White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.

Why you always hatin' on us and trying to get in our wallets.

Another one. The firm tight grip on the elites wallet, that tip waitresses sometimes nothing at all. When they are in the hospital they expect maids and gold bedpans. How tight are they, thy squeak when they walk, from cheap shoes that look expensive to a tight anal sphincter. Their hands are clenched so tight, they sweat. The heart pounds when spending a dime.

I imagine you know that you are not going to influence anybody with your hateful posts.

You were already starting out in the hole with your jealousy and envy of us wealthy.
We grabbed our wallets as soon as we started reading your posts.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.
The reason you leftists ALWAYS interpret across the board tax breaks as giving money to the rich is because you feel entitled to it to spend the way you see fit. The government spends way too much and needs to be weened off of our wallets.

Well they can wean themselves off my taxes then.

You will no longer pay taxes?
The focus should be on the monopolies that take advantage of government corruption. Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook,

Because a product is popular does NOT make it a monopoly.
It is if they obtain an unfair advantage. See the above reference to Google's big ass fine overseas. The monopolies are worse today than back in the land baron days.
t is if they obtain an unfair advantage. See the above reference to Google's big ass fine overseas.

Google is hand's down the best search engine out there. They got a 'big ass fine' because the EU government (which actually IS a monopoly) found a big pay day. And Google has to pay to play in their market.

'When buying and selling are legislated, the first thing to be bought and sold is legislators.' -- P.J. O'Rourke
t is if they obtain an unfair advantage. See the above reference to Google's big ass fine overseas.

Google is hand's down the best search engine out there. They got a 'big ass fine' because the EU government (which actually IS a monopoly) found a big pay day. And Google has to pay to play in their market.
Google sucks, I use Duckduckgo, no tracking. You pay to get up the ladder in Google's search results. The top hits are those who pay the most. Those who pay the most are not necessarily the most relevant or best. I see that needs to be explained to you. That's what got them in hot water overseas. And it should here too. That's an unfair advantage and it's why I don't play their games but most people are not up to speed on it. Google has also been politically active as well with a leftwing bias.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
There is NOT an estate tax on the first $5 million each, so for a rich mom and dad, there is no estate taxes owed for the first $10 million their children or lover mistress receives....

The person receiving the wealth, NEVER paid taxes on it and their parents or lover, never paid taxes on it either....

Yes, they never paid income taxes on it, because they had their wealth in tax free bonds, or in the stock market, where the increased value of their stocks was NEVER TAXED..., until they die or sell it.....

As example take a papa Hilton, he has most all of his wealth in Hilton Hotel Stocks from 40 years ago when he went public...those shares went from $5 a share for his 500,000 shares to now $100 a share for his 500,000 shares....as long as he did not sell off his stock shares, his profit from the capital gains was never taxed....not a dime of his capital gains was taxed.....

The estate tax, after the $10 million that is not taxed at all and exempt from taxation, the estate taxes covers the profit/gains that was NEVER taxed in all the tax avoidance schemes or tax free investments they made, or delayed tax investments they made.
I use Duckduckgo

You just proved Google is no monopoly. Congratulations. Using government as a tool to punish the successful is a left-wing tactic. Welcome to the dark side.
Very few use alternate search engines. In fact they have become so prolific people often say "Google it". A monopoly isn't always 100%. Sorry if that rubs your little hate filled bubble world the wrong way but the EU doesn't agree.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
There is NOT an estate tax on the first $5 million each, so for a rich mom and dad, there is no estate taxes owed for the first $10 million their children or lover mistress receives....

The person receiving the wealth, NEVER paid taxes on it and their parents or lover, never paid taxes on it either....

Yes, they never paid income taxes on it, because they had their wealth in tax free bonds, or in the stock market, where the increased value of their stocks was NEVER TAXED..., until they die or sell it.....

As example take a papa Hilton, he has most all of his wealth in Hilton Hotel Stocks from 40 years ago when he went public...those shares went from $5 a share for his 500,000 shares to now $100 a share for his 500,000 shares....as long as he did not sell off his stock shares, his profit from the capital gains was never taxed....not a dime of his capital gains was taxed.....

The estate tax, after the $10 million that is not taxed at all and exempt from taxation, the estate taxes covers the profit/gains that was NEVER taxed in all the tax avoidance schemes or tax free investments they made, or delayed tax investments they made.

You didn't answer the question.
I use Duckduckgo

You just proved Google is no monopoly. Congratulations. Using government as a tool to punish the successful is a left-wing tactic. Welcome to the dark side.
Very few use alternate search engines. In fact they have become so prolific people often say "Google it". A monopoly isn't always 100%. Sorry if that rubs your little hate filled bubble world the wrong way but the EU doesn't agree.

I haven't intentionally used Google since they screwed over the Chinese people and censored their material at the behest of the government.
I use Duckduckgo

You just proved Google is no monopoly. Congratulations. Using government as a tool to punish the successful is a left-wing tactic. Welcome to the dark side.
Very few use alternate search engines. In fact they have become so prolific people often say "Google it". A monopoly isn't always 100%. Sorry if that rubs your little hate filled bubble world the wrong way but the EU doesn't agree.

I haven't intentionally used Google since they screwed over the Chinese people and censored their material at the behest of the government.
They screwed us over too during the elections but fortunately it didn't go the way they wanted.
A monopoly isn't always 100%. Sorry if that rubs your little hate filled bubble world the wrong way but the EU doesn't agree.

To be a monopoly, a supplier must completely control a market, excluding all alternatives -- OR -- make those alternatives prohibitively difficult or expensive to obtain. Google is ubiquitous because the market has selected it. There is no cost to the end-user. There is no government regulation to use Google. Any person can, if they choose, at any time, use Yahoo, Bing, Ask Jeeves, Excite, Alta Vista, Lycos, or whatever is out there. Advertisers on Google pay more for prominent positions for the same reason that companies pay millions for a few seconds of Superbowl ad space. That's their business model. Google isn't free to provide. Google spends billions of dollars a year just on electricity.

I'm sure the EU doesn't agree, there would be precious little that the EU and I would agree on any subject. I cannot support any organisation of un-elected bureaucrats who can pass laws without consequence. An organisation who can extort any company they choose and whose raison d'etre is the consolidation of power in the hands of those bureaucrats for the purposes redistributing wealth.

I applaud Brexit and I hope the rest of Europe will finally see they've sold their sovereignty for easier travel.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
There is NOT an estate tax on the first $5 million each, so for a rich mom and dad, there is no estate taxes owed for the first $10 million their children or lover mistress receives....

The person receiving the wealth, NEVER paid taxes on it and their parents or lover, never paid taxes on it either....

Yes, they never paid income taxes on it, because they had their wealth in tax free bonds, or in the stock market, where the increased value of their stocks was NEVER TAXED..., until they die or sell it.....

As example take a papa Hilton, he has most all of his wealth in Hilton Hotel Stocks from 40 years ago when he went public...those shares went from $5 a share for his 500,000 shares to now $100 a share for his 500,000 shares....as long as he did not sell off his stock shares, his profit from the capital gains was never taxed....not a dime of his capital gains was taxed.....

The estate tax, after the $10 million that is not taxed at all and exempt from taxation, the estate taxes covers the profit/gains that was NEVER taxed in all the tax avoidance schemes or tax free investments they made, or delayed tax investments they made.

You didn't answer the question.
Sure I did, in so many words....

The estate tax is a fairness tax....these estates have gone a lifetime of avoiding taxation on their investment gains....just like we do in a 401k as an example, until we are forced to withdraw from them when we are old, so that the government can finally get their taxes due.

we have to pay taxes on all of our gains, they should too....

and the person getting the money who is alive,has not ever been taxed on their new gained income/wealth....but if they worked for that new gained wealth/profit, they would have to pay taxes on it. Why should someone who sat on their ass and received a million as a gift, not have to pay taxes like the person who slaved via working, to receive the million?

Besides the fact that we as a nation are in debt up to our eyeballs....mostly from all of these tax avoidance schemes used by the wealthiest for a good 45 years of their lives...from moving their money overseas or in to places like the Cayman Islands, or Panama, or Bermuda...to all kinds of tax avoidance schemes readily available for the very rich and at their fingertips.

yes, fairness.
I haven't intentionally used Google since they screwed over the Chinese people and censored their material at the behest of the government.

All ISPs in China, most of the Middle East, and even Australia censor searches and websites to some degree. The most popular search engine in China is Baido ... with many times the market share of Google ... and is heavily censored and riddles with paid advertising. Is the bad guy the company who complies with government regulations or the government who creates the regulations?

If the government orders soldiers to shoot down protestors in the street, do we blame the government who gave the orders or Springfield Arms Company?
A monopoly isn't always 100%. Sorry if that rubs your little hate filled bubble world the wrong way but the EU doesn't agree.

To be a monopoly, a supplier must completely control a market, excluding all alternatives -- OR -- make those alternatives prohibitively difficult or expensive to obtain. Google is ubiquitous because the market has selected it. There is no cost to the end-user. There is no government regulation to use Google. Any person can, if they choose, at any time, use Yahoo, Bing, Ask Jeeves, Excite, Alta Vista, Lycos, or whatever is out there. Advertisers on Google pay more for prominent positions for the same reason that companies pay millions for a few seconds of Superbowl ad space. That's their business model. Google isn't free to provide. Google spends billions of dollars a year just on electricity.

I'm sure the EU doesn't agree, there would be precious little that the EU and I would agree on any subject. I cannot support any organisation of un-elected bureaucrats who can pass laws without consequence. An organisation who can extort any company they choose and whose raison d'etre is the consolidation of power in the hands of those bureaucrats for the purposes redistributing wealth.

I applaud Brexit and I hope the rest of Europe will finally see they've sold their sovereignty for easier travel.
The market "selected" google because they have become so dominant using unfair and deceptive practices. I am not going to buy your spin, period. I have advertized with them and know how they play the game. They got filthy stinking rich relying of peopled being duped, like you.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
There is NOT an estate tax on the first $5 million each, so for a rich mom and dad, there is no estate taxes owed for the first $10 million their children or lover mistress receives....

The person receiving the wealth, NEVER paid taxes on it and their parents or lover, never paid taxes on it either....

Yes, they never paid income taxes on it, because they had their wealth in tax free bonds, or in the stock market, where the increased value of their stocks was NEVER TAXED..., until they die or sell it.....

As example take a papa Hilton, he has most all of his wealth in Hilton Hotel Stocks from 40 years ago when he went public...those shares went from $5 a share for his 500,000 shares to now $100 a share for his 500,000 shares....as long as he did not sell off his stock shares, his profit from the capital gains was never taxed....not a dime of his capital gains was taxed.....

The estate tax, after the $10 million that is not taxed at all and exempt from taxation, the estate taxes covers the profit/gains that was NEVER taxed in all the tax avoidance schemes or tax free investments they made, or delayed tax investments they made.

You didn't answer the question.
Sure I did, in so many words....

The estate tax is a fairness tax....these estates have gone a lifetime of avoiding taxation on their investment gains....just like we do in a 401k as an example, until we are forced to withdraw from them when we are old, so that the government can finally get their taxes due.

we have to pay taxes on all of our gains, they should too....

and the person getting the money who is alive,has not ever been taxed on their new gained income/wealth....but if they worked for that new gained wealth/profit, they would have to pay taxes on it. Why should someone who sat on their ass and received a million as a gift, not have to pay taxes like the person who slaved via working, to receive the million?

Besides the fact that we as a nation are in debt up to our eyeballs....mostly from all of these tax avoidance schemes used by the wealthiest for a good 45 years of their lives...from moving their money overseas or in to places like the Cayman Islands, or Panama, or Bermuda...to all kinds of tax avoidance schemes readily available for the very rich and at their fingertips.

yes, fairness.
The estate tax is a fairness tax....these estates have gone a lifetime of avoiding taxation on their investment gains....just like we do in a 401k as an example, until we are forced to withdraw from them when we are old, so that the government can finally get their taxes due.
So you are okay with money earned being taxed 4 times? Typical fucking liberal.
we have to pay taxes on all of our gains, they should too....
Why a liberal says this, is because a liberal wont take a chance on investing with a business, so only takes money that the government will give them, leaving them in the lower 10% of income earners, who then also have to get that EBT card.
Besides the fact that we as a nation are in debt up to our eyeballs....
While Obama was doubling the debt from 9 trillion to 19 trillion, the liberals were fine with that increase of debt, because it is all about party first, and fuck the people, but now that Trump is in office, the liberals are NOW worried about the debt. When more people have more money to spend, tax revenues go up, because people want to spend their money, while governments who take more money in taxes, as we have seen the past 8 years, more people have less to spend, and only buy essentials, keeping the economy stagnant. Such stupid people who vote Dimocrap.

combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
There is NOT an estate tax on the first $5 million each, so for a rich mom and dad, there is no estate taxes owed for the first $10 million their children or lover mistress receives....

The person receiving the wealth, NEVER paid taxes on it and their parents or lover, never paid taxes on it either....

Yes, they never paid income taxes on it, because they had their wealth in tax free bonds, or in the stock market, where the increased value of their stocks was NEVER TAXED..., until they die or sell it.....

As example take a papa Hilton, he has most all of his wealth in Hilton Hotel Stocks from 40 years ago when he went public...those shares went from $5 a share for his 500,000 shares to now $100 a share for his 500,000 shares....as long as he did not sell off his stock shares, his profit from the capital gains was never taxed....not a dime of his capital gains was taxed.....

The estate tax, after the $10 million that is not taxed at all and exempt from taxation, the estate taxes covers the profit/gains that was NEVER taxed in all the tax avoidance schemes or tax free investments they made, or delayed tax investments they made.

You didn't answer the question.
Sure I did, in so many words....

The estate tax is a fairness tax....these estates have gone a lifetime of avoiding taxation on their investment gains....just like we do in a 401k as an example, until we are forced to withdraw from them when we are old, so that the government can finally get their taxes due.

we have to pay taxes on all of our gains, they should too....

and the person getting the money who is alive,has not ever been taxed on their new gained income/wealth....but if they worked for that new gained wealth/profit, they would have to pay taxes on it. Why should someone who sat on their ass and received a million as a gift, not have to pay taxes like the person who slaved via working, to receive the million?

Besides the fact that we as a nation are in debt up to our eyeballs....mostly from all of these tax avoidance schemes used by the wealthiest for a good 45 years of their lives...from moving their money overseas or in to places like the Cayman Islands, or Panama, or Bermuda...to all kinds of tax avoidance schemes readily available for the very rich and at their fingertips.

yes, fairness.
Why should someone who sat on their ass and received an EBT card as a gift from the government,
Well why shouldn't they have to pay taxes on the gifts given to them from the government? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, you lazy ass mother fuckers.
They got filthy stinking rich relying of peopled being duped, like you

....and I've never paid them a penny ... anyone who can get 'filthy' rich on that business model shouldn't be punished, they should be studied and emulated.

But, Devil's advocate here ... how ... precisely ... has Google manipulated me to use their search engine? What is stopping me from typing in Bing or any of other search engines? Choosing a search engine is 100% free-choice.

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