Where is all the right wing support for this kid

Wow, you just used the key word, the "child". He did something almost any child would do and the supposed fucking adults over reacted. All his teacher should have done is say, would you please put that in your closet? The real problem is in the age of the commie snowflake, adults aren't acting like adults.

I know this will come to as a shocker to you single digit IQ folks but, even children understand the no tolerance policies.

Well ..... 99.9% of them at least.
The child was not at school. Pretending that a virtual class is the same as physically being at school, is stupid. Any rule that does that, is stupid.
Well ......

That's your opinion.

And, a stupid one at that

Also, 100% of public school districts in this Country disagree with that opinion.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

Who cares about his color. Why do you racist libs always have to bring up color? Of course this is Yahoo news, one of the leaders of racism and division. I hope they nail this school district into oblivion. The school has no right to be spying through zoom.
Because the implication is that had the kid been white the parents would have probably got a courtesy phone call and that would have been the end of it.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

Who cares about his color. Why do you racist libs always have to bring up color? Of course this is Yahoo news, one of the leaders of racism and division. I hope they nail this school district into oblivion. The school has no right to be spying through zoom.
Because the implication is that had the kid been white the parents would have probably got a courtesy phone call and that would have been the end of it.

No, that happened already with a white kid and the school sent police to his house.
Because the implication is that had the kid been white the parents would have probably got a courtesy phone call and that would have been the end of it.

Whether the implication regarding different children being treated differently because of race is true or not; even that would have been an unacceptable overstep on the part of the school.

Whether one of their students has a BB gun in his own room, in his own private home, is NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSS!

What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?
Our schools are run by morons. The kid had the BB gun in his room, and they expelled him?
The child picked up the gun a put on his desk for all on the video conference to see.

Not a smart move.

In this new world of virtual realities, it comes with all new rules.

I would think not having your sister naked in the back ground would also be a good idea while attending such conferences.

New rules have to be explicitly stated to hold someone accountable for them.
Who cares about his color. Why do you racist libs always have to bring up color?

Because they're Racist Libs of course.

Of course this is Yahoo news, one of the leaders of racism and division.

Yahoo news is definitely Leftist propaganda and Bullshit.

But, the story originated from The Root.

An even more vile bastion of Leftist Racial Hatred and Intolerance.

I hope they nail this school district into oblivion.

Not gonna happen.

All public school districts who accept federal money have adopted these Zero Tolerance Policies.

Opinions aside ... the school was following protocol.

The school has no right to be spying through zoom.
I'm pretty sure if the student is logging in to a public school format it can't be considered spying.
Who cares about his color. Why do you racist libs always have to bring up color?

Because they're Racist Libs of course.

Of course this is Yahoo news, one of the leaders of racism and division.

Yahoo news is definitely Leftist propaganda and Bullshit.

But, the story originated from The Root.

An even more vile bastion of Leftist Racial Hatred and Intolerance.

I hope they nail this school district into oblivion.

Not gonna happen.

All public school districts who accept federal money have adopted these Zero Tolerance Policies.

Opinions aside ... the school was following protocol.

The school has no right to be spying through zoom.
I'm pretty sure if the student is logging in to a public school format it can't be considered spying.

If theyre reporting peoples private property, they're spying. The school has no authority or right to do that.
Because the implication is that had the kid been white the parents would have probably got a courtesy phone call and that would have been the end of it.
That's not an implication.

That's a Leftist Racist Delusions.

Zero Tolerance Polices apply to ALL Races and Ethnicity.
Whether the implication regarding different children being treated differently because of race is true or not; even that would have been an unacceptable overstep on the part of the school.

Whether one of their students has a BB gun in his own room, in his own private home, is NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSS!

What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?
When the kid flashed the gun for all to see IT MADE IT THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSS!
Whether one of their students has a BB gun in his own room, in his own private home, is NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSS!

What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?
When the kid flashed the gun for all to see IT MADE IT THEIR FUCKING BUSINESSS!

He picked it up off the floor, because it had become a tripping hazard, and put it on his desk.

So what?

It's his own home, his own room, his own BB gun, and his own desk.

His own business, not the school's.

Keep in mind that he has not brought anything into the classroom, which would be the school's turf; but rather, the school system has forced him to let them put the classroom into his private space. This does not give them any authority whatsoever to dictate what perfectly-legal items he may have in that space.
You would think the gun freaks would be up in arms over this..it was only a BB gun but still..After Black Child Was Suspended for Having BB Gun at Home, Louisiana Lawmakers Move to Help Him Appeal

I say we start a Gofundme page to buy the poor kid a real gun. Maybe a Hi-Point or a Glock Fo-tay.

You in?
He's not old enough to own a gun. When he becomes of age and has a clean record, sure why not.

Most states allow any age to have possession of a firearm. They can't buy one or carry one but they can have possession of one. Especially in the home under parental supervision.

I gave two of my newphews AR-15s when the were 16 years old. There was no law against them having the guns but they couldn't have bought one.

A few of the filthy ass Communist States have oppressive laws about a firearm being locked up but Louisiana is not one of them.
He picked it up off the floor, because it had become a tripping hazard, and put it on his desk.

First of all .... it doesn't matter why he did it.

That would be irrelevant.

It violates the Zero Tolerance Policies.

It's his own home, his own room, his own BB gun, and his own desk.

His own business, not the school's.

Keep in mind that he has not brought anything into the classroom, which would be the school's turf; but rather, the school system has forced him to let them put the classroom into his private space. This does not give them any authority whatsoever to dictate what perfectly-legal items he may have in that space.
It is his own home.

But, during a virtual visit, what is visible in that screen becomes an extension of the school.

Just like riding home on the bus is an extension of the school.

This isn't rocket science.

I can understand disagreeing with it ... but it is not anything new.
The Fourth Amendment is the law.

So, for that matter, is the Second Amendment. And the Fifth Amendment.

It's amusing when left wrong-wing filth such as yourself pay empty lip service to the rule of law, in defense of blatantly violating the rule of law.
I am not a Leftist.

I never even said I agreed with this.

But, this ain't rocket science.

Ar least not for most.

Zero Tolerance Policies were implemented after Columbine in 1994.

This is not anything new.
Wow, you just used the key word, the "child". He did something almost any child would do and the supposed fucking adults over reacted. All his teacher should have done is say, would you please put that in your closet? The real problem is in the age of the commie snowflake, adults aren't acting like adults.

I know this will come to as a shocker to you single digit IQ folks but, even children understand the no tolerance policies.

Well ..... 99.9% of them at least.

You fucking retard, he was in his own home, a GD school has zero say what happens there. What's next, suspending kids for having a non-PC book on their shelf, a prescription bottle on their nightstand or a poster on the wall some snowflake teacher takes exception to?


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