White terrorism!!!

Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

You are a bigot and a Racist....
What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of

Which accounts for him speaking badly about Trump.

Not attacking Jews directly is the only thing about Trump he doesn't like.

He is OBSESSED with "the caravans" and his hatred of libs
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

You are a bigot and a Racist....
Because calling out actual racism and bigotry makes ona racist...to real racists
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

You are a bigot and a Racist....
Because calling out actual racism and bigotry makes ona racist...to real racists

No it's because you are a Racist and a Bigot.....

Plain to see for the Sane.....

You have TDS....

You need to seek help if you are wise....

You are in deep Shit.....
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

Trump definitely has blood on his hands. He fuels terrorist acts.



Of course real debate doesn't fit on a bumper sticker. Be that as it may, here's how it starts.......

At a time when the border with Mexico has never been safer, and when we’ve never spent so much on border security, the surest way to improve safety and security is not to build a wall or spend billions more, but to ensure that we are maximizing the potential from everyone in this state, treating each other with respect and dignity.

Here’s how we do that:

  • End the militarization of our immigration enforcement system, and close private immigration prisons and detention centers that profit from locking up families.
  • Pass the DREAM Act and ensure that undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children, known as ‘Dreamers’, find a permanent home and citizenship in the U.S.
  • Ensure that those who come to our borders seeking refuge from violence and persecution are given a fair opportunity to present their claims and guaranteed due process under our laws.
  • Improve the immigration system to encourage and facilitate family reunification, education, and the investment of talent in our country.
  • Modernize the visa system to allow U.S. employers to find workers for jobs that American workers can’t fill.
  • Reform our immigration laws to legalize the status of millions of immigrants already in our country and ensure a fair path to citizenship for those inspired by the opportunity and ideals that we present to the rest of the world.
Immigration - Beto for Senate
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

You are a bigot and a Racist....
------------------------------------ and the OP is a Legal imported 'muslim' immigrant that hates Whites and who also wants to take your guns . I suppose that he was vetted by your USA Government taxpayer paid vetters . Keep posting 'isis' !! [chuckle]
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?
Ignorance fuels terrorism and Trump has encouraged ignorance, but I hardly think that puts blood on his hands. Unfortunately for him, chickens tend to come home to roost.

Trump is fueling hate and violence, not just ignorance. He calls on his supporters to physically assault people. He called on cops to rough up suspects as they arrest them and put them in the car. He told rally goers to punch protesters in the face. He called on "2nd amendment types" to deal with HIllary if she were elected.

Trump encourages hate and discord whenever he speaks. Constantly whipping rally crowds into a frenzy to distract supporters from the fact that Trump's tax cuts aren't working for anyone but the wealthy. The lack of civility, honesty and the agressive rhetoric emboldens racists and those who would do harm to others. Trump's agenda is one of stoking grievances of the poor, white males, the people the conservative economy has been screwing over for decades. But while Trump is stoking their grievances, and telling them how the blacks, the immigrants and the liberals have taken advantage of them, but in reality it is Reagan's tax code and the assault on unions that has screwed the working class.

Trump is in fact, accelerating the destruction of the working and middle class with these tax cuts. While he said that the tax cuts would produce "jobs on steroids". That hasn't happened and job creation has slowed under Trump, even with the tax cuts and the out of control deficit spending. Businesses aren't investing in the new plant and equipment to the degree Trump had anticipated because American Corporations weren't starved for cash before the tax cuts. They were awash in money and have been since Bush was in office.

There was a spike in equipment purchases when the tax cuts first took effect, but much less than was expected and that's tailed off. Prices are rising rapidly due to import tariffs but imports aren't dropping, their rising. Because of Trump's tariff war, Americans are buying MORE imports, not less.

Trump had planned that the tax cuts and SC appointments would see him cruise through the midterms unscathed. But working Americans are getting no benefit from the tax cuts, and what little the middle class received is being wiped out by higher interest rates, much higher gas prices, and higher prices on imported goods.

And just to demonstrate what an imbecile you elected, Trump still doesn't realize that the American people are paying the tariffs. Tariff's are paid by the importer upon the goods entering the country. Those costs are then passed along to the consumer. Trump is taxing the American people for buying imported goods, and their response is to buy more imported goods. This is why you have trade deficits.
boy oh boy , man , you sure got the Trump in your 'canook' head DLady !!
Ignorance fuels terrorism and Trump has encouraged ignorance, but I hardly think that puts blood on his hands. Unfortunately for him, chickens tend to come home to roost.

Trump is fueling hate and violence, not just ignorance. He calls on his supporters to physically assault people. He called on cops to rough up suspects as they arrest them and put them in the car. He told rally goers to punch protesters in the face. He called on "2nd amendment types" to deal with HIllary if she were elected.

Trump encourages hate and discord whenever he speaks. Constantly whipping rally crowds into a frenzy to distract supporters from the fact that Trump's tax cuts aren't working for anyone but the wealthy. The lack of civility, honesty and the agressive rhetoric emboldens racists and those who would do harm to others. Trump's agenda is one of stoking grievances of the poor, white males, the people the conservative economy has been screwing over for decades. But while Trump is stoking their grievances, and telling them how the blacks, the immigrants and the liberals have taken advantage of them, but in reality it is Reagan's tax code and the assault on unions that has screwed the working class.

Trump is in fact, accelerating the destruction of the working and middle class with these tax cuts. While he said that the tax cuts would produce "jobs on steroids". That hasn't happened and job creation has slowed under Trump, even with the tax cuts and the out of control deficit spending. Businesses aren't investing in the new plant and equipment to the degree Trump had anticipated because American Corporations weren't starved for cash before the tax cuts. They were awash in money and have been since Bush was in office.

There was a spike in equipment purchases when the tax cuts first took effect, but much less than was expected and that's tailed off. Prices are rising rapidly due to import tariffs but imports aren't dropping, their rising. Because of Trump's tariff war, Americans are buying MORE imports, not less.

Trump had planned that the tax cuts and SC appointments would see him cruise through the midterms unscathed. But working Americans are getting no benefit from the tax cuts, and what little the middle class received is being wiped out by higher interest rates, much higher gas prices, and higher prices on imported goods.

And just to demonstrate what an imbecile you elected, Trump still doesn't realize that the American people are paying the tariffs. Tariff's are paid by the importer upon the goods entering the country. Those costs are then passed along to the consumer. Trump is taxing the American people for buying imported goods, and their response is to buy more imported goods. This is why you have trade deficits.
GO Trump , best President the USA has had in my 50 plus a few years of being aware of Presidents . .
What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of

Which accounts for him speaking badly about Trump.

Not attacking Jews directly is the only thing about Trump he doesn't like.

He is OBSESSED with "the caravans" and his hatred of libs

Half the country hates so-called liberals and opposes the caravan. Are millions of people out there slaughtering Jews at temple?

Maxine Waters has also been stoking violence. According to your logic she's just as guilty as Trump for this man's actions.
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?

Did you denounce Bernie Sanders when one of this supporters shot Steven Scalise? Did you denounce Maxine Waters when she was out calling for violence against Republicans? How about when Trump supporters were getting assaulted by Hillary supporters on their way to rallies during the election? No, you said nothing, because you had nothing political to gain from it.

Stop acting so righteous. You're no better than Nugent.
Ignorance fuels terrorism and Trump has encouraged ignorance, but I hardly think that puts blood on his hands. Unfortunately for him, chickens tend to come home to roost.

Trump is fueling hate and violence, not just ignorance. He calls on his supporters to physically assault people. He called on cops to rough up suspects as they arrest them and put them in the car. He told rally goers to punch protesters in the face. He called on "2nd amendment types" to deal with HIllary if she were elected.

Trump encourages hate and discord whenever he speaks. Constantly whipping rally crowds into a frenzy to distract supporters from the fact that Trump's tax cuts aren't working for anyone but the wealthy. The lack of civility, honesty and the agressive rhetoric emboldens racists and those who would do harm to others. Trump's agenda is one of stoking grievances of the poor, white males, the people the conservative economy has been screwing over for decades. But while Trump is stoking their grievances, and telling them how the blacks, the immigrants and the liberals have taken advantage of them, but in reality it is Reagan's tax code and the assault on unions that has screwed the working class.

Trump is in fact, accelerating the destruction of the working and middle class with these tax cuts. While he said that the tax cuts would produce "jobs on steroids". That hasn't happened and job creation has slowed under Trump, even with the tax cuts and the out of control deficit spending. Businesses aren't investing in the new plant and equipment to the degree Trump had anticipated because American Corporations weren't starved for cash before the tax cuts. They were awash in money and have been since Bush was in office.

There was a spike in equipment purchases when the tax cuts first took effect, but much less than was expected and that's tailed off. Prices are rising rapidly due to import tariffs but imports aren't dropping, their rising. Because of Trump's tariff war, Americans are buying MORE imports, not less.

Trump had planned that the tax cuts and SC appointments would see him cruise through the midterms unscathed. But working Americans are getting no benefit from the tax cuts, and what little the middle class received is being wiped out by higher interest rates, much higher gas prices, and higher prices on imported goods.

And just to demonstrate what an imbecile you elected, Trump still doesn't realize that the American people are paying the tariffs. Tariff's are paid by the importer upon the goods entering the country. Those costs are then passed along to the consumer. Trump is taxing the American people for buying imported goods, and their response is to buy more imported goods. This is why you have trade deficits.
You have made many valid points, and as I teach my kids, sometimes being right is not enough. How can any of us claim to want more respectful dialogue when we are unwilling to allow for the possibility that those who disagree with us have arrived at their perspective by thoughtful analysis. Intelligent people can intelligently disagree without attacking the ethics or morality of someone. This is especially true when we find somebody else’s ideas repugnant. If someone is just spewing it becomes obvious almost right away and then ignore them because just like an older sibling in the backseat of a long car ride, they are just trying to get a rise out of you.
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?
Farrakhan is a violent antisemite, called Jews TERMITES this week and is a BIG DEMONRAT and I see NO ABNORMALS, especially you, condemning him....because he is black and a Muslim?
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?
Farrakhan is a violent antisemite, called Jews TERMITES this week and is a BIG DEMONRAT and I see NO ABNORMALS, especially you, condemning him....because he is black and a Muslim?
In all fairness, right or wrong, the Southern Poverty Law Center defines the Nation of Islam as a hate group, just like the KKK.
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?

Did you denounce Bernie Sanders when one of this supporters shot Steven Scalise? Did you denounce Maxine Waters when she was out calling for violence against Republicans? How about when Trump supporters were getting assaulted by Hillary supporters on their way to rallies during the election? No, you said nothing, because you had nothing political to gain from it.

Stop acting so righteous. You're no better than Nugent.

Was Bernie constantly using Marxist slogans about Republicans. Waters did not call for violence against Cabinet officials, but yes I posted my opposition to SJW accosting any public official who is simply dinning out with their families when it happened. Not only that but I denounced any violence, regardless of the source, directed at any Trumpybear supporter. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

The last Nugent show I ever saw was here in Houston when he whined about Spanish speakers in America. It was the first time I yelled "Shut up and Play yer guitar"

But I say that to all entertainers who dab or take a stab at politics. Fuck em. I came to their show for the music not their take on politics.
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?
Farrakhan is a violent antisemite, called Jews TERMITES this week and is a BIG DEMONRAT and I see NO ABNORMALS, especially you, condemning him....because he is black and a Muslim?

Farrakhan and Nugent both suck.
Recent events from Vegas mass shooting, bomb threats, the synagogue mass shooting indicate there is a pro lem within white males that need to be addressed. Till now I dont hear terrorism outcries....replace the names with Muslim names and we would hear calls for banning muslims, bigotry and racism.
Trump is fueling this wave or terrorism and he needs to be held accountable.

What has Donald Trump ever said disparaging about Jews? Nothing that I can think of. However, it was just a week ago that Democrat Louis Farrakhan was making all kinds of anti-Semitic remarks during a speech and on social media

Terrible Ted Nugent is a known anti-Semitic. Which Trumpublican has denounce him? Didn't Trumpybear invite the Motor City Madman to the White house?
Farrakhan is a violent antisemite, called Jews TERMITES this week and is a BIG DEMONRAT and I see NO ABNORMALS, especially you, condemning him....because he is black and a Muslim?

Farrakhan and Nugent both suck.
If you say so.

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