Where is the Tea Party?

WASHINGTON The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests. U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
Obviously we need more spending....rrrigghttttt
Countries where nearly everyone is white or Oriental have a racial advantage over us. They get better results with less money, and they always will. American efforts to close the race gap have been expensive failures. I think we should stop trying.
It's not the concept of taxes that is/was the issue.
It's the excessive and growing amount of taxes, and the inefficient and wasteful ways they are "spent".
The New Deal taxed rich whites to help middle class and working class whites. The results were beneficial. Consequently they were politically sustainable. The Great Society taxed middle class and working class whites to help lower class blacks. The result has been increases in black social pathology. Black academic performance has improved little, despite expensive spending programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind. The tax revolt, which began with the passing of Proposition 13 in California in 1978, and which elected Reagan in 1980 and re elected him in 1984 may be seen as a tax revolt against President Johnson's War on Poverty. Since the War on Poverty was declared in 1964 we have learned that social reform and social welfare spending cannot solve social problems that are caused by personal deficiencies.

The problems of the inner city are caused by the fact that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the requirements of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa cause many Negroes to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
The New Deal taxed rich whites to help middle class and working class whites. The results were beneficial. Consequently they were politically sustainable. The Great Society taxed middle class and working class whites to help lower class blacks. The result has been increases in black social pathology. Black academic performance has improved little, despite expensive spending programs like Head Start and No Child Left Behind. The tax revolt, which began with the passing of Proposition 13 in California in 1978, and which elected Reagan in 1980 and re elected him in 1984 may be seen as a tax revolt against President Johnson's War on Poverty. Since the War on Poverty was declared in 1964 we have learned that social reform and social welfare spending cannot solve social problems that are caused by personal deficiencies.

The problems of the inner city are caused by the fact that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the requirements of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy. Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa cause many Negroes to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
I was agreeing with you on your first paragraph, but strongly disagree on the second one, which sounds very racist to me and inaccurate.

If it was a matter of inherent genetic deficiency than how explain such recent examples like Thomas Sowell or Ben Carson. Or the other intelligent thinkers and inventors among Negro Americans prior to the mid 20th century.

My perspective is that it is the increasing absence of fathers and a 'welfare' system where benfits increase with number of children, hence promoting promiscuous birthings that would seem to be two major factors. Increasing acceptance of rapp music with anti-social and anti law enforcement focus and message also increases the problems of the "inner city", which has spread to outer suburbs as well.
I was agreeing with you on your first paragraph, but strongly disagree on the second one, which sounds very racist to me and inaccurate.

If it was a matter of inherent genetic deficiency than how explain such recent examples like Thomas Sowell or Ben Carson. Or the other intelligent thinkers and inventors among Negro Americans prior to the mid 20th century.

My perspective is that it is the increasing absence of fathers and a 'welfare' system where benfits increase with number of children, hence promoting promiscuous birthings that would seem to be two major factors. Increasing acceptance of rapp music with anti-social and anti law enforcement focus and message also increases the problems of the "inner city", which has spread to outer suburbs as well.
I have never said that all Negroes have low IQ's. Nevertheless, with an average IQ of 85, the Negro IQ bell curve is moved to the left, and a much smaller percentage of Negroes than whites are in the gifted range.

Tea Party laid the groundwork for MAGA and Q

Just a place for crazies to hang out
That's idiotic. The tea party was simply a spontaneous grass roots movement which was created by ordinary people who were opposed to increases in tax rates
That's idiotic. The tea party was simply a spontaneous grass roots movement which was created by ordinary people who were opposed to increases in tax rates
The message of the Tea Party was: do not raise my taxes; do not cut government spending programs that benefit me; balance the budget. Republican politicians can win elections promising to do that. Oone cannot do that.
Yes, that's what your masters want you to believe.

Needless to say, you were manipulated. Not that it was difficult.

What are you talking about? The tea party was just a spontaneous thing which happened because of then current tax policy proposals. Taxed Enough Already.

It was never intended to be an element of any existing political party.

There was no manipulation. There was no deep and dark conspiracy surrounding the tea party.
Tea Party laid the groundwork for MAGA and Q

Just a place for crazies to hang out
This is actually, at odds with reality.

The caucus was formed in January 2015 by a group of conservatives and Tea Party movement members,[6][7] with the aim of pushing the Republican leadership to the right.[2]

Trump vs. the Freedom Caucus​

In Carteret County North Carolina there is a very powerful Tea Party. They win every local election and Carteret County has the lowest property tax in the State of North Carolina. Otherwise the Tea Party has fizzled out in my area.

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