While Biden bombs Syria (for oil), gas prices climb higher and higher

Joe’s just taking care of his buddies in Big Oil, while proclaiming he’s for protecting the environment. It’s a strategy that works extraordinarily well on his supporters.

You don't know what you are talking about.. You might take a look at WHO owns big oil.
Yeah Joe’s big donors.

Who owns “Big Oil”? The Answer: Chances are it’s “you.” 1 Through mutual fund accounts, IRAs or personal retirement accounts, or a pension plan, Americans invest in oil and natural gas stocks. Only 2.9 percent of industry shares are owned by corporate management and the rest are owned by tens of millions of Americans. 2.
Who Owns Big Oil? - Chevron Advocacy Network #CAN

A big oil propaganda site! I'm sure you will get the truth out of them. :icon_rolleyes:
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
Gas is up over 40% since the election in my area.


The oil business is a BUSINESS. Perhaps you really want socialism.
They do, they give them tax cuts, then they demand the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, let big oil drill on OUR land.
They love "socialism', just as long is it is ALL corporate, then it "bidness'
Joe’s just taking care of his buddies in Big Oil, while proclaiming he’s for protecting the environment. It’s a strategy that works extraordinarily well on his supporters.

You don't know what you are talking about.. You might take a look at WHO owns big oil.
Yeah Joe’s big donors.

Who owns “Big Oil”? The Answer: Chances are it’s “you.” 1 Through mutual fund accounts, IRAs or personal retirement accounts, or a pension plan, Americans invest in oil and natural gas stocks. Only 2.9 percent of industry shares are owned by corporate management and the rest are owned by tens of millions of Americans. 2.
Who Owns Big Oil? - Chevron Advocacy Network #CAN

A big oil propaganda site! I'm sure you will get the truth out of them. :icon_rolleyes:

Fine.. Stay stupid.
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"
Gas is up over 40% since the election in my area.


The oil business is a BUSINESS. Perhaps you really want socialism.
They do, they give them tax cuts, then they demand the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, let big oil drill on OUR land.
They love "socialism', just as long is it is ALL corporate, then it "bidness'

Gasoline is still bargain.. It hasn't kept up with housing, healthcare, education, automobiles, groceries or anything else the past 60 years.. They are just a bunch of dumb babies.
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
But we should expect Trumpers to do this shit for the next 4 years because that is what they always do.....

Aside from COVID; gas prices tanked also because of the pissing contest between Saudi Arabia and Russia......now that has passed and the recovery from COVID is further along; prices rise.....

"Oil prices rose on Tuesday on expectations of a recovery in the global economy after U.S. Senate approval of a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill and on a likely drawdown in crude oil inventory in the United States -- a stronger dollar and receding fears of oil supply disruption from Saudi Arabia after an attack on its oil facilities capped price gains."


Having oil prices drop below $40a barrel is not something US oil companies and their suppliers and vendors celebrated....I thought you Trumpers loved US oil companies??
On April 1 I'm leaving on a five week road trip from Florida to Boston to Seattle to Portland to Boston and back to Florida.

Originally, I was going to rent a Ford Explorer. I like that it's got a lot more room than either my Mercedes or my Chevy Malibu, plus I didn't relish the thought of putting another 10,000 miles on either one of the cars in less than a month and a half.

With the cost of gas continuing to rise, however, I've all but scrapped the idea of renting and will drive the Malibu. It gets much better MPG (about 35mpg) than the Explorer, and that's become a very major consideration.

I'd have stayed with the idea of renting had gas prices not become so elevated so quickly...
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.

My God you're stupid. So according to you, Republicans can do any hypocrisy and just blame it on that you said you wanted that.

What's that noise? Ah, we changed parties, your standard flipped ...
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
I didn't say Biden is bombing Syria for oil...

I said for those who claim Biden is bombing Syria for oil (LIKE THE OP DID) -- why not this same energy when Trump continued the war in Yemen (like the president before him) -- all for oil
Gas is up over 40% since the election in my area.


The oil business is a BUSINESS. Perhaps you really want socialism.
They do, they give them tax cuts, then they demand the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, let big oil drill on OUR land.
They love "socialism', just as long is it is ALL corporate, then it "bidness'

Gasoline is still bargain.. It hasn't kept up with housing, healthcare, education, automobiles, groceries or anything else the past 60 years.. They are just a bunch of dumb babies.
This is why you kill each other. And drag others in.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

For starters, Syria doesn't have any oil . Their fields went into steep decline in 1996 and what little they have is still garbage. Its hardly fit for asphalt. Syria is a net IMPORTER of oil. There is oil in the Golan Heights, but Israel took that when they destroyed 67 Druze villages.

There is also a glut of oil available so there's no need to drill on Federal lands. The trick NOW is to keep the ppb high enough so domestic producers don't go out of business.

There are several thousand shallow wells in the Gulf of Mexico, but companies like BP can't be trusted with deep water drilling.

I believe we are protecting Erbil in the Kurdish zone.

Right and Erbil is in Iraq. Iraq has plenty of quality crude oil.

It is the major oil hub in Northern Iraq. It is where we stopped the ISIS advance too.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
This isn't about politicians taking care of their buddies in Big Oil...this is about making the price of gas at the pump so expensive that electric cars make sense. You can't make that happen with two dollar a gallon gas but you can with four dollar a gallon gas. So that's what the left has planned for us. It shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
I didn't say Biden is bombing Syria for oil...

I said for those who claim Biden is bombing Syria for oil (LIKE THE OP DID) -- why not this same energy when Trump continued the war in Yemen (like the president before him) -- all for oil

Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
I didn't say Biden is bombing Syria for oil...

I said for those who claim Biden is bombing Syria for oil (LIKE THE OP DID) -- why not this same energy when Trump continued the war in Yemen (like the president before him) -- all for oil

I prefer graphs that are sourced with context......
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
This isn't about politicians taking care of their buddies in Big Oil...this is about making the price of gas at the pump so expensive that electric cars make sense. You can't make that happen with two dollar a gallon gas but you can with four dollar a gallon gas. So that's what the left has planned for us. It shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

No it's not.. The ppb needs to be above $60 to keep going and last years demand was miniscule.

This is NOT a conspiracy or a scheme to get anyone to convert to electric cars.
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
I didn't say Biden is bombing Syria for oil...

I said for those who claim Biden is bombing Syria for oil (LIKE THE OP DID) -- why not this same energy when Trump continued the war in Yemen (like the president before him) -- all for oil

I prefer graphs that are sourced with context......

Good. Me too. This is far more accurate anyway.

Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all

There are thousands of American civilians in Dhahran, Dammam, Khobar and Ras Tanura and KSA produces 10 million bpd.. Syria has no oil.. Its apples and oranges.
The point is......if one is going to claim that Biden is bombing countries for oil (Altho Syria has very little) -- they should have kept that same energy when Trump sent US troops for the explicit purpose of protecting "ANOTHER COUNTRY'S OIL SUPPLY"

Oil is not the reason Biden bombed Syria.. 75,000 barrels a day of sludge is not worth anything.

Trump was grandstanding about KSA. The military has NO presence in the Saudi oilfields. He did stuff for headlines and dramatic effect. He never actually thought about what he was dong.
I didn't say Biden is bombing Syria for oil...

I said for those who claim Biden is bombing Syria for oil (LIKE THE OP DID) -- why not this same energy when Trump continued the war in Yemen (like the president before him) -- all for oil

I prefer graphs that are sourced with context......

Good. Me too. This is far more accurate anyway.

I am going to chalk up your failure to get my point to a lack of word comprehension.....

Please show me in my previous comments where I said "I BELIEVE BIDEN IS BOMBING SYRIA FOR OIL"

I'll wait....

On April 1 I'm leaving on a five week road trip from Florida to Boston to Seattle to Portland to Boston and back to Florida.

Originally, I was going to rent a Ford Explorer. I like that it's got a lot more room than either my Mercedes or my Chevy Malibu, plus I didn't relish the thought of putting another 10,000 miles on either one of the cars in less than a month and a half.

With the cost of gas continuing to rise, however, I've all but scrapped the idea of renting and will drive the Malibu. It gets much better MPG (about 35mpg) than the Explorer, and that's become a very major consideration.

I'd have stayed with the idea of renting had gas prices not become so elevated so quickly...

Take a look at this graph re: Syrian Oil Production 1960-2021


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