White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

You win the lottery you pay taxes, if you are born into a rich family , you pay taxes on inheritances. After all the first 5 million is tax free, but not in the lottery.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here

Why is the White House asking for reducing social spending on the poor?
They got filthy stinking rich relying of peopled being duped, like you

....and I've never paid them a penny ... anyone who can get 'filthy' rich on that business model shouldn't be punished, they should be studied and emulated.

But, Devil's advocate here ... how ... precisely ... has Google manipulated me to use their search engine? What is stopping me from typing in Bing or any of other search engines? Choosing a search engine is 100% free-choice.
Emulated? People are duped into thinking they are getting the most relevant sources they search for an you want to emulate that business model? You are corrupt so we shall never agree.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.

Why you always hatin' on us and trying to get in our wallets.
Because, y'all are not, "harassing the right wing" to end the drug war.
Please are there any normal people here? People that pay taxes who are sick of the elites that are getting giant tax cuts!!

I don't pay enough in taxes to get, more than just political.

My point is, why does the right wing still blame the poor for being poor, when "the rich" are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, by Institutional means.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.

Why you always hatin' on us and trying to get in our wallets.
Because, y'all are not, "harassing the right wing" to end the drug war.

I am not pro drug war brahj.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
Because we have massive debt, and wealthiest are benefiting the most.

We can discuss ending the inheritance tax once we solve simple poverty, and have no massive debt.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Good news!
Git 'er done!
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.
The reason you leftists ALWAYS interpret across the board tax breaks as giving money to the rich is because you feel entitled to it to spend the way you see fit. The government spends way too much and needs to be weened off of our wallets.
All political talk and no political action? End the Drug War right wingers!
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy
Funny how people who don't pay taxes bitches that they don't get any money when taxes are cut. What a bunch of whiney ass bitches. If you want a tax break, get off your fucking ass, and get a job like the rest of US. If you don't like it here, go to Cuba, and enjoy the Socialist Utopian Paradise where everyone is equal, equally poor and equally miserable, except the Castro's who liberal elites always get the billions.

View attachment 135961

Another wealthy one that probably does not pay taxes.
I pay more taxes than you, also, I know of many tax loopholes that the liberals use when they want to avoid taxes. Doesn't make me crooked, but makes me a hell of a lot smarter than lazy scholbs like you. But once again, you have to have worked for the money to make money, not have the liberals take my money and give it to you in an EBT card.

Every link is from your liberals, who avoided paying taxes, but made me pay mine. I just found ways not to pay too much.

John Kerry Saves $500,000 By Docking 76-Foot Luxury Yacht Out Of State | HuffPost
Tom Daschle Tax Problem Emerges: UPDATED | HuffPost
Forbes Welcome
Obama's Tax Evasion

Our Ux system of unemployment classification, is just as complicated.

Why not simplify both systems.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

I don't see what the problem is here


Well you must be one of the wealthy, so of course you would not.

Why you always hatin' on us and trying to get in our wallets.
Because, y'all are not, "harassing the right wing" to end the drug war.

I am not pro drug war brahj.
Most of the right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" than to end the drug war.

I no longer take the right wing seriously, when it comes to fiscal responsibility.
Notice that RWNJs are fine with killing the elderly, children, handicapped AND millions of jobs.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Notice how the fucking worthless liberal once again has to resort to the typical liberal talking points? Millions of people have died because of liberals, like Adolph Hitler(6 million Jews), Joseph Stalin(11 million Ukrainians), Mau Zedong(22 million Chinese). Since Abortion on demand, 330,000 babies die each year. Yep, when a liberal says conservatives cause people to die, We the People know who the real killers are.
People are duped into thinking they are getting the most relevant sources they search for an you want to emulate that business model?

People are getting, for free, a world of information at their finger tips. If accuracy and authoritative referencing is your requirement, use LexisNexis, Retina, Medline, PDR, GlobalSpec or any of the hundred or so professional search engines dedicated to specific disciplines and all of which come with hefty subscription rates.

We have a strange quality in this country to see a successful business or person and immediately think they got that way by cheating their customers. McDonald's is the devil to some people and while I don't find their food particularly appetizing, literally billions of people eat there. Because, it's cheap, it's attractively marketed, and when you go into a McDonald's you pretty much know what you're going to get ... very few surprises at a McDonald's. No one has EVER been forced by McDonald's or the government to eat their food ... yet BILLIONS do. If you don't like McDonald's, eat Burger King, Taco Bell, Hardee's, Carl Junior's, or Panda Express.

McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Apple, Google, Amazon, and YKK own huge shares of their markets because they provide some advantage over their competitors. Maybe they were first to market. Maybe they provide a superior product. Maybe they have superior customer service. Maybe they're just so well known that people think of their name first before any of their competitors. Some companies become so associated in the public mind with a product that the company name becomes synonymous with the product ... Xerox, Jacuzzi, Crock Pot, Kleenex, and dozens of others. None of those things are 'cheating'. They are superior business practices.

There have been companies who have used government regulations to become the sole-providers of products and services ... The Central and Union Pacific railroads, pre-1982 A&T, PanAm in the '50s, American Water, and others. These are companies that should be reviled, not successful open-market leaders.
combine that with the tax cut for the elites AKA TrumpCare plan , apparently we do not have a deficit.
Who wants to even pay taxes anymore, I sure don't. If the elites are going to get a double bargain here, they do not need my tax money. There is only so much us middle Americans can take, and this is about it.

The number of individual income tax brackets would shrink from seven to three — 10, 25 and 35 percent — easing the tax burden on most Americans, including the president, although aides did not offer the income ranges for each bracket.

Individual tax rates currently have a ceiling of 39.6 percent and a floor of 10 percent. Most Americans pay taxes somewhere between the two.

The president would eliminate the estate tax and alternative minimum tax, a parallel system that primarily hits wealthier people by effectively limiting the deductions and other benefits available to them — both moves that would richly benefit Mr. Trump. Little is known of Mr. Trump’s tax burden, but one of the small nuggets revealed in the partial release of a 2005 tax return this year was that he paid $31 million under the alternative minimum tax that year.

White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates, Significantly Aiding Wealthy

Let's play a game. Why should there be an estate tax?
Because we have massive debt, and wealthiest are benefiting the most.

We can discuss ending the inheritance tax once we solve simple poverty, and have no massive debt.
We can discuss ending the inheritance tax once we solve simple poverty, and have no massive debt
TO solve poverty you must first get rid of all liberals, because they are the ones keeping people in poverty and enslaved to the government.
  • America has spent more on welfare than defense since 1993.
  • The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history.
Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
Obama Era a new Gilded Age, with Rich Getting Richer, Poor Poorer
Obama Era a new Gilded Age, with Rich Getting Richer, Poor Poorer
U.S. National Debt Clock 2008
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Notice that RWNJs are fine with killing the elderly, children, handicapped AND millions of jobs.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Notice how the fucking worthless liberal once again has to resort to the typical liberal talking points? Millions of people have died because of liberals, like Adolph Hitler(6 million Jews), Joseph Stalin(11 million Ukrainians), Mau Zedong(22 million Chinese). Since Abortion on demand, 330,000 babies die each year. Yep, when a liberal says conservatives cause people to die, We the People know who the real killers are.
Y'all can't tell the difference. How many people died, in the name of Religion.
People are duped into thinking they are getting the most relevant sources they search for an you want to emulate that business model?

People are getting, for free, a world of information at their finger tips. If accuracy and authoritative referencing is your requirement, use LexisNexis, Retina, Medline, PDR, GlobalSpec or any of the hundred or so professional search engines dedicated to specific disciplines and all of which come with hefty subscription rates.
You avoided the point so you could justify your corrupt morals.

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