White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

Most of us can interact with people of all races and colors every day and not offend them.

Why are you all not capable of doing so?
It's their fault, not our fault.

I'm white and female and don't look threatening (I think) but when I decided years ago to take walks in different neighborhoods, by parking and walking from there and back to the car, people RAN, not walked, out of their houses or churches to ask if I needed help, if the car broke down, if I was lost. Darn! Some were being helpful, one hostile-sounding woman had decided I was casing the neighborhood. Obviously this was a bad, bad idea, so I stopped doing it.

Maybe the black was reacting to her tone. Or maybe he's just a jerk. I agree with the people saying, whatever you do, never interact with blacks! Nothing but harm is likely to come from it.
I'm referring to you whites actually discussing strategy to act like little bitches in your own country and you respond back with fantasy bullshit. That doesn't bother me. When you want to talk about real shit, like how funny it is all you are cowards in your own land then let me know cuck boy. 😂

Oh LOOK another lil tough Black Child
The right doesn't know their own stupidity from their racism. The racism in the OP and the story is obvious. But to the right, opposing racism is "insane". No wonder we have so much racism and the right doesn't recognize it even when it's systemic.
And of course the racist right is using this incident to advance their lies about how blacks are ‘too sensitive’ and how whites are ‘falsely accused’ of being racist.
I have no issue, three guys did, though.
There are still people like that. Ignorant, stupid and mean with no regard for human life. I wondered if they were liquored up when they had their brilliant idea.
I'd have to hear the tone and know the context. I will say this though, anytime street blacks don't get their way or you disagree with them you are ALWAYS branded a racist.
Wow, that's some pretty subtle racism you're spewing!

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