Where is all the right wing support for this kid

You fucking retard, he was in his own home, a GD school has zero say what happens there. What's next, suspending kids for having a non-PC book on their shelf, a prescription bottle on their nightstand or a poster on the wall some snowflake teacher takes exception to?

Your comment is beyond ignorant.

It is you who is the fucking retard and doesn't understand anything about school polices.

I never said I agreed with it.

But, I am capable of understanding what it is.

If you don't like it .... go lobby your own fucking public school districts to change the Zero Tolerance Policies.

But, that's too much work for a lil' snowflake like yourself isn't it.

You'd rather post single digit IQ ignorant shit on a public forum.
We should have "zero tolerance" for Libtard assholes in position of authority that don't understand the principles that built this country.
I believe that policy already exist for most of us.

Lot of good it has done ......
You fucking retard, he was in his own home, a GD school has zero say what happens there. What's next, suspending kids for having a non-PC book on their shelf, a prescription bottle on their nightstand or a poster on the wall some snowflake teacher takes exception to?

Your comment is beyond ignorant.

It is you who is the fucking retard and doesn't understand anything about school polices.

I never said I agreed with it.

But, I am capable of understanding what it is.

If you don't like it .... go lobby your own fucking public school districts to change the Zero Tolerance Policies.

But, that's too much work for a lil' snowflake like yourself isn't it.

You'd rather post single digit IQ ignorant shit on a public forum.

The Fourth Amendment is the law.

So, for that matter, is the Second Amendment. And the Fifth Amendment.

It's amusing when left wrong-wing filth such as yourself pay empty lip service to the rule of law, in defense of blatantly violating the rule of law.
I am not a Leftist.

I never even said I agreed with this.

But, this ain't rocket science.

Ar least not for most.

Zero Tolerance Policies were implemented after Columbine in 1994.

This is not anything new.

He wasn't in a school building or a freaking bus. I guess you think the 4th Amendment is optional for schools.

But, I am capable of understanding what it is.

We real Americans don't understand silly stupid ass zero tolerance policies.

The reason we have those stupid polices is because of all the minorities that get in trouble so the administrations enact ZTPs so as not to be accused of racism.

You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is convoluted alright..can't buy one but you can own one..makes a lot of sense.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is a little convoluted. Kid can't buy a gun but he can own one..makes a lotta sense. It was probably meant to address this sad statistic..The Facts on Children and Teens Killed By Guns
You fucking retard, he was in his own home, a GD school has zero say what happens there. What's next, suspending kids for having a non-PC book on their shelf, a prescription bottle on their nightstand or a poster on the wall some snowflake teacher takes exception to?

Your comment is beyond ignorant.

It is you who is the fucking retard and doesn't understand anything about school polices.

I never said I agreed with it.

But, I am capable of understanding what it is.

If you don't like it .... go lobby your own fucking public school districts to change the Zero Tolerance Policies.

But, that's too much work for a lil' snowflake like yourself isn't it.

You'd rather post single digit IQ ignorant shit on a public forum.

Of course you agree with it or you wouldn't be making an ass of yourself trying to defend it. He wasn't in ANY LOCATION THE SCHOOL HAS AUTHORITY OVER.

You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is convoluted alright..can't buy one but you can own one..makes a lot of sense.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is a little convoluted. Kid can't buy a gun but he can own one..makes a lotta sense. It was probably meant to address this sad statistic..The Facts on Children and Teens Killed By Guns
Kids can't own guns.

That's a really stupid comment.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is convoluted alright..can't buy one but you can own one..makes a lot of sense.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
Law is a little convoluted. Kid can't buy a gun but he can own one..makes a lotta sense. It was probably meant to address this sad statistic..The Facts on Children and Teens Killed By Guns
Kids can't own guns.

That's a really stupid comment.
Okay..possess..(rolls eyes)
Of course you agree with it or you wouldn't be making an ass of yourself trying to defend it. He wasn't in ANY LOCATION THE SCHOOL HAS AUTHORITY OVER.

It obvious that Zero Tolerance Policies are not the only thing you are incapable of understanding.

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