white liberals are the real white racist !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
weve all met their kind ....you know the white so called woke leftist that claim America is a racist country and that our country and society are inherently racist ...you know the type ...theyre the ones that kiss up to minorities out of fear and are very very quick to point the finger elsewhere towards their fellow white citizens especially those with a different political viewpoint ! but the question is who is truly the racist ?is it the conservative patriot that believes that we are all equal or is it the white liberal coward that goes along with leftist race baiting and shaming in order to deflect attention from itself ? you see what white liberals fail to understand is that fear of another race is the worst kind of racism !
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weve all met their kind ....you know the so called woke leftist like French 2 that claim America is a racist country and that our country and society are inherently racist ...you know the type ...theyre the ones that kiss up to minorities out of fear and are very very quick to point the finger elsewhere towards their fellow white citizens especially those with a different political viewpoint ! but the question is who is truly the racist ?is it the conservative patriot that believes that we are all equal or is it the white liberal coward that goes along with leftist race baiting and shaming in order to deflect attention from itself ? you see white white liberals fail to understand is that fear of another race is the worst kind of racism !

White self-hatred is the most pathetic kind of racism there is. From my standpoint, it's more pitiful than the type of racism black people feel for each other. Not as deadly, but still sad.
Trump cult losers, what do blacks think of you?

What's that? They think you're racists because you keep supporting racist things?

They're right.

There's a reason you have to come to online SafeSpaces to cry like this. If you said the racist stuff you say in public, you'd all be justifiably shunned by all decent people.
Trump cult losers, what do blacks think of you?

What's that? They think you're racists because you keep supporting racist things?

They're right.

There's a reason you have to come to online SafeSpaces to cry like this. If you said the racist stuff you say in public, you'd all be justifiably shunned by all decent people.
u need to deal better with your racist hate of white people
Trump cult losers, what do blacks think of you?

What's that? They think you're racists because you keep supporting racist things?

Romney won 6% of black voters in 2012. Trump won 9% in 2016. He won 12% in 2020. Trump was making inroads with blacks during his four years. He also increased his numbers with Hispanics, garnering 33% of their vote last year, the most since W in 2004. He flipped border counties in Texas that hadn't voted Republican in over 100 years.

Trump sounds like the worst racist ever.
This is a mental illness that needs to be investigated: White self hate. And the media and the intelligentsia are like some kind of emotional political vampire that feeds off of hate. There was an episode of Star Trek, a entity that fed off of HATE. Day of the dove.. sounds like the MSM and the Democrats.
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Trump cult losers, what do blacks think of you?

What's that? They think you're racists because you keep supporting racist things?

They're right.

There's a reason you have to come to online SafeSpaces to cry like this. If you said the racist stuff you say in public, you'd all be justifiably shunned by all decent people.
I see the most racist folks being American blacks
Trump cult losers, what do blacks think of you?

What's that? They think you're racists because you keep supporting racist things?

Romney won 6% of black voters in 2012. Trump won 9% in 2016. He won 12% in 2020. Trump was making inroads with blacks during his four years. He also increased his numbers with Hispanics, garnering 33% of their vote last year, the most since W in 2004. He flipped border counties in Texas that hadn't voted Republican in over 100 years.

Trump sounds like the worst racist ever.
and what about the white vote ??

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