Is this the latest Democrat message to white folks...Damn you, be accountable and don’t dare hold blacks accountable!


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
As Democrats berate and denigrate Caucasians every minute of every day on every news channel on TV they are insulting our intelligence and encouraging a greater divide. This is great news for the 2020 Trump campaign as I am absolutely positive this shit is lighting a fire under the asses of many. I’m certain that conservatives are deeply unified right now.
Stay angry and stay to people, encourage people....November is just around the corner.
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
As Democrats berate and denigrate Caucasians every minute of every day on every news channel on TV they are insulting our intelligence and encouraging a greater divide. This is great news for the 2020 Trump campaign as I am absolutely positive this shit is lighting a fire under the asses of many. I’m certain that conservatives are deeply unified right now.
Stay angry and stay to people, encourage people....November is just around the corner.

It's OK. Even after proven wrong, they can simply admit their mistakes and apologize. Conservatives can never apologize. They are never forgiven. Progressives apologize for everything and are then liked by other progs even more!
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
But the origins of the protest lie in the disgusting blue shithole of Minneapolis under Democrat rule.
It all happened on the Democrat dumbmotherfuckers are fascinating.
As Democrats berate and denigrate Caucasians every minute of every day on every news channel on TV they are insulting our intelligence and encouraging a greater divide. This is great news for the 2020 Trump campaign as I am absolutely positive this shit is lighting a fire under the asses of many. I’m certain that conservatives are deeply unified right now.
Stay angry and stay to people, encourage people....November is just around the corner.

K. Thanks.
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
Like you ever did vote republican in your life, you lying sack of shit. Please stay in your blue states, you know, the ones that Democrap Governors have released felons so they(Felons) could be saved from the Chinese Wuhan Virus. Hope one of those felons shows up on your doorstep, demanding what you have, at the point of a gun, like Floyd did to that pregnant woman. Would serve your sorry ass right.. Karma is a bitch, and so are you.
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.
She is just a slave to the system, she cant help it for she is stupid...
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.

NO legit Caucasian speaks like you do or takes the position you do....UNLESS you are one of those whacko CISCO (CaucasianInSkinColorOnly) types?
"Joe Biden would be retired if not for the black vote. Black voters made him the Democrats’ presidential nominee. In November, the number of black voters who turn out in the crucial swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin is likely to be the deciding factor in the election. That means black voters, 12 percent of the national electorate, are set to pick our next president."

If we can get more blacks to switch side, Joe Biden would not have any chance to be President. There are a lot of successful and noteworthy black Americans out there. But what Joe Biden has said a few days ago should be a "wake up call". It only seems that Biden only wants blacks just to vote for him. Do you honestly believe he really cares about them at all?

I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.

NO legit Caucasian speaks like you do or takes the position you do....UNLESS you are one of those whacko CISCO (CaucasianInSkinColorOnly) types?
Yet I'm Caucasian. I'm euopean white.
As Democrats berate and denigrate Caucasians every minute of every day on every news channel on TV they are insulting our intelligence and encouraging a greater divide. This is great news for the 2020 Trump campaign as I am absolutely positive this shit is lighting a fire under the asses of many. I’m certain that conservatives are deeply unified right now.
Stay angry and stay to people, encourage people....November is just around the corner.
Your inability to listen to the movement and respond without diversions or insults is exactly what causes the greater divide. It’s people like you that people have had enough of. Sorry man but your kind is dwindling. I think you’re gonna be pretty embarrassed next election when a truly motivated America shows up to say Trump and his ILK are not what America represents
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
This is a lie. Democrats trying to cover up for their terrorist attacks on Americans
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.

NO legit Caucasian speaks like you do or takes the position you do....UNLESS you are one of those whacko CISCO (CaucasianInSkinColorOnly) types?
Yet I'm Caucasian. I'm euopean white.
Then you're a racist
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
Like you ever did vote republican in your life, you lying sack of shit. Please stay in your blue states, you know, the ones that Democrap Governors have released felons so they(Felons) could be saved from the Chinese Wuhan Virus. Hope one of those felons shows up on your doorstep, demanding what you have, at the point of a gun, like Floyd did to that pregnant woman. Would serve your sorry ass right.. Karma is a bitch, and so are you.

About 3,100 federal inmates to be released early under new U.S. law

Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Roughly 3,100 U.S. inmates, including many convicted of drug offenses, will be released early from federal prisons for good behavior under a criminal justice reform law signed last year by President Donald Trump, the Justice Department said on Friday.

I really, really, really believe that thinking people of ALL ethnicities agree that the current majority ethnicity has been the most generous group of people in the history of the world.

Yes, before World War II, racial discrimination toward non-Caucasians was taken for granted, After World War II, President Truman integrated the armed forces against the advice of many officials who felt it would destroy morale. Later came the Supreme Court decision to integrate schools. And since the1960s, the current majority ethnicity has done everything possible to ensure equality and then some: affirmative action (for example. 51 percent of the Los Angeles Police Department is now Hispanic); school busing (even if it has proved a failure); and public accommodation laws. Not to mention the thousands of elected and appointed non-Caucasian (mostly African American) officials.

Yet this current insurrection has the nerve to blame the current majority ethnicity for the shortcomings of a certain ethnicity.

What ingratitude!
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.
If you live in a liberal shithole you may have a black man make you bow down to him, and I'm sure you would do it. With you white privilege.
I have and see a lot of whites protesting. I will never vote republican again in my life, and I'm quite sure those protesting won't either, but the rioters, they might, because some of them are far right.
You also self flagellate with a dog chain to a pic of Malcolm X.
I"m Caucasian and I don't flagellate to anyone.

NO legit Caucasian speaks like you do or takes the position you do....UNLESS you are one of those whacko CISCO (CaucasianInSkinColorOnly) types?
Yet I'm Caucasian. I'm euopean white.
Then you're a racist
No, I just a Caucasian due to my parents were Caucasian, it depends on your parents, if your white , you could just as easily been born with black skin.

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