, which equates to 0.00047 percent,

17 of which were black.

Remarkably, for the race baiting, cop hating, left-wing propagandists that promote the social theory that all police officers are relentlessly targeting and gunning down unarmed people of color, these statistics prove those claims could not be farther from the truth.

The reality is that out of the 10,000,000 arrests made last year in the U.S.,
17 black people shot and killed by the police were unarmed, which equates to 0.00017 percent.

So I ask you honest, intelligent people that understand the facts... WHY are you paying any attention to the BIASED MSM stories?
Do you understand any bad news leads good news. News sells advertising which depends on readers/viewers.
So why are you honest, intelligent people that ONCE you UNDERSTAND that BLACKS are NOT the issue... BUT the MSM wants to sell BAD NEWS!
That's pretty welcome news.
If you want to play the numbers game, though,
49% of those killed unarmed were white.
36% of those killed unarmed were black.

13% of the American population is black.

So why three times more unarmed black men were killed unarmed?
THIS is where the numbers matter. There is a perception, an automatic shittape that rolls when cops and a lot of white folks see a black man. So they are killed more out of fear.

BTW, 60.4% of the US population is white. So 49% is lower than might be expected. Are they getting a little bit of an unconscious break?
Simple answer to that...what percentage of the people committing violent crimes are black?
I don't know, but how do you commit a violent crime unarmed?
By beating the living shit out of someone? Come on, Old Lady...you can't POSSIBLY be that clueless! Violent crimes are committed every second by someone who's not "armed"!
I was "confronted" (speeding] twice this last year by the police. They didn't shoot me. They didn't haul me out and put a knee on my neck. Was it because I was White or maybe because it was because I was civil and apologetic for my "crime" to them? I didn't try to be an asshole. They were just doing their job we hired them to do. In fact they didn't even give me a ticket although I deserved it. They gave me a warning.

You did what Chris Rock suggests....
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
FACTs for a few people like me seem to be the biggest differentiation and the "news" put forth by the MSM NEVER covers these Facts.
The Washington Post, has maintained an extremely accurate account of people shot and killed by America’s police,
dating back to 2015, and according to their reporting, last year in 2018,
995 people were shot and killed by police, the lowest number since 2015 when they began collecting and reporting this data publicly.

So, here’s the 2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police.
  1. 403 were white,
  2. 210 were black,
  3. 148 were Hispanic,
  4. 38 were classified as other, and
  5. 199 were classified as unknown.

Out of that 995,
  1. 47 were unarmed —
  2. 23 were white,
  3. 17 were black,
  4. 5 were Hispanic, and
  5. 2 were unknown.
Out of the 30-50 million interactions that the police had with the American public last year,

10 million people were arrested, and less than 0.01 percent were shot and killed by the police.

Out of those 10 million people arrested,
47 of those shot and killed were unarmed, which equates to 0.00047 percent,

17 of which were black.

Remarkably, for the race baiting, cop hating, left-wing propagandists that promote the social theory that all police officers are relentlessly targeting and gunning down unarmed people of color, these statistics prove those claims could not be farther from the truth.

The reality is that out of the 10,000,000 arrests made last year in the U.S.,
17 black people shot and killed by the police were unarmed, which equates to 0.00017 percent.

So I ask you honest, intelligent people that understand the facts... WHY are you paying any attention to the BIASED MSM stories?
Do you understand any bad news leads good news. News sells advertising which depends on readers/viewers.
So why are you honest, intelligent people that ONCE you UNDERSTAND that BLACKS are NOT the issue... BUT the MSM wants to sell BAD NEWS!
That's pretty welcome news.
If you want to play the numbers game, though,
49% of those killed unarmed were white.
36% of those killed unarmed were black.

13% of the American population is black.

So why three times more unarmed black men were killed unarmed?
THIS is where the numbers matter. There is a perception, an automatic shittape that rolls when cops and a lot of white folks see a black man. So they are killed more out of fear.

BTW, 60.4% of the US population is white. So 49% is lower than might be expected. Are they getting a little bit of an unconscious break?

You miss the point of post one, this is a chronic problem of leftists everywhere.

No, I got it. The number of unarmed people killed by cops is very very very small. The percentages though show that proportionally, blacks are killed a lot more than you'd expect based on how many of them there are.

Yeah, now you will say it is because black people act bad more often. Let's hear how violent they are driving while black and jogging while black. I remember a law enforcement expert somewhere saying, if white people were pulled over for traffic stops, just as many white people would be ending up with arrests for petty stuff like expired insurance or unpaid child support (which usually leads to a license suspension) or an outstanding warrant for not showing up in court to pay a fine. They don't get pulled over, so they're not arrested. Same with the stop and frisk law. If as many white folks as black folks were getting frisked and told to lay on the ground in NYC, the law could have stood. It was not enforced equally because white folks have a fear, conscious or not, of black men.

That's the message no one wants to hear.

OK... let's agree... Blacks pulled over more often than whites.
A) Which group are more active in criminal behavior... the FACTS..
So what percent of all the 8,421,481 arrests in 2016 is done by Blacks: 26.9% while Whites:69.6%
This means even though WHITES outnumber Blacks, blacks are almost 27% of all arrests.
So NOW tell me with these FACTS not only are Whites killed more than blacks..(yes there are more whites...!)
BUT Blacks were arrested nearly 27% of all arrests. OH yea... I forget... BLACKS are treated differently....because they are black.

B) So with 34,131,659 blacks over age 18 having 27% of all arrests VS 69.6% arrests of 194,856,110 whites over age 18 or 82.5%.
C) explain to me if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck... should you not assume it is a DUCK?
D) Why cops stop more blacks and arrest more blacks... because the blacks they stop and arrest LOOK like or "stereotyped" as possible a criminal.

“Interestingly, both white and nonwhite officers were equally likely to be concerned about appearing racist. The potential negative influence of stereotype threats such as the ‘racist police officer’ should be a concern to all officers and communities.”

“Since the nature of law enforcement frequently requires police officers to make snap judgments about the danger posed by suspects and the criminal nature of their activity, subconscious racial associations influence the way officers perform their jobs,” the report contends.

The report offers 10 specific steps that the U.S. could take to cut down on such disparities, including fully funding the country’s public defenders, prohibiting law-enforcement officials from engaging in racial profiling and establishing a commission to develop recommendations for “systemic reform” of the country’s police bureaus and courts.

By the way President Trump supported this justice-reform achievement on his watch, the First Step Act.
The FIRST STEP Act is consequential because it includes provisions for meaningful sentencing reform, which would reduce the number and amount of people in prison and is part of the starting point of any serious legislation for criminal justice reform. Sentencing laws played a central role in the rise of mass incarceration in recent decades. The federal prison population, in particular, has risen by more than 700 percent since 1980, and federal prison spending has increased by nearly 600 percent. That growth has disproportionally affected African Americans, Native Americans, and Latinos.


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