White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta (Washington Post)

Acosta better learn to keep his hands and arms to himself. He's perfectly within his rights to stand on the street corner sidewalk in front of the White House and shout until the cows come home about how unfair he was treated for being an asshole.
President Trump extended Acosta the courtesy of calling on him for a question, knowing the guy habitually behaves like a jackass. If I were president that jackass would never get another question, to infinity.
Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

They used an Alex fucking Jones Inforwars DOCTORED video to excuse pulling Accosta's credentials

How can we ever consider anything the White House calls "evidence" , true or real again?

This is like something out of 1984
Show us.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.
Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

They used an Alex fucking Jones Inforwars DOCTORED video to excuse pulling Accosta's credentials

How can we ever consider anything the White House calls "evidence" , true or real again?

This is like something out of 1984
Show us.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.

Acosta caught red handed on video, his goose is cooked.
Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

They used an Alex fucking Jones Inforwars DOCTORED video to excuse pulling Accosta's credentials

How can we ever consider anything the White House calls "evidence" , true or real again?

This is like something out of 1984
Show us.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.

Acosta caught red handed on video, his goose is cooked.
I'm glad someone else was able to do the frame by frame and pull in the close-up on that whole deal. We don't have the bandwidth or I would have done it yesterday. It was clear he shoved her but even clearer that he put his body weight into it in looking at video frame by frame.
Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

They used an Alex fucking Jones Inforwars DOCTORED video to excuse pulling Accosta's credentials

How can we ever consider anything the White House calls "evidence" , true or real again?

This is like something out of 1984
Show us.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.

Acosta caught red handed on video, his goose is cooked.
I'm glad someone else was able to do the frame by frame and pull in the close-up on that whole deal. We don't have the bandwidth or I would have done it yesterday. It was clear he shoved her but even clearer that he put his body weight into it in looking at video frame by frame.

And this isn't some bar, this is the White House where these reporters should be on their very best behavior. This Acosta clown has no respect for the office or the American people.
I saw it live, that's not what happened.

It's a lie.

But of course our resident tRumpkins will eat it up.
It will become trump bible canon very soon.
Already in progress.

It's a sad time we live in.

Not for too much longer, I think.

The midterms have shown that Trump is on his way out.

Soon, he will start to quack.

And not long after that, few (outside of his mostly old and uneducated Trumpbots) will take him seriously.

If Trump does not start a war, he is gone by January, 2021. And irrelevant long before that.

Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
I saw it live, that's not what happened.

It's a lie.

But of course our resident tRumpkins will eat it up.
It will become trump bible canon very soon.
Already in progress.

It's a sad time we live in.

Not for too much longer, I think.

The midterms have shown that Trump is on his way out.

Soon, he will start to quack.

And not long after that, few (outside of his mostly old and uneducated Trumpbots) will take him seriously.

If Trump does not start a war, he is gone by January, 2021. And irrelevant long before that.

Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
This is another one of those....."biggest inaugural crowd ever!" egotistical things, isn't it?
Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

They used an Alex fucking Jones Inforwars DOCTORED video to excuse pulling Accosta's credentials

How can we ever consider anything the White House calls "evidence" , true or real again?

This is like something out of 1984
Show us.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.

Acosta caught red handed on video, his goose is cooked.
I'm glad someone else was able to do the frame by frame and pull in the close-up on that whole deal. We don't have the bandwidth or I would have done it yesterday. It was clear he shoved her but even clearer that he put his body weight into it in looking at video frame by frame.

And this isn't some bar, this is the White House where these reporters should be on their very best behavior. This Acosta clown has no respect for the office or the American people.
Good etiquette and manners needs to be re-established in the peoples house. The rude and nasties don't belong there. If they want to be activist they need to do it out on the sidewalks.
It looks like they all wanna cover their asses for putting out their fake crap that Acosta was being abused. They do not like the idea that they can't cover of Acosta being the abuser in that situation.

Acosta caught red handed on video, his goose is cooked.
I'm glad someone else was able to do the frame by frame and pull in the close-up on that whole deal. We don't have the bandwidth or I would have done it yesterday. It was clear he shoved her but even clearer that he put his body weight into it in looking at video frame by frame.

And this isn't some bar, this is the White House where these reporters should be on their very best behavior. This Acosta clown has no respect for the office or the American people.
Good etiquette and manners needs to be re-established in the peoples house. The rude and nasties don't belong there. If they want to be activist they need to do it out on the sidewalks.

At least 4 of these asshole so called journalists stood up and accused the President of being a racist for crying out loud.
I saw it live, that's not what happened.

It's a lie.

But of course our resident tRumpkins will eat it up.
It will become trump bible canon very soon.
Already in progress.

It's a sad time we live in.

Not for too much longer, I think.

The midterms have shown that Trump is on his way out.

Soon, he will start to quack.

And not long after that, few (outside of his mostly old and uneducated Trumpbots) will take him seriously.

If Trump does not start a war, he is gone by January, 2021. And irrelevant long before that.

Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
This is another one of those....."biggest inaugural crowd ever!" egotistical things, isn't it?

Business says different.
A right wing conspiracy theorist increased the speed of Jim Acosta’s arm movement, to make it seem he was violent against a White House aide as opposed to struggling for the microphone..
Additionally, Acosta’s “Pardon me, ma’am“ utterance was removed from the doctor video:
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders on Wednesday night shared a video of CNN reporter Jim Acosta that appeared to have been altered to make his actions at a news conference look more aggressive toward a White House intern.

The edited video looks authentic: Acosta appeared to swiftly chop down on the arm of an aide as he held onto a microphone while questioning President Trump. But in the original video, Acosta’s arm appears to move only as a response to a tussle for the microphone. His statement, “Pardon me, ma’am,” is not included in the video Sanders shared.

Critics said that video — which sped up the movement of Acosta’s arms in a way that dramatically changed the journalist’s response — was deceptively edited to score political points. That edited videowas first shared by Paul Joseph Watson, known for his conspiracy-theory videos on the far-right website Infowars.

Sarah Sanders' dishonesty problem just got a little worse.

White House shares doctored video to support punishment of journalist Jim Acosta
/---- Both show JimBo assaulted the woman.

Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

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